HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 972, July 3, 1945NO. -
Proceedings of -c"Id Of '.0M nn' on rs City of Padncah_LOU 3rd, 1945
At r.egnlar .,eetln; of the Board of Commissloners held in the Commissioners'
^hnmber at the City ;call, Paducah, juentucky, At 5:00 o'clock P.m. on July 3rd, 1945,
Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the followin; answered to th r names:
Com issioners Johnston, Pierce, Tulliam, .a_-ner and S'ayor Seaton (5).
(mutes of the previous meeting were adopted as rend:
• '. .Sowerby b Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that dead granted i:r. L. S. Soworby for
Ce.^ater-; Deed
the .:est one-half of Lot 24 in 31ock 2 on Yopp Avenue in the !.:ausoloum Addition to Oalc
Grove ^ometery, upon payment of •;180.00 to the City Proasurer, be approved. Adopted od
call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, S,a.-ner and *'ayor Seatgn (5).
40.1 lot to Co:amisoioner :'.agner offered motion that the Cor_aoration Counsel prepare for
:.iili_*3'Introduction at the next mcetin3 an ordinance authorizing the sale to i.iattie :7illiams
of a lot located at 1191E Bachman Street for the sum of =75.00 cash. Adopted on call
of the poll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Tierce, Pulliam, �-agner and Mayor Seaton (5
'd In ^cCra4en Commissioner ',•agner offered motion that the city. of Paducah appropriate the
^ounty Fair ;1✓'
°ro3ram 11 sum of "35.00 for the purchase of a one page ad in the souvenir program of the 'gest
:entucky and ':c.^.racken County Fair w Horse Show, the amount so appropriated to be
charged to the Contingent rund. Adopted on call of the poll, Yeas, Commissioners
Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Cjagner and :•.ayor Seaton (5).
?97-011 last': Commissioner "agner offered motion that the payroll for the last half of Jun
1 'erne 1945
1945 be allowed in the amount of ';11,718.14, and that the City Treasurer be authorized
to pay the same by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the moll,
^eaa, Com.'nlssroners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '',aZner and i•:ayor Seaton (5).
^lose "Ile y - Commissioner '•;a;ner offered the following motion: I move that the Corporati
:•a7eeis R•
"all ^,ounsel prepare for introduction at the next Regular !Zeetin„ an ordinance providing fo:
the closln of a portion of an alley running parallel with Bridge Street through the
block between Masseur Avenue and s,all Street, the portion authorized to be closed,
deocrlbed as follows:
"Be„ronin; At a point in the Southeasterly line of Masseur Avenue
1?0 feet more or less, from the southwest corner of the inter.
section of -rid.
e Street and Vasseur Avenue, and which point
Is at the ':orthwest corner of a lot of land owned by J.L.Jones,
et al., on which the packin:*plant of T.A.Jonea & Lons is located;
tcence in a southeasterly direction and alon; the rear lot line
of t':a lot owned by J.L.Jones. el al., 90 feet; thence 1n a
southwoaterly direction and parallel with Vassour Avenke 16 foot;
thence In n northwesterly direction and parallel with vrid3o
':tr at c0 feet to vasoeur Avenue; thence in a northeasterly
'1_rection And nlon• the southeasterly line of Vasseur ..venue
lr feet to the point of ?e. -Innis;.”
Provide: .ones, thn o -:ser o t' property abuttln,3 upon said niley, executes
at., d"11'.orn t0 t':o !.ity of rabcca'. •lsc,'. le•.i'_catin., as a public alley a:'rl for use
^,r 117 a strip 0: •r•:;.:. .:eacrlbe(& follows, bb -crit:
point of e le foot Alloy
rt lot. or!• rcol 0: *roulr! or;nod by J. Lawrence
fnet or. t•ae ,'.est aide of zrld e
f:t Ulf, aoutirsent corner
.e1 0f 1'.-i, thanca Ina sotitheasterly
ea _ 1•.t !alley aloe and with
r trooL to .all ^.treet;
7terly the ,,orth line
t t: the uee a..,:.. a1ley; thonee
. .. .•: .:. ..: O. ... :: 1»f •.::•..•: faaa CUt' ;.'J .:nli0
terly :L lel
.. ... .^, A norL .'_•tion
_ ass-:. ....,. ,. feet�
. _ � .. _,..ara J0!ats tuna . i f.•rce, ?�.:. _'. ar' ..F, � ,,,I•
} and
Proceedings of Board of commissioners City of Paducah July 3, 1945
Letter -Eaton ,
Close Alley Co-also'-oner Pierce offered motion that the letter of .atop F Eaton, Attorneys
req::est'_a- that the 3oard of Commissioners tale a)propriate action for the clonin;
I. i
of n portion of the alley in the rear of T.A.Jones I ;ons' packin_ plant on L-rld3o
Street, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the 'toll, Yeas, Commissioners
Johnston, Pierce, rulliam, +agner and :Cayor '%eaton (5).
