HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 101, July 29, 1947No i Cil _ Proceedings of City of Paducah July 29th, 19?7 h .,t a :,a:" 1-k- :.^tin^• o: the Coard of 3om.tlirlonora hold in the Commi:sioncrsf Ci:ariLor at tiv City ball, inducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 occlocl: F.;':, on July 29, 1947 "syor Loston presided and upon call of the :toll the followin;, answered to their names: I Co^missionero Friedlander, Johnston, Nims, ':11 liamn and L:ayor Jentan (5). 1, ::Inutes of the previous meeting were adopted on read. Connect. to Commissioner `.i111ams offered motion that the petition of L,)rem ":. Jones and 'iter line on _unset Avenue Fomes Iurycar and :life, :'cry Evelyn Puryear, for permission to connect a one inch -aster pipe line to a -� inch water *.L•po line owned by Lorem 7% Jones elonr, :,unset Avenue to rrovide crater service for domestic purposes to one residence to be con- atructed upon Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Flock "8" Sunset Court Addition, to received and filed and that the authority sought in said petition be 7anted subject to the limitatlons and conditions expressed therein. ::othinS contained in tho granting of this request shall be construed as a ruarant oC pressure or water service on the part of the City of iaducah or its Commissioners of "iter ..orIcs, and nothing in the rrantin,7 of said request stall now or hereafter cc i construed as an obliration or agreement on the part of the ^ity of Paducah or its Commissioners of "later ':orko to purchase or acquire suld water line or any part thereo or to maintain same; no ouch obli;;ation shall arise should said territory where said privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to or taken into the corporate limits of the City of 1-3ducah. bdepted on call of the roll Mees, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, aims, 1.:111i3ma and '.'ayor Seaton (5). .-•.1 lot to Commissioner aims offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meetin.7, an ordinance authorizin`r.• the sole of Lot 20, u1ock 4, at the north:vest corner of Center and Ceorlia Streets to Tay liuhes for the sum of SG.O 0 cash. ?_,!opted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Rricdlnnder, Johnston Cans, 7,illiams and i'a,.;or Seaton (5). li 4s1'_ lot o Cc.=inoioner Sims offorod motion that the letter of ',Ir. ;victor C. !Iobdny, '�Ity 'sna7er, In which he recon. nendo tho acceptance of the offer of "r. Jahn :. ':Ir::s y In ,.c• n^,cunt of .40C.CG f+r the purchase of Lot 10, loch 33, itoerlond !lace Ad"Ution, ..rthor move that said o3'fer be accepted an,l !•tat tt.e i:ayor and City Clorx Le ^•i Ce ., deed to _ail' rroporty. od on call ,.. tho Boll, leas, Johnston, ;;ims, ^per .._:liens offered mo Lion that thV a^,Q ... .. ..=rn receive n: er.,r -X :. , Lnis 2uthorland, Treasurer of the rnr<^nh ^: ..!,rks, ^ .. .- of a fire slug, torot.hor with a nary of tt:o letter of ..,,. •;,iir. ..amp. M is^;inners strove the location a. ::a.lcl flru _aln inston,l c. o:; tho L •,i .t ..., h A,7.iptr,:l -jn ,treet. 111.1a• -s ar:d NO._ Proceedings of - City of Paducah -.. __.. .. - .. .. 1 ,;1^:'ted. ntod on call of the ::c.'"l, Yeas, Commissioners _. c,llandor, Johnston, allir .:: -:::9 Seaton (5). 'n.red motion that nn ordinonco entitled: 5L 0 ILDRFD RS IAID A.M HER 'IU A tLOCR "Al I,. GRL•GOP.Y 1fEIOh S SUiDPiIS=C'I II; TFi _ .. .,..,_, J0 ?'0 JO:PI -'1' 7"' 01• LOT 12 I:! cLOCt: l3 Fw"1LA ....._ .... .;.;1 i _h , ... .• .: O:,Ii:_::: ?FIlS i'r:i0". iu.., CITl C TC _.. C t.. D.27C .... .;^TY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i-alonors 7riedlsnder, Johnston, aims, ':7illiams and :ayor Seaton (5). Cornissioner :a r.; c^_,Dred motion that an ordinonco entitled: "A!i 0:?CI::.:CE ✓' :� -.i:'" L:C _. _ J::I .:-) "J013RS OF 1.71E CITY 0.0 PADUCAI:, 1:::7" C::_, _C _ � .,T-0 , november 4, 1947, TO DETER:'I:I_ _;;:SUE i.'!D .;ELL EMS Oc SAID CITY I:i ...L AEOUNT 0: (50, 000.00) DOLLARS, L3ARIIIG IIT 1 n. ".ir.IV OF (2 1/2,G) PERCENT FOR A;:'.IUI:, PAYABLE _.'I='.,.._ ALLY, :C:; C ': ING "D.; TO DEFI;n7 'HIE COST OF i.:A{I:Ii A SURVEY ;.72-,.....,..;_,,. .;AID CITY ._..7 CT TO LOCAL TA::r,'_..C!. ..'-dC .'CR U5E :r.� .OA:?D �_ _'-'ALILA_IO:I . L' d.. `:ALC=. ... _., .... ._il': 173 C .,7 0: ......;'r ON ;AZ) 0: Da; AM) in _n f1'10 ibr one (1) rook for r:blic lnsrection _ ;"It aeon its final , .;a: Led on. cal t.f-;a t the ,r`etition s1 r,ed , Hsc t -_ ^".urrio r:n: c vco OF e orRinenco "ar tmeat anforeds t. tl NO. I r"'. Proceedings of )-al '1' CUSFofPoduvah jU'-7 IaUh, 1D 17 I q t '"n or ;on I.,)n !'a rc I motion ' .1m rn ord I nanco on tilled: IlL. Cl Z V -D ;,T 10C2- I Coll ::C:: i. 12 N 7 7 IV SC.:. L - 1,�: "c,; 01:.*, JULY 20th, 1947", bt:, a,loptod. 'J,�pted on call of the 11, fean, Comml,;sionera Friedlander, Johnston, jimo, ',A111nr.ja "id -a..-or Deaton (5). "syor 'enton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: SAT 5 ;7FMOE-RTf LOC C..;3, C, E PMD BY L C 1: "7 -7T C- 7 '::.T 0-)" L. 0:7 JULY C'--th, RE. 071T SI.: D on call of t!jo 7071, Commin3ionDvo ovLod1nmer, -inn, --illinms am' ::a:.,ov -;caton a], o Jooton offered motion Q,,at an ordinance entitled: "A.. C):.r,,l Al 1 L::-, --tch. ✓III :,7., —F- :,-,:'-D1 Vl."I: O:F 01 1-W! LOCATEM ,.T '17:E -,ORTIJEST C,':, -1.1: 1",`:: ,*:D T- D TJ CIT .' Y C�' : .)UCAH, K -E! 1, •GhY, %CCZ.CITY rO;.. I.;,;10:1 IT3 FINAL ?2,ORT L",ODIED !-.7 i. iiEjCLU:;iC:; ;,i)oPrED C': -ULY f2nd, 1947", be adopted. .:1dcq)ted on call of t he 'loll, Yeas Coiamiz:oioncrs Johnston, Jima, 7.`illiums and !'.ayor Scston (5). Cn notion the meetln7 adjourned. J7,4 1 7, A I PROVE, u 1:a 3 torn C , ty C or],