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Minutes Book 20, Page 986, August 21, 1945
Proceedings of City of Paducah ""t' _J -t- ' "'"' . .._ rulnr .' oY `-'lc '3osrd of co-•^iirsloners `old !n 'h^ t tho ,Ity all, r1lucah, ••cnkue)cy, at C:�9 _.. . on 'u2st .apt, 19;5 ,.estop Presided and upon call of the Roll the follouln,; ans•;erod to tkaoir ramex: �o:r.-::I:aionoro riercc, rulllaa, ., nor snd :..ayor ;enton (4), Coa%,nissioncr Johnston ._o;:t wbe!'t the meet:n; was called to order. ':lnutes of the previous meetin, mere adopted as read. V Commissioner •.a; ner offered the follov:in; motion: ldrs. James L. Dobson, Chsrlie Sherry, i. Crayne, A. V. '.iynn, ;Zrs. Prances Holder, ':;ill Boone, Arlie Vau hn, Johnson Varper and '.:T. C. ':';hitby (4 lots) file with the il:ayor and Board of rown- issionors a petition, representinT that each of the above named parties is the o•::ner 3f 4 the respective property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein; and said parties petition the i.layor and ?card of Co^ni^a'.oners to authorizin; the layin; of a 12" ester gain on Z�ehmidt St. or S. ?.Esti Ftreet from Vir;inia _�trect vrestwardly to the end of the present 12" main on Schmidt or 2--th Street, a distance of approximately 1449 feet. 2t a:)pear'n. from the endrose.ront ty the -oard of �ommiss:oners of the pa<1 cai .nter ••or':n �'_nt said request and petition complies math the franchise provisions and recuire-ent. therefore :rove that the oetltion of tars. James E. Dobson and others named herein he received and ailed and that the Paducah -ester '..orks, tnrou;h its zoard of C:snissioners, be authorized to lay said twelve inch main on :chmidt or L. 23 th �'traa , from '',Ir !nia Street v;estwsrdly to the end of the present 12" :mein on Schmidt or S. 2Lth Street, a distance of approximately 1549 feeto. so ss to provide ;mater service to the lots obuttin; on 'lchmidt or S. 25th '-treet between Virginia Street and the end of the present v-nter main on 5 26th Street. I further mo -e that the adoption of this resolution and the ,rantin., of the r_onta:neu in said ;.etJt.'on be consl•lered as an i_ree.cnt on the part o' the a:cn?r to pay the fire hydrant and water mnin rental, tin provides in the o �n' n li.._ .n,' connection rol'errod t- In '.ho pot'..Ion, s n!,! rent -.la _in boon l;ii an -1 .,ator rovi'lad for o:: --tion c:' ch 1_` or ., .. th t Adopted on pall o; tl:c .:011, '_'ana, ' Om :1 aionars , "3 . 1 ayor Seat n (4). ._.vm d' ered -:oc_on t1ist the Ul,s submitted ty the � ;cll Oil :etrol•s:-: ;orporation for furnishin„ t:no city its o 'l the lour (4) months per'od be.;:nrin, i i.'. ^. Adopted on call of the oil, Yeas, ::r:yo., 7eaton (4). but ry,, pr'yroll for the _arst half of and Ciat the City i'easurer on t^,e ::neral ::,unA. Ad;,ptod on ca:l. --a.!nor -w,! favor s.;oaton (4). 1 ' rr .. No. 7 Proceedings of ^para of .:or 1:: ' oast a City of Paducah AU 711:1 c ::1:: t, 1)45 0'_1 property' Co•mmissloner .'iereo offered motion chat the Corporatlon Counsel g•epare for to :i; . Ricker a introduction at the next neetin,; an ordinance authorizin, tho sale to A.E. IxWccr of n strip of ground 10x163.23 feet at the T;orthaest cornor of loth 3, :larrison Streets for the sum of '.50.00 cash. Alepted on call of the doll, Yeas, Commissioner3 Pierce, 2u111am, :Sa;nsr and ,'avor Seaton (4). .stor Co. pave Commissioner Magner offered motion that the Loard o_^ Commissioners receive nirl alley rear of plant filo t:e latter of the CItrf hanager in which he advises that the COTmisaion rs of the rnducah'.:titer ••ork3 Trish to have neraiisr.on to pave the alloy in the roar of the i'.;ntor -•orks ?laat betacen Kentucky '.venue and'':ashln;ton �trgct, to;ethor with the -'ty cn•inaerrs letter and the plat to „hich he r=fern in his Is tter, anti that tho pavin, of slid alley by the ::o::minsioners of'..nter -or%s be a?prov©cl provl,lui ',.ic i ?avis; is done at their pxp=nse, the :•:ork is done under the supervision of r.he City °n�;ineer, and the Commissioners of .ater ••orks cnuso to be attached to the ;,olicy arotectin; it from liability imposed upon it by lacy on account of the ne„ll;encs of its officers, a]ents and servants anile said pavin; work is beim done nn i endor_c.nent or other a,reem--nt also protectin,3 the city a5,ainst such liability. Adopted on call of the -loll, Yeas, Commissioners pierce, ?uliiam, ".a;;ner and "a•ror Seaton (4). "rs. Lucy -ae� Conmiosioner eieree offered motion that the corporation Counsel's letter ^nrman PPP Tad.rent :mitten to the amity :..ans,3er in which he reports the outcome of the trial of the action of ^r•s. Lucy ..ae Carmon vs. City of Paducah be received and filed and that the City of ?nlLcah abide by the term^ of the jud-ment. Adopted on call dtl.: Zoll, Yams, Cemmiss_oners Pierce, Pulliam, ":n.ner and i'ayor Seaton ( ). 