;;rater Cc / Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the rinancial Re?ort of the Paducah ';ator
Ro?ort "ay
1945 ',.orks for the month of %'.uy, 1945 be received and filed Adopted on call of the Rol'
Sell lot to
Girvas Hefl
51re Dept
Oa':t Grove
Jtne 1945
Assi3n^tent to
Anna :'as Parh
Accept bid of
Burford Gilbert
Zlcy^le Parts
"o terin _-
7 11th{' . eod
I tree is
IIy Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .agner and iCayor ,eaten (5).
' Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for
Introduction at the next meetirl3 an ordinance authorizinz the sale of property
located at #2307 7eiser ,treat to Girvas Heflin for the sum of ,'125.00 Cash.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulll.as:, ;;agner
��and ::ayor Seaton (5).
.. Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the following reports for the month of
June 1945, be received: Fire Department, Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted on call or t!
Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, 'Pulliam, ";agner and Mayor ,eaton (5).
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the :.:ayor be authorized to execute, for
rand on behalf o_' the City of ?aducah, an aoslZrLient to Enna 1.'ae Parham of the iud me;
jrendered inthe action of City of Paducah vs. J. .'ort Abell, at al., under ..Mended
Petition No. 650, being the John and Bessie Solon Branch of nald action, in which
I iud_?ment the property described therein •rras ordered to be sold for the sat!sfaetion
of the 1937, 1933, 1939, 1940, 1944 and the June 1945 city ad valorem taxes in the at
of ;`114.26, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6;t per annum from the 1st
day of July, 1945, until paid, together with the costs of said action, said judgment
to be assigned without recourse upon the payment of the full amount clue thereunder,
to3ether with the costs of court. Adopted on ca -,.l of the lioll, Yeas, CommissLoners
Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ;.a3rer and i,ayor Seaton (5).
.ayor Seaton offered motion that the 3oard of Commissioners approve the action of
the City "ana.;er in selling to Burford Gilburt for the sum of '41.90 In cash, all
mincellnneouz bicycle pnrts seized by the police dopart,t,nt nad which have Leon
held br the ds;artment for n porlod of six months. Adopted on en , of the ❑all,
Yawn, Co=jrcionors ,oiLnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .a•nur and ;'ayor Seaton (L).
Co.^nlnsloner ?icree offered the following motion: _ move t`:nt the petition of
Alv!.e ... '^ r-::ar, 7ni. 3. Lyles, Rufus Sayre, and ,, R. "Or�uoon a proved Ly Jame: . .
Colvin ar:d wife, -ola Colvin and H. H. :_endrickson nrd ::if'e, 7uth Hendrickson, t•e
r,�colved and .il^.d, on: ,.,at the request 1n sald petition ke -ranted.
^vide., `.cxcver, to jt r:othLn; in the ;rantir.; Of she request Tata it, said s.otlti
sirril 0`.11 ate tn.r, -. r:f ?a•lucah or its Co:unissionors of ,ator •orl:s to provide
serv!ce or p: r.. r._,;•; 'r te, mnlntnin naLl NoOltne or any part thsIronf lyln,-, outslde t*
l^.a 31ha:1 the ;r"tll: of t1:ia pratit.lor, ue conntru,d as an
;atirr. ,rd !:ereafte: on tPn part oC :.ra1: or its Coa;mlaolonora
Of ^ e ter • rr ce to purchase ani / pr r: t. l:; 1 i;,
o •ouc'.Y otli;ation anal
bti ererittd in the even.". r !tory ner,•r•i i ,.nei (ipellne or any
part whereof eF.all z.t tr, r, t'ia cor •orate l;r t oi' r'arL;c ah.
Adapted or . s, Cam Tone's .
... - • - .._1".n. �•aner an,
Proceedings of of '7or-'. i7'oners Cilp of Paducah '111v 3. 19e3
:'q --or Seaton offered the follo,,,.,In:; ordinance: I move that an ordinance entit.1
A'.'j -'CTHL A.-?OINT.'-:LN*T OF A DlikECMI( VALnEol", AUD IF
RY 6th, 1936' AND WAS A7—TIDED BY THE B OARD 07 C01141-7ISSION-RS ON JUNE 24, 1941" ,
be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce,
Pulliam, --a,;ner and :.:ayor Seaton (5).
to "Iyor Seaton offered the follo%,.,In_, motion- I move that an ordinance entitled:
C: 70 VZ A DELD OF CO"VEYANCE TO SAID ?-.,,G?ERTY" , be adopted. Adopted
on call of the Aoll, 'Coas, CorLmissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, --agnor and 1'q-7or
Seaton (5).
On motion the mcotIn: adjourned.
1945 A?PhOVE;D
Cit Clerk