HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 989, August 28, 1945Proceedings of - 'nrl aC : ioncrs Clty of Paducah "°
r• a p
,t a •,c-,ular .rletin] of the Board o: nn :lss lonero ?1c11 in U,,::morn... :n:;•Irr
.,nbor nt t`)c ;ity Hall, tnjucah, Kentucky, at 2:00 o'clocL p.'.. on Au,;ust 29, 19,15,
veaton ?resided and upon call of the -oil t o folloni.n; nno-aered to their nsmo :
:o:- Sssloners 7ohnston,?iorce, Pulliam, '.,aper and i.ayor ^eaton (5).
:'inutes of the previous meetln;; mere adopted as read.
Cor,missloner elilliam offered motion that the letter of the :'sducah ••^tor .,
and ti:^ certificate sho;im; liability and comuensntion insurance covern;e for tho
use and benefit of the �Ity of Paducah in connection. 1711th the pavin; v;ork which t
be done in the alley nt the rear of the 'Dater slant, be receiver; and filed. ,do;te,l
n c^'1 of the .,,oil, Yeas, Commissioners ichnston, Pullin!-, 'I -,-.Cr and
q. C1.1 .^n. t.._. (5).
_.^loner ••a;ner offered motion that the recucst r^ _11_noi.n. (:entrnl
Ha-_. ... .,ornpnny for _.?rmission to :rove its railroad tracka ... t.1 - alley at: th. ,enr
of the :.iter ••or'... ?rnn:rty on !rat 3trc-c!. ae ,rnitt,9, rn,l coir, -)any .�e
authorized to rc-loc:-c :ts trnc'rs rur:::.n; .n tho a.1 ley throw'•. t`Zo Lacck ::etl^•-cn
ntuc:c; enuo oral-schin„ton Street by •covin_; ssi. treo.'.cs n_..`.n .cc o, one (1)
_cot east of `.clr present locntion. Adopted on call of fie ;011, s,
_ loners Cohnston, ?fierce, tulliam, '.,agner and ;-ayor ea to (5).
Commissioner 7alner offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for
lntre9uct1on at the next meetin,, as ordiannce authorl:•.in; the sale of the
pr c per ty :
Lot on the ':orth side of Loaroe bet,,men '13t and ^.^nd :i+.reots to '(svier Y,,:,
fc;r 11.c sum of .225.00 cash.
:n*. 15 In lock 2 on Adams between 2gth 30th Streets to L.T.' th'c _'-i t .
'.-0, 435.0to 0e nnirl i:. cas?: and the bnl :ce In ^0 ;ta; t
L t 23 is -leer 20 on Cth Street: be t.v •:= - _ :1 Ir:
77, 20.00 to be ,aid in pnl Vin =.ncc v`znr. ".en. _ ;o c''.
.-... - n . 1. " on 'inrr'_soa .. 1. - .' _. ..
1,.t pt on c',11 n. ::i :11, - n,
:v: or -oa ten
of 11...D „ltr
..otlor. ::nt
' Proceedtnas of = •`' .----City of Podncah -
.t Lhc .',ti/ r. .._
._ .... ... .. _c,-:tcs .;n,;i:..;
c ti;o co::`._•rts for t',o installalao:: of pt:mpin„ stations s,a-. :.i, •.,;ros
:va'1 in oder . ss: .. 1 nay be completed :.-IU. nn lictic fort cr
1r ":.le. :1:.ioated o., . . _ _ ;071, Yens, Co-"Issioners Johnston,
':n.ner and - ton (5)
'o-n•issioncr "e»_c^ i:: motion. -:occ
o"i^r���: .. 1_ _ '".at an
e:1. .nntc.i on call of Vic ..oll, Yeac, Co^;:_ _Icners Johnston,
-en tan (5).
L, r. :'i ^ o t1c : r. ; motion: : rove tha t ar. ordinance E.n ti tle 1:
C,:,')1200.00 M T`;; C M 211 . G'....,
rit i.. _^_T: ..'C.. ^:; :£IT:O;