HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 111, August 19, 1947.,ater Lain North 34th NO. .111 Proceedtnas of Board of Connnias lone ra City of Paducah Au­uat 13th 1947 At a Regular meeting of the Board of Commisaloners held in the Conmiiosioners' h Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.W. on Auzust 19, 1947 ii I:iayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, 'Williams and Mayor Seaton (4), Commiusioner Johnston being absent (1). L6 lanutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Layer Seaton offered the follov:inr motion: Noel H. Pool, owner of property located at 649 North 34th Street, Ernest i7. ."lilkerson, pwner of property at 653 North 34th Street, '.arvin B. Gish, oviter of property at 619 North 34th Street, Floyd Oldham, owner of property at 629 North 34th Street, Vernon Swinney, owner of a vacant lot facing North 34th Street and between Central Avenue and the fines Road, Mrs. Mamie Fatty, owner of property at 651 North 34th Street, and Fred W. Earhart, owner of +four vacant lots, file with the Mayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, represent- ing that each of the above named parties is the ovmer of the respective property referred to in said petition; and said parties petition the ':ayor and Board of Commissioners for the extension of a 6" water gain on North 34th Street from Central i Avenue to the Pines Road, a distance of approximately 1200 feet. Petitioner Vernon Swinney ovines a vacant lot and has paid to the Paducah .",ater :Yorks ^18.00 plus the utility tax of 54Y, being the minimum charge for one lot for a period of two years. Petitioner Fred 17. Earhart is the owner of four vacant lots and has paid to the Iaducah 7rater '..orks the sum of x72.00 plus the utility tax of 2.16 beiriC the minimum charge for four lots for a period of two years from the completion of the laying of said water main. It appears from the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah 'later Tlorks that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and require- -lents. I therefore, move that the petition of Noel H. Pool, and others, be received and 0! filed and that the Paducah ;later Works, through its noard of Cot;kaissioners, be authoriz� to extend a 6" water main along North 34th .`:trout from Central Avenue to the Pines Road is distance of a,,^nroximataly 1200 foot, so as 1•o provide water service to the above described property on North 34th Street. k4 I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the ,rantinr, of the request contained in said notition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Fa111100h to pay the fire h1drant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise, on th., pipe ling and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin when i said wat-�Ir a1in has tr_en 1,311 and water provided for on said section of i:orth 34th k .tree t. 1d0pt0d on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Silas, :Illllamsl land Yayor Renton (4). 1 i'ines Road Rater mein y Mayor 30aton offered the followin motion: Robert N. iulligan, owner of a houso i 35th to :_ttt an2 '_0t lacated at 3:n^.: :Ino:toad an,i i.on:,io Connor and _'ons, owner of four lots locate3 at 3cr6 Irlea E0a<?, 35`1 .1"3 Roast, 35121 Plnos Road and 3529 [lines :;end, file i With the ::a;ar ane -oard of rxJmisalonora a pctltion, repreaentin3 that each of the nb0ve , ; •brtles Ie the owner of the rns;,ective Fvorerty referred t0 in sai<,i 1�otlti0ri; and ae' . ^a t e a rr ani ;;card 0t C,rrjl:ainnnrs for the extension of a S" Water 3:Yth .;rrt3P.t to .,"th street, a iista nce of arproxiratel;l p70p-:rt,• an! hAva ,ald to the 7,dcah ',s ter ! ca ..., _.. ._ ,. .. .... ut_.ity tax of .!>. 112 Proceedings of r^.grd of r —t :,n t nn rs City of Paducah a,,:;- r. 1 e, 1 C1c7 atreed rental for four lots for a period of trio years from th^ corApletion of the laying] of said ;rater main. It a -pears from th^ ondorsem3nt by the Loard of Commissioners of the laducah ',later '.7orks that said re•-ueat and petition comply with the franchise provisions and requiremeIn I therefore, move that the petition of Robert N. Mulligan and others, be received and filed and that the Paducah :':star .'forks, through its Board of Commissioners, be authorized to extend a o" water main along Pines Road from 35th Street to 36th Street, a distance of approximately 500 feet, so as to provide water service to the above descril property on Pines Road. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the ;,ranting of the request I, contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise, on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin when said crater main has been laid and water provided for on said section of Pines Road. