HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 108, August 12, 1947Proceedings of 7 City ofPaducah 0 t ,,, 'orninnionro held In the 1! :'7!1l' ntu-Y' nt 7:3C O'clocic T'.. on 194 7 -in. urian call of the 'olj the folio,,-.-in7 ano,.'Ored to tt")Ir names: Johnston, Sine, .-Illlo= anc], 1'.nyor',caton _autos zov meetin- neva adopted as road. petition sl�n u ..Miamz offered notion that the od 1 ly C 5 : r ppas and requestin- that the one hour parllarC limit, remain in effect on :.r,)ndviay between Ist and Ind 3treeto be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, :loners 7rlcllnnder, Johnston, Sins, 71illiams and a -for ..eaton (5). V 2 -ed motion that the statement on account of John D. c. loner :,Irladlsnder offered 7 i ^jt,: alcoholic :overage Aminiztrator, in the num of 100.00 for service rittendin, he3r1n,.s before the .,lcoholic 3.overaze Control :oard at lj^ received rind filed, that the payment of said account bo al,prov, 3� - ty :'nnft�er and City Treasurer be authorized to iosue to the said John Di n c!,oc` for 100.00 in payment for the no-vicon do3crlbod in s-1,01 account. or -all of the :'all, Ycas, Conumdzcloncrs Friedlander, Johnston, Gins, _111cr­ ant: :nyor 7caton (5). yr)r 7caton offered notion that the ro.,ort of the City '.:annZer referonce to ^ctlon 'a',en by hin in an effort to eliminate the nuisance caused by offensive t? -,s .lump on Coney :,treat be received and filed. Adopted on call at' the Rol 71 Frleilln-:lcr, Johnston, Nims, Ulliarns and :ayor c3ton (5). --ins!aw3r .3imz: offered motion that an ordinance entitled-. �'540.00 -7, 7, D. Hr'. W: .1 'ITY on ol ions: Johnston, ^t an ordinc-nno ontlticd: 1:1, 71111.1' 0 NO 'Proceedings of "'' 1 ° '' ,i "O`' '' Cily of Paducah ] 7 77 ,ohr....:•n, .._.,o, ..4111-1'r ai. -:i,')_' ;caton o:_:issione. ill.lims I nolion that tl.n City c+.0 !:c rilothods e 1, ly; ! t )tlior cities to abate the wUur.•. �I n t..:dy F:aa been wdo that a smoke control ordinance L,) ^ -ep^rod Por car_:,^ration y the :oard of Colanissionero, .-id or:_: ____ :'-_t owners of horses and ararbi.ont houses containin,, less than four apartments from the calllnliance r.ith its _rovlsions, and that pending, the adoption of such ordininco th,^ ettf r:a Gaffer be requcstn;l to attempt to sectwe the cooperative action of industries, busi.no:is firma, _cant,^,, apartnent o::'nors and railroads to eliminate or s^on ac posslblo the nruucnt )"noxious, wnhealthy rn : expensive conditions caused by--moke. ,-'.opted on ral.l )f the ;oll, 'eas, Cn:: is:;ioners :iota^- r, Johnston, Sins, ,:illtanz cl,.'. .. _ �oat)n (5). ^,o-.-icsinncr Si: 0"...7=ci ,co''ion that an ord'zn^7ic) nt -.L:,:: M.3CT.0.DA', NOV-:-- . :, 1947, TO Di,T.:..a'IE ":IE j __ OUC:i.€ lL1LL ZJ., : JS Od' 3A1� CSTC T; h'iIE I C: _...J...!': PliTY T •OUSA?ID (w50,000.00) .�. =:1,:. 