HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 983, August 14, 1945No.
Proceedings of onal-9 ClepofPaducah I' ---
of t.110 f " C,
::all, iaiuci%, at on
'omton nrer.11el null lipon till of tile -toll the t: r,*r
'_-:onerc itillinm and '.I., -or -onton I
;"'!nu of the rav'ous „ .,;er,) a loptel q� r,nd.
r i IP . rneetin
COMM1381onor Pullioln of fared motion that the �onrd of ,o.
-roceive an -I fll= t',e letter of "he ::on. 71tlon _'. :mxfnit, Attornoy "moral of
o i on,.,.,e q 1 to of ,urn tuc'c 1 t'i r o: -.c c to the vp 11,11 !7y of t I -o o rd I nei ace ii n -I n r v.1 1 oil
--rl-ers of !i oners of -r, terworks are n ),)o -'n to6l for nn _,....,,'_to n ter.-:,
11 7iTorre 11 , �, ttorne., for y , f n n. also a copy o;' Vic letter of -�dlr;an 7i
t'io inne :7vft�%ot. ,,13pted on call of Lho ,oil, Ycas ^o l• I'o:-.%?I
illerce, :ulllam n.id '-,Ayor %eaton (4).
to Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that tlie corporation Couasol nvei)arc
Iifor 1-itroduction at the next m_etln,: an ordinance authorising the sale to Jon:, .'.. and
'aud 'Ia*m of Lot 7 in 21cck 2 on Clark Street bet-ugen 21jth and 30th F-troetz for the
own of '150.03 cash. Adopted on call of the -all, Yeas Commissioners Johnston,
li Fierce, Pulliam. and :-aor Scaton (4)
"Pt.C or! -iingonr -ierce offered n --
otionthat the �,eport of the ire :epart-
-it for onth of ji,.ly, 1945, be x-ecelved. dopa. on call of the :aqn,
-I D'I , e r c a , ' u 111 o T, and ?'a, -or ..9S7'.1 (;).
n 'Ierce oCferect the follo,_`n-, t,ot'on:
,on,Jett, usan Jett, Leslie :.. _-'enst, Arch`_- Crura %;,J
c , "lava -ri;se, I.- onesy --. Donald :7arrinZton aril ' ar7 Lee .errs, ,,,ten, ".11o'
rpetI-on for sl;thorlty to tap a two-inch rater line ly!n- nt tnc rear o,_
nett:•: lot-. Vim fronllnon uckner ,ano qn-A beln,- a part of
'nU:7!r'cn in ?lot -oo'c :a�c 1, :!c,:rnc'-.:%i County ',Ierk'3 offico.,
it f -I r' r. - 1' 'ones, Donald "arrin
-;t-)n and ',*ary Loa
Ji.- --loll p1pa lines described in said petition and to w1ilc'i
..111 -rake counections lot- water service, have each and all v!.*nod nri
po t on:
T ' , : I's fO ['a mov 1 :A I t the application bo rc cc I ve'..- n;. t:, -q t ti -c rar,aat
.five applic-,-its be ;ranted, :mL, to LIU, ter,- 11!11 conlItIona set
'rall tll. o'.
L'lo c y o
T .
Proceedings o. —City of Paducah
(ftr�.oa ns crop -,!.i-, at1on no,,-.- or any time
t 2r o,i rr t of :,icnh, I tj "ogr 1. of' Commissloncra, or ';o• :�'.2-1.
cf ater -or':s, 'o luy :3-._':1i lin" C.— :),Irt ...t 11 zucil 0111.;atlon niiall
or cc !*::,Ilc' .n ovoft *Ltory servod b,; ni:-11 v.,'Ater line shall 11ore-
1-o Inocr,crn*o,_' Intz, tth,, cit:;
r limits of Paducah, ,:,--ntucig.
