HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 997, September 25, 1945NO. 997
Proceedings of Board of Coiiii - loners City of Paducah September 25th, 1945
At a Aegular Meetin3 of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commiss loners I
Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Septevbor 25, 1945,
Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the aoll the following answered to their names:
Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, 'Wagner and Mayor Seaton (4).
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Extend Bus V,;, Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the petition signed by Henry H. Huhn
Route -Brown
St. and others requesting that the bus route known as the Union Station Bus Route from
the See plant on Brown Street, where buses now stop, to the end of Drown Street, be
received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston,
Pulliam, ;Jagner and Yayor Seaton (4).
James Clay^ Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the letter of the City Nanagor, con- i
Additional +�
Expense cernin3 tho necessity rbf having James Clay removed to Campbell's Clinic at Memphis,
Tennessoe, for further medical examinations be received area filed, and that the Manager
be authorized to pay the expense of an ambulance required for tho removal of Mr. Clay
to the hospital at T.Tomphis fpr saod trip, together with any additional medical bills
which may be incurred for the examination, and that the amount of expense so incurred
be charged to the Contingent Fund, but that no further expense be Incurred in this
case. Adopted on call of the Aoll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, :agner
and Mayor Seaton (4).
"sp of By -Pass] Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receiveand
file the report of T.A.Bradley, City Engineer, with reference to the approximate
route of the proposed Kentucky By -Pass Highway throu3h the City of Paducah, and also
his report as to the sewer construction work which should be done in order to provide
proper drainage and sewer facilities in the area through which the highway would be
Sell lot to 11
Weary C. Jones
Exonerations /
I Further move that the City Yanager be requestod to submit the plat referrod tc
by the City Engineer, together with the plans prepared by him, to Yr. E.B.Gaither,
Locating Engineer, Kentucky State Highway Department, Bowling Green, Ky. Adopted on
call of the +toll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Nagnor and 'tayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for
Introduction at the next mooting an ordinance authorizing the Sala to Henry C. Jones
of Lot 6 in Block 9 on Rock Sttoet for the sum of ;60.00, $15.00 to be paid in cash
and the balance at the rate of '10.00 per month with b;o interest. Adopted on call ofl
the Roll, Yeas, COmmIs3loners Johnston, Pulliam, •;4agner and Liayor Seaton (4). i+
Cacntss!onor Johnston offered the follotivin3 motion; I move that exonerations �
"los. 11135 to 11779 inclusive be received and Mel; and that the amount of *2557.11
be exonerated on tax bills as shown on said exonerations:
Double esscasT.onts 0.20
U•Lcnoen iron- es! on 47.44
Property ..oat or old . . . . . . . . . . . 16.44
h?e Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00
:.rror is ;--.asossrenL . . . . . . . . . 74
Col. for -t+xes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,423.90
iscelianeous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.310
... I A Service 4.50
Total �.B,5S7.11
These ::ave teen chec::ed ring are Niue to to exonerate) accornin to my knowledge and
relief. L!rned Hass n. ..aahom, City Treasurer
Adapr.ed or. call rf tr.e Holl, Yeas, Ccar!saionera Johnston, Pulliam, Nagner and N.ayor
Heston ;4).
No. 498
Psoceedinsi of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah September 25, 1945
Letter of
"sry �. Stewart
?o Pus Route
IDeed to ''.altar
R. Chnniler "
^28.00 to
JCC Basket -
?all Tourns-
Mayor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file
the letter of Miss nary D. Stewart, owner and operator of the Paducah Bus Company,
In which she advises that her company Is not in a position to extend or create any
new bus routes at this time. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Johnston, Pulliam, ".'agner and Mayor Seaton (4).
7ayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitledr
EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE W SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the
Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, 'Wagner and Mayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducaly cooperate with ;
the Junion Chamber of Commerce in its plan to sponsor a Christmas Invitational
Basketball tournament by appropriating the sum of 428.00 for the purchase of twelve
gold basketballs to be awarded the winning team at said tournament, and that the
amount of the appropriation be charged to the '�ontingcnt Fund. adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, eu111am, Nagner and Mayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Mayor be requested to communicate
with Senator Alban Y!. Barkley, Senator A. B. Chandler, and Congressman Noble Gregory
explain to them the importance of completing the flood-eiall at Paducah with as littl
delay as possible and urge them to get in touch with tine United States zngineer,s
Office and do whatever is necessary in order that the contracts for the work be let
with as little further delay as possible, and if there is no bidder or bidder who isl
willing to undertake the work at a reasonable price, that the United States
Engineers, through their own construction facilities, proceed with the work.
I further move that the 6:ayor transmit to Mr. adwin J. Paxton, Jr., who is
now in olashington, a telegram requesting him to confer with Senator Barkley, explain
the situation, and urge him to assist us by taking appropriate action in this matter
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, 'Wagner and Mayorl
Seaton (4).
On :notion the meeting adjourned.
4L'EPTMD �/��; �, ,'��• 1945 A2PHOVED i
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