3, .i a'.a.f S4 1iJ PcH::.;T AT .JO i,SD Chi-IIAL'r' (2 l/f ') I p ;O? 1 L.. C ..,. OJ!DI'J tU r __ rc -` r Curt Y• .., a... Illpl'I ALT h 1. i 0111 v I,i.... , _t._.....0 Al L ...._, SL., nC _ ,: "'LOIS Or j, ...... _.. ,,.. .,. _..._.,,, :C' :A l: 1' _ O:t i, .0 0, i J. L .,... :r., cal l m. t.1,e .:a11, , Flo _ _,j:" :;ea ton (5) - ✓/ iare notion that an o'.61n n. 1 ... ii -„ , . l ..- IProceedings of ' " i .a -'n„ r City of Paducah su u::t 1:', 1947 �TPio Ui0:i ...!1CiI :;A 1:) :1DJi..;`i"...,.i'C,; :.o lnt:•o nco', an:' _.:::xis on filo One (1) vrcek for public _. _cct_Dn in :i c:i:_lc!.u„ for:.x in 1-.11ci: It shall bo nut upon ita final paeuago. .3oo'c; on cc1_1 Di ' t:n Boll, Yoas Comilsatoners n,-odlander, dins, •iilliams and ::ajor _ ioncr Johnston 'To". I -n"o:.l:':r_nn^^ 7illiams offored motion that the .,,ctition oiLned by . J. ::orlon a:;., _ �ln that a strect 1iCht to installed at tho intorsoction of rnw-aan ;r^.;.... „n ,al. .ri be i'ece..00t, filed and referred to the City ':ana_-or for investigat ii' It. GOund that a 11 ht 3a necconary at 3a_1 location that the City :•.:inaZor b to have sane instolled. I further r•:o:O that the City i:anager be requested to rW:e an Investi atlon for t.e our,ose of -'eterminin ,wher"r or not Falmer street between Thurman and Aahcraft streets siould be opened and made ava!lable for vehicular traffic and that i submit his rc••ort 9 -id recor_sndationo at the next regular moeting. Adopted on call of the roll, Year,, Corrrniosloners vriedlander, Johnston, alms, •illiams and "a,or sleaton (5). Commisnioner Friedlander o:fered motion that the rcaolution adopted by the _-otric =1ant yoard on July 29, 1947, recuestim- the anpropriation of the 31aa of ].1P f'or the payment of the state -tent of account of L.R.lionson for services .red in the anpraisal of the electric system of the Kentucky Utilities Company ::e received and filed and tfat said sum be -lid to the L:lectric il3nt .oard for that as o o '..,hen tho o;•dinaneo authorizing the transfer of CC00.00 frota !;he .account for -:-'rorty cava orlon, as prov-'ded under the apportionment ovdinan:,e adopted in tiro ye. rho transfer of .2589.29 Peon the eontlnoent fund for sold year, and the transi' 0: too sur.; o_' .1:;51. Li0 for payment of claims and judG-nonts, to the hlec tric i lint r�irnIE;,:er,tin,_ fudds previously aoproprlated to It under Account ::o. 7300, and for eIp,rrcosos, becomes effective. l:doptod on call of the Roll, Yeaa, ^,rcaiasionorO ri-flInnder, Johnston, slims, .Villlams and Mayor 30aton (5). ^�rzi sionc:r ..11linms offered the follo�.Ing motion: 'the �cterana or roreiZn n , ^lied to the -oard of Conminaion^rs for an oxemptlon tram .-n,? re ,_�ecuted a3 re,ruired ':y thO ordinance .... r. ,:! ._ty a:e uacd f3- the loadirtr, and unloadi.n;s of corntva' ,quip- ar u: --ed for the tranaportation of oaf' cgcipm�:n :Oterans of Fore inn '::aro aOcel?e zr .. -..t< .. .. +' ... ,.0 -ust ^v to :,oatar;bcr _ ,L11 n nsOl , .. _'n . - .. , veterans of :brei„nIr•rs co ro :opted an call Oft'no ::o_i , and i nyor ;laat.,n) ,J noii.n the ..^et.-nv a;lj:u'<nf19•