n,pilcnt'on sl-isll tc, ,ranted subicet to all t',9 rulos and rc_,ulations provI
1-I.- t`.e '!ty of Paducah and the ',ot;.,issioners of *.ater ..orks for rater service to perso
Ie t'ie City 117,ita and no-.hIn- in the ,rantIn,3 of this application sh_nll be const
ne fii,,y .-narqnteo of zvfficient pressure to provide water service and said service may
bo 11scontinued -it any time vrhen In the judZment of the Cor-.dsslonors of -ester '.o?,Icq t
fi.rnlsli*n- of water throu."i the nine ltne privately owned by L. '.'. Zones Interferes vil
oJequate supply an,.i distrIbution of rater within the city limits. Adopted on c.n
70i1l "ens, Coniissioncrs Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and '.,*ayor Eo.aton (4).
`:ea ton rade the follonin.- aD7olntment:
-,e ter- of o'fIce of hnrles s. Vwrlevelde as a member of the -ofjr,' of Njt]c
"r^1, sonar3 (7,1,0 te) Navin_ exp3red on Au:us t 11th, 1945, 1 hereby res -a :)olnt the
liarles n. 7qn-levolde to serve for a further period of i1ve (5) years.
'2slonor Pulliam offered motion that Via act -'on of the : aper rc-a,point:n-.,
"andevelde to serve as a cmi,cr of the "onrd of war; o.iz,_slonrirs (suite)
for a further tern of five (5) years -,e appoovod, and sadd board as no.: const,".uted
sia 11 consist of tie followin: nemberr:
Charles F. ',andevelde whose term expires on Au,ust llth, 1050
11. C.. -ahs c.,2oce ter.T. ex-)ires on ;-uLust 11th, 1949
Dr. r7.
. Donoho whore term exp1res on Au,,us, 11th, 1948
-c-ae term expires on Au_ -us t Ilth, 1947, and
. 'nrnon whoso tear, expires on to.-,ust 11th, 1046
I of the noll, Ycas, Govmi,931oriero Johnston, ?terce, .7u1113;n a::?
3, or
sr motion: move t1int an ordinrAn,"
C 7
..o:Iz;3.lonors o
::Iovo L.Iti t Il ot
Proceedings o% "pard of Co -i ss loners Cify of Paducah
:or ':ont-:m irnle f,c 2'olloran a ^o1ntr:ent
anti i, .-e9:7i of Jo ri^ loncrs `invin; adopted an cr•l]:. c:r ,orl..'11 he
.Ont of a board knosn ns "Cei.::risa'on.rn of *.ntor,;Oris" t .,ervc for n :': 0•.1
term :n the place of the members now servi.n`, one (1) member to serve fdr ono (1) year,
IIanother for two (E) years, and another for tree (3) years, and ur.til t"hclr sueeernnrs
I; are appointed ar-1 qualified;
Pp ''.G; 7�1r.4Et:ORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me no ":ayov of Une City
of ?aaucah, I hereby a,,point Edwin .J. ?axt•nn, Sr., '7.A.Plackturn and rarker Cray
to serve as members of the Commissioners of ,u4erworks, their tern of oif9ce to
expire on the follm-,1n; "lutes:
Parker Dray on .moi; ;us t 14th, 1946
A. :'LaNcburr. on .0 ;us t 14 th, 1947
li Edevin J. Puxton, Sr., on Au;ust 14th, 1949
"oli ny
an_ 15, 13
IS Co ,innionmr :Iercc offered :-ot'on that all employees of the CI`, cat,
�i ith t-ic oxcention of the policercn ani firo,wn, be �ivon a holiday on .e' .
ji su;ust 15t1i, 1345 to celebrate the victory over Japan aa:i the end of '.:orl,:
Sciopted on call of the Tioll, °:cas, Coxmissicners Johnston, Iierce, Pulliam anal
i:ayor :.eaton (4).
On notion the meeting ad;ourr-ed.
�"— g j 1945 A
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