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,' Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). ter rain / l:ayor Seaton offered motion that the petition of the Paducah Broadcasting Company 8th 3t ✓ be received and filed and that the request contained in said petition be granted Subject to all conditions and limitations names in said petition, it being specifically under- stood that neither the City of Paducah nor its Commissioners of Zater Tlorka guarantee pressure or water service through said pipe lines and that nothing in the granting of said rftition shall be construed now or hereafter as an obligation on the part of the City of Paducah to buy or maintain said pipe lines or any part thereof. The :rater service to be furnished shall be permitted only in accordance with all the rules and rerulntions now in force or hereafter adopted for the sa).e and consumptio r of water by parsons residing outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, and said ser Vice may be discontinued at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of k Tater ;"corks the furnishing of :rater to residents outside the city of Paducah or throug 1 the Pipe lines referred to in the petition interferes with the adequate supplying of water to persons inside the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Corvniznlonera 7r±edl.:,ndor, Zinn, ,%illiams and luayor Seaton (4). , Yrs. H.W. p Corn!nsloner '31'13 offered motion that the City of Paducah settle by compromise Kattarjohn j11ettlearnt the chic made by P.'rJ. H. '3. Fatterjohn for recovery of damages on account of injuries of eInim for '18nar9n rocolved by her when slle stopped into a ditch in the street at 2814 Clara; Street, and tnat the sur. ofZOO-CO tr, Noir' in sett,lem^_nt of said claim when Yrs. Katterjohn has 1 •nl=,her: the r:ity of Padpcah with a full release. Adopted on call of the Roll, loas,l ger;^i s toners . rledlandor, .aims, .Sills oa ,... :'r yor Seaton (4). i :in3 offered notion th:t. t.. .n; -,ort of the City of Paducall :,:unicipal i9%." ....,...r.• sicn for th•! math Of duly, 1947, ,arm FYHA 021 tl x 'PiLle V. Houoing at n racoi:e ar.9 Adr,ptod or, call of the l:oll., Yeas, Com- i:'31:n rs .r'a•al:;r.ler, .alae, .•illtaca art: ::a;or ::eatr,n (4). Ce-sCer? 1.. !-arrr aa�-n lfforf-d r..tion •.rnt. the ^,ity ,,. ?aiucah accont ttse ot'fer Pf i.r. .. t'ra. -_ic,y, ,.r., to th-- .3:r; n:' ,lr:.'C- .;r the nore.hna(j of Let 15 in :lPe'c 1 on the a°* er,:' a .:ct xal:.Wjj nF.Or the north en P. .. LeLn•,en ;;:st:±n^ Street nr6 ;,venae ._.:3:.. .-...'-'.1*.:t�, ,^_ ,,,, et a�. ra ^e-._ era,, an+: tY,a*. the Cly:y Slar)c ^all of the Poll n NO. 113 Proceedingsof Eoard of Commiss loners CilpofPadacah August 19th, 1947 Fousing Co= ✓ Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the letter of S.E.Mitchell, cease payments in lieu of taxes Executive Director of the City of Paducah 11,unicipal ilousing Commission, in which he advises that said commission will no longer be permitted to make payments to the City in lieu of taxes, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ,I Commlrsioners Friedlander, Sims, ''Nilliams and Glayor Seaton (4). Reappoint 2bra �� tlayor Seaton made the following appointment: The term of office of Tom Reed Reed Park Board as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners (white) having expired on August 11, 194 I hereby reappoint the said Tom Reed to serve as a member of said board for a further jterm of five (5) years beginning August 11, 1947. I; :7ayne C. Seaton _ MayorApprove appointmelL of Tom Reed. Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the action of the Ptayor by appointing Tom Reed to serve as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners (white) for a further term of five (5) years beginning lAugust 11, 1947, so that said board as now constituted shall be composed of the Jfollowing members: Ii G. BDonoho whose term expires August 11, 1948 Louis Kirchoff whose term expires August 11, 1949 Charles A. Vandevelde whose term expires August 11, 1950 Luther Carson whose term expires August 11, 1951, and Tom Reed whose term expires August 11, 1952 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Ylilliams and iMayor Seaton (4). Street light Commissioner Friedlander offered the following motion: VI.J.Lawrence having Leiberman St requested that a street light be installed in the vicinity of 731 Leiberman Street, - I move that the City Manager be instructed to make a investigation and if it is found that a street light is needed at this location that he be further instructed to have sane installed. