HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 97, September 6, 1938NO. �T- Proceedings of _oard of Comisaioners City of Paducah September 5 1938 _ i WHEREAS, September 5, 1938 visa the regular mooting date of the Board of Comissloners and it being also a holiday, the regular mootinn which in the ordinary course of events would have been held on that day, was held in the Commissioners' ,Chamber in the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3 O'clock. P.11., on the 6th day of September, 1938, and in the absence of Mayor Slashburn, Commissioner Hank presided as .mayor pro tem and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tom Hank (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Melton offered motion that a dedd ranted to V. M. t;und for Lot V. M. Mundy -dead to g Y lot in Oak Grove No. 63 in Block No.S on Foreman street in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Kentucky, upon proper payment of $30.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem Hank (4). Commissioner Pulliam offered the following notion: Whereas, the time is fast K. U. Franchise furs -Corp. approaching when the city shall have to advertise for sale of a;li t and power fran- :ounscl to furnish in- � P formation chase if that has to be done at least eighteen months before the expiration of the present K. U. franchise, therefore I move that the Corporation Counsel prepare and prese:.t to the mayor and each commissioner at the meeting of September 12th, 1938 an opinion as to just what are the requirements for the city to fulfill in order that the city nay not lose its proper rifts in the matter; also as to the proper procedure of the city before the expiration of the present franchise of the Kentucky Utilities Conpany. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Helton, Pulliam, Stubble- field and Mayor pro tem hank (4). Zdwsr•'.s & Howard deed. to/ Comnisnioner Stubblefield offered the following motion: Beasley Marble & Beasley 7arble Company - ;Granite Company by :7. L. Beasley, Sr., and 0. C. Beasley of Paducah, McCracken County, Lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, w;Kentucky, having presented to the Board of Commissioners their deed for the north side of Lot No. 524 in Block No.36, being 9 feet in width and 20 feet deep in Oak Grove r-etery, Paducrh , Kentucky, which deed is duly executed and acknowledged by Errs. Anna L -:u Edwards and Ess. Bell Howard and 3. Howard,- I move that the conveyance of said Tial lot as aforesaid be approvod, and that the cemetery records be corrected to show conveyance. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, r. lefield and '--;•or pro tem Hank (4). i Cr91narce c:nstruc mon Co -'!r': 'n r "elton offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance Pniden h12eY:';E PROVIDING roil TIC; CONSTRUCTION AIM R`_COIISTRUCTION Or THE DRIVE- li -: ! Tl 'T THE :OUTH PROPMITY LINE 0., EIU: ::AY TO E :1011^.H LINZ OF � 1N q'1'r CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEd COMrmr, KfRTNCKY, YIITlI ALI. 71IiCL:1 �LP.Y � TINTAKM, CATCH EASIITS, SIXTER AND DRAIET PII'EA, ANMD ALL ITx'CEJ ARY IC: ;.i.7 CL:.':ICtd. SER,ICES IN CONN.CTIOEd TH h£,;.ITII. U11DER T11E i 0'-' Or i'Id COLCU:^.d .:TUCIY ADOI-,D AT 1,. a 791?: IT:PROW-MENT OF eUuIC 7.1 serf'. L!:I It A' -'ION OR OTi _... G. 9i:!. .:,1.:1v1i. Olt :D AT CU::T Olr T17i 0t'I7hh3 OeHKAL ;,::TATE APUTTING ON OF ' - OR LBV '?I7T: :`_iLT, AND PROVIDING 'MAT MPC'; ..:II. LCTS Oi:C Pi, :.L.. 0. REAL E..s.. • , ., : i'tIi T.Il^: PAY!'S11T Oil 19IE !;CH CO:3T ZPALT. &E7VlEi'.Pd ?'ffc T02'AI. COT Q- C Proceedings of Board of Cmmnlas cnero City of Paducah September THEREOF '.IMUN ONE-HALF OF SAID IILPROVE1,1E_` S SIIAIL HAVE EEQI COI.IPLETED, 7AIICH TIFF SHALL BE DETERMINED LY THE BOARD OF COISIISJIONERS :tiITH TILE ADVICE OF THE CITI LLIoWEER", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissionors Melton, Pulliam, Stubble- field and Yayor pro t�=t Han'z Cr�i^.ance i.o:.nisaioner Pulijan o'im•^i the following motion: I move that an ordinance wat'-or izing -;iator :7o., to entitled, "ASI ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND EMP071ERING TIIE COMISSIOSk Mi OF 71ATER WORKS Install mr.ins OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO INSTALL CERTAIN FEEDER MAINS IN THE DISTRIEI'TIOII :3113 EM TO 11,4PROVE THE DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES, AND TO REMOVE EXISTING MAINS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPLACING THEB !'-7TH Lin'" +1 "AIIIS"m be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners }Belton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and ISayor pro tem Hanle (4). Or9inance to' - Commissioner Hank offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitle employ spec - In! counsel "ASI ORDIIIANCE PROVIDING FOR THE 04PLOYIBENT OF SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH on floodwall ri,a�ts-of-wey TO 71ORK IN CONNECTION ;7TH THE PERFECTING OF TITLES AIM ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES FOR ITHE RIGHTS-OF-77AY FSR THE SEA 1ALL OR FLOOD WALL FOR THE CITY OP PADUCAH, AND PRESCRIB- ING TRE RATE Or PAY FOR SUCH SERVICES," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Llayor pro tem flank (4). On motion meeting adjourned. I `ADOPTED_ _,2s - \`L=_�a', APPROVED: 'y ;:::;t�� s:: iia; �:: � :7;aar:: «•ats �-;. � At a call meetin: of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Corcnissioncral Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of i.:,eptember, 1938, :mayor 1.7ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the following ans y er! to their nacres: Co:.wisslon• rs Hank, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor i.'anhburn (4). ?'nyor ',ashburn stated purpose of meeting„ to -wit: For the purpose of 'n. or':innnce pertt�ining to enforcement of the I::arkot House, and to transact any other .ones thut rmy come before the meeting. t,:r to Co _pin^loner "Pulliam offered the followin„ motion: I move that the letter In arc. the Yayor al,lrosso:I to the membars of the Board of Coranissionars bo received, n^:d spread upon time ::Inutes. Lost on call of the roll: Yeas; CorzdsolonP:r :: nn,_' :'ayrr ;os'^.;urn. (2). • L r. Cr, -..Iosionors Hank and Jtubtlefield (2). Cr. nn!',�n the mAetin- a %;,,.s vn^.1. `. t