HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 104, August 5, 1947Proceedings of ,.— - City of Paducah
o t:ne ..card ol• Ca•t:.i.::,ioners held in the Currdnsionex•a+
iaducal:, :cntuc'c•y,, nt 7::;0 otclock :. on tlt ,tcL 3, 190,
in the aboonce of ;.layor Joaton and upon call of the
to their nnros: Coli.linsioners Yriedlan,lor, Dims, 'alllams
Jzhnston (h).
of the previous meetin- gore adopted as read.
iy< ^o `.issioncr Sirs offered motion that the :card of Commissioners receive and
:"le t':v c4aa sut^litted b�, :] D. _Iannan for the installation of heatin- faeilitier
_ :'.all, on,? be -!n• an oil lnotallation eostini, +;,369.00 and the othor a atolx
1 inciallation Contin: 25^_0.00, and I further move that the Corporation Counsel
^u.sted to prararo for in+raduction at the., next meeting an ordinance authorizing
_zoutinn of a contract acccptlnR and appro;:ing the nforeoaifi aid of .;2540.00
_ _..c nNation of it now steel boiler for ur.o in connection :•ilLh the p'rosent coal
sto::er, and—ovidin^ in said ordinance the terms and conditions under which said
:ca is ::;•ater.: shall be installed. Adopted in call of the Roll, 'Ioas, Commissioner:
rledlcn•der, ir:a, ':lilliams and :'ayor Protein Johnston (4).
Cormissionor —illiams offered notion that the board of Comminalonera receive
✓ an,! file tco letter of 1:iss :.ary Dorian in which she submits to the City of vadueah
en offor in the silm of ,,425.00 for the purchase of the lot located on mvenue
tet�:ean 19th and '''1st Streets, t:o;,ether with the Soder of the ..ity ;..nna,er,
'.ictor r/ ?:obday, in which he recornends that. the city accept said offer, arfl unat
^.nr-n•m :. _:%C ^oursgl be directed to -:o_are for introduction at the next roFular
n^_ __-..ca an
uthorizi- the nn^a�. of said property to the _ l ::iss
e '_.n . , c
cc. : ]Dated on a:lof the Moll, ns, Connisalonarn ._iedl.andcr•
�iSl._..., n �r r1ter.. J hnr,ton (4).
i .,_,..sx• n :o'.'.on onril oflonC_o Zoeo ..,
.. --7o.. _ _ _ _ '>_ `i: _ ^I•in,. 1 ha cal-, .rove r,.;:accry, for
-.1; , l .. _ _ _ _n - �= l a. '!• . t ce`:'. .<etor Compnr.; .::r t he
e _uil•'.ln' .t! r,• the inont:i ,
Ire +:111'1.•n'. .'nx` the month n" .;uly,
f he 1icc 1:.,:1 "or t:a: .,nSh of Jul;;, .. .
•iodlandor, Lino, .:i111:r-1
.ry action to ti ato she ruinac r,
cc a . ;, al. i '' a c , x :t: be retoiao ilezl in t t1
Proceedings o � r.,-- ,, �- �, ,'3'= . _1: : 7 z':; City of Paducah .41 "! �- -,, 1''.
n :1 !a tid 0 v
L1. .0La n t. Le i,-] --11 t n 2
In.!t-allozI if he finCs it noconaay.; to do so. Ado:) tod on vt . 1 o
Yrledlandcr, _ir.O, .illiarin and !.njov :vDt,,.w Jilincton
Co::,-.ionloner riedlander of-forod motion that toe Corporation ':ounnal prepare Sol.
.,_11:, introduction at Who no -4t ivatin,,, in o.,dinanae au.4horizin.- L:-,, L;o!u t,)
o: a lot located at the corner o. 7th and Uio ou:n o!'