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, illiams and '.'.ayor Seaton (4). 1 hour parking :,ayor Seaton offered motion that the supplemental report of the City Manager 7roadwr �y 1st to 2nd-1etter of _-'alth reference to the question as to the advisability of enforcing the one hour parking obday imitation on Broadway between First and Second Streets be received and filed and that *,ce police department be instructed to enforce the provialona of the ordinance under ^--Ich persons are prohibited from lairking a longer period than one hour in that area. Alopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, -ims, "Nillfsma and Mayor ;oaton (4). St-sn ?miler Corr;issioner aims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AG ORDINAiICE City i:all D. HAAI1AN IN TRE SUP: OF ;;•2,540.60 FOR 711E tUH!'IIASE AND ^- • -• TL':R ' OR '11PE REATIPIG 05' THS CITU BALL LU1LD12iG AND TilL ARACE, AUTHOPILING R".IE hA'iOR, FOR AID Oil 2cilALi 1 A CONTRACT 50:1 THE PURCHAJ-2 AND IN::TA1.1A•fIO:I OF I'rIC.1; AILD COIMITIOI13 TO LL CONTAINED IN . ce adopted. dnptod on coli of the Roll, Yeas, Commtiaslonors ms,-11.1L"na and I'synr ::eaten (4). -'3Y/ cnn aaicn-n- ens lffered ., ^.fico that, an ordinance entitled- "Ac! OP+ L':A::CL' a.. AI(E3 '1(" ._.. CHAIr)'3!. -Gil A MIAL 1'E1P16D O .aVEN (7) '{ ...... ....a01 DA .,..sllA.R'f, L' ,:OING c'U3INE:i3 L'II'. TO 'FIE ,ER:2 Of At: O:.DI'7A:J _O C _.. .. ...•-.. �. . -:= CITY OF FA.riU AH, KE:I:UCKY, J. sRATZ PLO:OR .... :. .-. ._ �- CIT! 0 PADUCAH A:'D 114 Proceedtnasof °oard of Cor,missioners City of Paducah August 19, i947 FIXING THE TERM ACS CONDITIONS OF THE EXIMCISE OF SAID GRANTr, 1-MICH ORDINANCE I K119.7IN AS Q,:OTOR BUS FRANCHISE CIO. 2V WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF CObII:IISSIONER' S ON FEBRUARY 1st, 1944; PROViDINC FOR TIU PREPARATION OF AN AUDIT AFTER THE INCREASE IN FARES HAS BEEN I1I E. FECT FM A PERIOD OF SIX (0) I:OCITHS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENABLING THE BOARD OF CGi:dISSIONERS TO DETERMINE THE AI„OUNT OF TILE CHARGES FOR BUS TRANSPORTATIOI —iICH ::OULD BE FAIR AM REASONABLE; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, FOR AND Oil BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, TO ENTER INTO A SUPPLEMMITARY CONTRACT WITH THE SAID MARY DERONDA STE17ART, INCREASING THE FARES TO BE CHARGED FOR BUS SERVICE AS PROVIDED HEREIN; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERNS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SAID ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE MADE DURINJ SAID PERIOD", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Fransfcr„ Commissioner 71illiams offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ^as AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHICH :'TILL NOT BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED UNDER THE AFFORTIONMEN T ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI-MISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN THE YEAR 1947 FOR OTHER GOVERNIMITAL PURPOSES, AND SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT OF FUNDS SO TRANSFERRED FROM EACH ACCOUNT UNDER THE APPORTIOTMEN T ORDINANCE OF 1947 AND THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH SUCH TRANSFERRED FUNDS ?PILL BE USED", be adopted. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, llilliams and Mlayor Seaton (4). -Soft Drinh / C6mmiasioner Friedlander offered the following motion: It appearing that filling license ✓ at filling station operators who are also engaged in the business of selling soft drinks were stations no penalty not advised on January 1, 1947, the date on which occupational license tax became due for 1947, that a separate license tax was dtze and payable to the City of Paducah for th r privilege of engaging in the business of selling soft drinks at filling stations, and their failure to pay said tax is not the result of any fault on their part; I move that all operators of filling stationswho sell soft drinks at said stations be permitted to obtain a license for the privilege of selling soft drinks without being required to pay a penalty, and that the City Treasm-er refund to those filling station operators who have purchased a soft drink license for the year 1947 the penalty paid by them. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Commissionors Friedlander, S1 -is Jillisms and !:eyor Seaton (4). ^r. •-otion the meeting ndjournod. 1347 Al PROVED 1 —.z U�.14fs...• ih✓ ,.. Ly