HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 978, July 24, 1945Proceedings of "O'"i= -O"' ='' City of Paducah ii, ._l'.15 :1t a "e,ular •••oetin,; of the osrd of Commissioners held in the Commissioners1 Chamber at the ':ity Rall, pa:iucah, Kentucky, at COO o'clock P.", on July 24, 1945, 1 ^a^or Seaton presided ani upon call of, the Roll the followinZ answered to their names:i isaioners Jolmnston, :3eree, Yullinm, •.a nor and :.:ayor ;oaten (5). "inutos of the previous mcetin were adopted as read. : t ✓' :ivsioner Joanston offered motion that the letter of `,.'r. H.G.;'.c l•:roe, City .- .,r in- installation of n street licht at ;1.",OJ i.akc',troot be received and that the .ity :.sna:;er be instructed to have n 11:3ht installed at said 'ocnt.'.on if and ahor, material is available. Adopted on call of the =toll, Yoas, Cornnissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ..a;nar and :•:ayor ;eaton (5). ae7,"ayor Seaton offered motion th.,t the resi.-nation of J.7.Jones as a member of tl•,e City Planain,; :.oeing Commission be received, filed and accepted. Adopted on call o the -toll, 'leas, Commissioners Johnston, z'ierce, Pulliam, +.agner and .,ayor Seaton (5) . ^'ayor 'eaton made the followin., Appointment: The resignation of J.V.Jones as a member of the City plannin and Zonin; Commission havin3 been accepted; I hereby appoint S.,.',ynum to serve as a member of said Commission in the place sad stead of T-V.Jones, so that the City 81anning, It Zoning Commission as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: (1) '•eyne C. Seaton, 7ayor and Ex -Officio :tember (2) T.A.;?radley, City yn�,inoer and Ex -Officio Member (3 Schultz 1�-s City .embor whose term expires "arch 19, 1946 (4 AOL. (Jack) do'�e, City '.:ember -chose term expires::arch 19, 1945 q(5) S.7..Pynum, City ?,:ember whose term expires :.:arch 19, 1948 (6) E.,'.%Evans, County iGember, whose term expired :.:arch 19, 1944 and no nom member havin,L been appointed by the County JudZe and c'iscal Court (7) Roy Stewart, Actlnl County-n,;lncer. ':ayor Seaton made the followin3 appointment: It appearin; Viat the teras of offic ...,nal, Jr., as a member of the City of Paducah w•uniclpal .iousin. Commission _ ...elsn Jul, 22nd, 1945; o the a,)eroval of the Hoard of Commissioners, I hereby reappoint the to serve as a member of the noar3 for a term of four .(4) years so that said 9oard as now constituted will consist of the follosi z rnrrish, whose term of office will expire on July 22, 1046, S.J.Sno k •....,f 0^f: ac will e xaire on July 22, 1947, G. mnndy Lmith, whone term of office e.,pire on.7uly 22, 10,18, and J. .?.Leal, Jr., whose term of office w.:il expire .:i1 22, _..:.3. er pall' red ion that the :card of Co-,:missionors ,;,pro: the Jr., to servo as a member of tho ,, 0: i :. of form (4) years bein' ..:' ; 2,2, 1 f'. r ,.. 'r ,3optri 1 u. _ - yrs Johnston, .force, rc-^:a^corer •a r.e=.' c. J, July 'in y^ at the _'sir se: aii ci ty Fes i:n alle:, .. _ i Aaoptad on call of tole {5). _ ... _:.; ..�:...: -Ove ,,, C n ti on ontSc1 A' NO. `379 Proceedings of npnr3 or ;o,r•r1ag1oner5 City of Paducah Jul- 24, 19,15 be adopted. Adopted on call of the doll, Yens, Comml asion,rs Johnston, Pierce, ( Pulliam, 7nJ;ner and tiayor Seaton (5). Zone mayor -eaton o^:"errd tho folloi^in3 motion; I move tient nn o^d_nnneo nshin ton St . h entitled: 'Ir,`.! O4D.':h'"' .,.: ,b':I`I:: _?':AL Rs?ORT 07 r[T: ,.I T4 2L;':"I:7; A 70"11I13 OF ^,NRTA17 ?.'( (TER Tf 0': ....,._..:J!" S'M lT:., .Slit ?C_, ,_.. P:1L _ _..%OBEs, A','D PRESC1I -7:.. PHE ?E":1:L'17C ^OR %-01, MON OF 'M7::: ,SNICTIO\S 5.., _C:.Pi 11T A REScLUTIO?T ADOPTED EY Ni:: 01W ?"? 7WTITi1 _'CARD 0.: JULY 2)th, 1945", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ;ra3ner and ?'ayor Seaton (5). Purcell Commissioner 71a3ner offered motion that the rioard of Commiasloners Isolation :lard -Make recommend to the City of Paducah i�,unicipal Hospital Commission that the necessary available alterations, repairs and chan3es be made and sufficient furnlshin3s be 1•nmediately purchased in order to male available at the Purcell Isolat.lon ^'ard adequate facilitle for the treatment of persons who have contracted poliomylitis, and that the ward be i :rade ready for use by any and all porsons who may chontract the disease durin; the u present epidemic. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, ?ierce, Pulliam, !.agner and :,ayor -ceaton (5). i ^50.00 Ad ✓� Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the City of Paducah appropriate Central La or Union t.e sum of x50.00 for the purchase of an ad in the proGram of the Central Labor Union Celebration to be held on September 3rd, 1945, and that the amount so appropriated 1 be char3ed to the contin3ent ='und. .:dopted on call of the +oll, Yeas, Com;rinsioner Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ;,n_ner and Nayor Seaton (5). On motion the meetin; adjourned. ADOPTED vI a !1945 A - PkOVED CSt clerk