Z0._0, 20.00 to be In each and the balance at U.o rab Of '10.00 our innth
interest. doptcd on call of the 7:oll, Yoas, Co=iin.sionor-,
and ::nli, ivotem Johnston
Al Lot to Fotcm Johnston of'E'evad motion tat the Cor:,oration -Counaol rruparo for
latroluction at the nc;,.t moctin-, an ordinance ailtho-.-i:-.`Ln- tL� sale to !Uly.qq,)s
ind his ;'other, _'twie iarl-er of Lnta 7 "- 8 in 1,loc': ^ (Z:,OxlOC foot) on " :oosevelt
:_lvd. for the cum of ..0.00 cash. Adopted On call oithi -::oil, Yeas, ConrOmqlonaro
..,_slander, Amz, '.71lliam3 and :ia,,or irotem Johnston (4).
irotor. Johnston offered the follo.:in7 Motion, Herbert Clar'-.son havinZ
a^plied to the City Treasurer for a refund of ,2.00 for building permit jj7Z;10 losued
'arch 24th, 19,:7, and it anpearinC that the said Herbert Clar'cron dnes not expect to
crercine the "•ivlle,,e conferred under acid permit L,, c-.)nsr-,uctn_ a buildilic an Lot
in clock 20 on ;j2a= Street;
! therefore nove M-nt the City 2reaourcr be auti:ovizcj to cancel oald permit all,,
o rerun,! ice for same to Kavbort Clar:coon. AoptodC
onca2l oT' the !.oil, y as,
--'riodlonrlor, Jima, -:11lions and 7'n.- ;rote Johnoton
_,tcm Johnst.on Q,'fored motion tl-nt tion
',�,n no-nt uooUn , On ordlnon.�2 o7.
.!):%z)non -o'.c L;, 10 anI '0 in
...aoptcd On cal 1 of the ;oll, Y -,."s nder,
Johnston (11).
;?ander OA'foro(j motion that
Of COUZ71'ree, ro,loestin in Lo issued to Lh.
n tho 1110tallatlon of a Z;0,C00 .,Allwi tan's
n'- .,air'{company lqcatod a,, LI-lat c,ld 1�1Lvk :;,reolt.,
DanlnZ, ;Ire lrOtOctlon z.n Ineel, of
tno installation of said taus, be received
rolthorizo tf,.e ooi:! '_'odins rAnuracturin,7 cor;",,t:l.;
I 'o" ",LL-c.o.are of Pr3lianO ?*a In said
tr City. Adopted on coil.
IProceedings of CifyofPaducah ..,-i-wt .5, 1947
tb.aL 2n o ;Unanvo onti-.Incl:
on call of the '-!all, :-zku, Cc: Jojjorjo,,v, I..oc 7r.•1„,er,
rn..', in -or fl-oteic Johnston (41).
-;L11i,91T.3 O"fIr011 'lotion that cn c,-,elnsncc onti;.!—,
10-:7 C:: !T -C:I oj.",”, ..o introduce
- I In on filo for is ino.paction until the transfer of funds as heroin providcd
"--ncn puLlishod as ro-,.iired br lavi and shall be put upon its final pazsaro
uclicition. Adopted on call of the 7.oll, Zeas, Cor--. iss loners 2-ledla ndei
1-1mv cncl. !*n.vor Troteri Johnston
--otom Johnston offered r.otion that the Eoard of Commissioners receive ane
c 'In lotlors of "r. victor C. Fol;day the City ::angor and :.:r. A. Zradley the
n' -n it h
refercnco 1;0 the '•?--J'030d re-sulAivision of unsold lots in Cal:
'Lcr,y nn the east -" ide of ..vonue botvlcen - oil :venue and :;ore 6vonue,
a •n at -), saif,ion --e-.n-cd 'ey the Olt.,r 3n -inner, ;n:: I 11tit U 0
'-n Pfl^a-?o Par Introcl.uct-lon at t:ie n3.;t moctin- an o-.-dtn.L-,nce
thereon for
the location of r -raves, i,onurienta
"I'l �f the 'loll, Yeas, COnamizmionora v'riedlzinder, ;1!,.3,
r. intion ';-It an ovd1n-,-:co
C-. ......
d_T.i 18, 1017", Cn Lrntei
10111MIder, .,Ims '.!illi: ,.. ari-1 torr
NO. ].G7
Proceedings of City of Paducah '.;1 -=t 5, 1J47
morits for final jud.r-ment at the-optembor :'c m of Court the injunction suit filed
a`linst :.:ary-eronda-te:art, doin; business as the :aducah Luz Comprny, witho+it
nS%inr an a_iplication to a judge of the Court o: ;'.ncals for a temporary injunction.
.adopted on call of the ;toll, Yeas, Commissionarn :riedlander, Jima and t:ajor
rrotem Johnston (5), COmT.13n10ner •9illiams "iio".
On motion the meetin;, adjourned.