1:7onerati.eh3 Commissioner Tierce offered motion that exonerations '[os. 10:)1-11134 inclusive t:3 received anti filed; and that the amount of „3,245.35 be exonorntel on t :; bilis as s.o;m on 55id exonerat'ons: Larr�d by Statutes of Limitation ...................... 55.35 !—uble Assossr:onts.................................. 111.53 Deceased ............................................ 15C.74 :ro n or :ion-hesldent .............................1,176.00 ?roperty Lost or :.-old .... 727.02 C-ut of 2usincss..................................... ac -.01 ';",c Limit .................... I...................... l::C•..JO '.rror in s •ent ................................. 32.-15 ........................ Solei for n ...................................... •lln..6 ;'13collan-,...................................... .77 .cc .................................... 1.14.t;5 :rnne'lIC........................................... 1._ -No tml.............................................. I i '"zeac hnv• br,en c'iecke i t.i -ire due to be oxonera t= •1 oa ... o , :riora'::1 r..i lief• S+,nod -ose A;!cptgd roll o: t'.- --,113 , ,r .•:ineionerc ..'_1_ . , .•:. Z Tor . - ✓, .. .. .-_ - -... i : 't:7 t1`iL".: :.. J_` ... 't;A, la: :.':r .. r'1 — 1 h1m, rel s3e,; t ; • ;::•, ... l:ai of ice • r ti ry ^lul: .. _ ., ourred in :'etr<. -srca, 1's , .,e :.p. .,; th the ti -v:,; sr'n :t..l r6t ., .: •t to 1.1.0 t*.a $&Ia ,.. ... -ru-� ett, i,6 •6eH 1vel n.. 'f in' er:tre r1QrA'. , .III=, ••a ;:.er Ilii ..I far SAW toil NO Proceedings o City of Paducah Aquust 1J45 n.ror -orton offered motion that lotter of :r. :ciartee, .:*t:r ;-ana.;er, -entar dnteJ -u*list '-lit, INS, to,,ether wltA ',liz: 4etq:lo(l ztnte,nont ro;ardia., pro:)erty ov.rc' ased a ..I e ,,)on3e of handlin-, Ci, 1-.ilth center be recs..vod anal ftlod. 7' r pay h C " E., 0 u ther move that the (711'� 't Le directel to , , to the u ty f C "'n n�, t I.; -I- t' - - �,z, o�! ' , i;: t:, tho City or Fndr ucn% in thamount or . nc L ,.� 0 L, Yoas , _'on A., n: on-ro Iicrcc, Full! 3m, "a ;ner a:or .aton (4) rimc,isr'.oncr ?:*,.erc(3 oftered the follo-.,.-in_-, :,.otion. I cove tact an ordinnneo city... "A ' 0, :F, X: 770l:IZING T -:L ZALx PQ JOHN 17. RAT.1; C_i' A LCT LOCA TLD CN 1: 1_' �. : 25th :4 30th SP -1,S r. 1.: EfE r.I'IY OV Fi-LCAH; AND AU f11O.t171',TG TM CI M7 CLL'i,, 1U E-LU'llE A 1F.hD 0-5 C0*,,.11.LYA XE TO SAID ?t,o,-"hTY" , be adopted. .�`.-*ted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Tierce, 2ulliam, 'La vier and 1,:ayor leaton (4). "a -for Seaton offered the folllo•,.InZ motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: 101 0 THE, F1'..AL ..--- MH ?ORT OF E CITY FLA::IIING Z, a;!,- ru,. I-,,, 1 "j--:1 '0- "!IL OP ':hRTAIN elOPFRTY ONT ME NO, 71 'IDE OF JACFS'C:: .-iOl, LINE OF 31st S MLF V 70 n'E '-ST _t ff LI"IE OF 771- U'T. om-1 rxvD "'Al ?__ ?%`&LlY PC -1: 17"20SLD 'C., 11_1071_ :_'EIT F0.17' IN. A :,EZCLUVIOTT ADOPM-D "I.: CI:Y :'L,""I::^ 1 P l7th, 1345", be adopted. Wopted on call of t;ic :.oll, '_'oas, �c -1-131oncro - _:rce , Pulliam, '.a_-ner and ::a.ror .'anton (4). "iyor --eaton offered the foIIo,..,InL motion: I move that an ordinance entitled- -0- ":7, -;,,--'Curio': C;:, A CO C. L. :;L ... �.Y FW r,'I- ?URC-.!ASh T r- AV 2J32 AM) 2 )04 _ T:':. C I 'Y Ara TAX BALL, J Y h_!'L7 J_` PPE Ciff OF ?i,:.U';A, (;QNDITIOUS U?0.1 ,'iIC'.? on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, rulliam, '.7a.ne nrrr 'ieatoh (4). q3 svw- Lenton o- vcl clic 'ol lo -.-,,In :notion: I move t',Ltt an ordinance entitled-. 1 A- ..•v D e n On c n t I,,%::t naa for �-Ach It nit ,l 11.c :,ut jj:,on St ,:nr.I pqrs.q ?lerco, P111L I _1jr., ::a-, er %nJ t q-�or .It the :Sty of ?adt.cali ..Into a num I -tr,-et rom .;l i vnts Ltj-,;at to 1,0c .ust r. -:1,1a 1-1 to Nke -Ulzeah .:Iia �omp,,ny; o" r".10 Jtp',at tizor. the tam on -trail