HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 967, June 26, 1945NO, 967 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah June 26, 1945 Insurance Bus Comps. Sell lots John A Levan At a "egular Meeting of the Board of Commis3lonor3 held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:00 o'clock P.'.'. on June 26, 1945, i?ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the followin; answered to their names; Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and Yayor Seaton (4). Commissioner '"a ver beiz- absent (1). '.:inutes of the previous meetin; were adopted as read. Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the Board of Oommis3foncr3 receive and file the letter of 400dall - Melton, dZ;onts for the Hartford Accident £: _indemnity Company, dated June 26th, 1945, in which said AGonts advise that there will be attached to said Company's Policy No. PUB -A-64957 Prior to June 30th, 1945, the date on which I:ary Denonda Stewart, doing business under the firm name of Paducah Bus Company, will assume the duties and responsibilities imposed under i`otor Bus Franchise Ordinance Vo. 2, an endorsement under which the said Mary Deronda Stewart will be substituted as and f Ir the Insured in said policy in -the place and stead of the Lexington dailway System, in ., Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and Vayor Seaton (4). Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizin; the sale to John A. Is Van of the two lots located at the corner of 22nd & Kruger for the sum of ';200.00 cash. Aaopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, and ?'ayor Seaton (4). Bus Franchi ,a Yayor Seaton offerOd the followin; motion: I move that the request of Yary 'i7•ansfer �f I� Deronda Stewart for approval of the transfer to her of the --otor Sus rranchise Ordinance by the Lexington Railway System, Inc., and her acceptance of said franchise the reeeioted copy of the Notice of the Lexington Railway System, Inc., dated June 23rd, 1945, concerning the sale and transfer bB said Motor Bus Franchise to "ary Deronda Stewart, the ,ssignment of said franchise by the Lexington :'ailway System, In to htary jeronda Stewart, dated June 22nd, 1945, and the copy of the ?iinutea of the Special :.:eating of the Board of Lirectors of the Lexington nailwny 7ystem, Inc., hdld at the office of said Company on June 219t, 1945, which ;Linutes are siznod by D.P. Stewart, President and A.Z.Lconey, the Secretary of said Corporation, be received, filed and spread upon the Nilnutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yons, Commissioner .-ohrston, _icrce, Pulliam and Yayor soaton (5). A?rT:OSAL V iiANSFER OF FRANCUISB A'ID aCCLPT'1, CS' 07 .73P,:?r1!ISE. r.r ^cronda --ter.-art hereby petitions the Spar d of 13_:Z-,: tt.e pity of Paducah to approve and consent :e r transfer by the Loxin-ton aailwa- f �sto, la ;tev:nrt of the franch'..^,e nrov!:7r1 for ._co o. adoptod by t'• .onrd c mesion- 1,'Urlary I, . _ .. .. .. ....J .-.. .. ,.i .. ran Lei r.;.Y i, ._ tewe,rL, .t' .a•i r„t: ho t, o” Un"r ::a to of *cri n -;ton _ orgora- _ L3 .nee NO Ml Proceedings of 7onrn of Commissioners City of Paducah .lune 2sth, 1n46 Is attached hereto and made n part hereof. 'vary Jeronda Stewart states that the sale, transfer, and assignment to her of all the ri,;ht title a rl interest of the Lexington. Railway System, Inc., is evidenced by a writing entered into on the 22nd day of June, 1945, signed by U.D. -Stewart, Pres±dont of Loxington nailway System, Inc., and A. Z. Looney, Secretary. Said assignment is attached hereto and asked to be considered as a part of this petition and re- quest. The assignment by D.D.Stewart, as president, and A.Z.Looney, as secretary of said franchise, was made and done pursuant to a meeting of the Doard of Directors of the Lexinuton Railway System, Inc., held at the office of the company June 21, 1945, and said resolution duly si3ned by its president and attested by the secretary is attached here- to and made a part hereof. By mutual aGreement between Yary -eronda Stewart and Lexington Railway System, Inc., and subject to the approv- al of said transfer and assignment by the Doard of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Yary Deronda Stewart :•rill assume the management and operation of said motor bus system at midnight on June 30th, 1945. ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE '.ary ileronda Stewart, in consideration of the rights and privile3es assigned and transferred to her by the Lexington Railway System, Inc., and granted by the "ity of Paducah to the Lexington hallway System, Inc., its successors and assigns under the provisions of an ordinance entitled: 1AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING, THE CITY ;._ANAGER OF INE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TC SELL A FRANCHISE AUTHORIZING T. -IE PURCHASER TO MAINTAIPI AM OPERATE MOTOR PASSENGER BUSES UNDER AND UPON THE STREETS, AVE:;UHS AiR) PUBLIC 111AYS IN THE CITY OF PADWAH AND FIXING 'IHE IER:.S AND CZ)NDITIONS OF THE EXERCISE OF SAID GRANT', which was adopted by the Doard of Commissioners on rebruary 1, 1944, hereby accepts said motor bus franchise and agrees to comply with all the provisions of said ordinance and assumes all of the duties, and responsibilities imposed under the provisions of said ordinance for the unexpired period of said franchise from and after midni ht June 30, 1945. I'ary Deronda Stewart tenders to the amity of Paducah herew ith a bond in the penal sum of Five Thousand ('5000.00) Dollars si3ned by herself, as principal, and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, as surety, and conditioned as provided by Section XI, :+rticle I of Yotor Bus Franchise Ordinance "o. II hereinabove referred to and has procured a policy of liability and indemnity insurance conditioned in all respects as provided by Section XII, Article I of A'.otor jus franchise Ordinance No. II above referred to. Said policy of liability and indemnity insurance is affective on and after July 1, 1945, and is Policy P1113 -A-04957. I)I rST17-:0:dY :iHER,70?, the said Mary Deronda :itewart as si ned and subscribed her name hereto. This the 26th day of June, 1945. Si3ned: Mary Deronda Ste,. -,,art ..Td-.. .. ll.."CKY I "nrium Schrader, a Notary Public, in and for Str;t� and Uounty aforesaid do hereby certify that the :CVAL C: F :i.\C?iIPE° and "ACCT:.?',,M::CE 5th da ;/ Of June, 1915, produced :aunt an: wns in my presence signed her net and deed for the purposes a sa!d :ary Deronda ^tewart stated that co:+a:ne1 thnrnin wore true and correct. :,; ary Public 2111 expire on tho ^,o . s 'rotary s'ublic. "Ct.h ,In;; of June, 1✓: ... ..'e"Wnler �i NO, 200 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducab June 26th, 1945 "Lexington Kentucky Juno 22, 1945 Board of Commissioners of the ity of Paducah: Gentlemen: This is to advise that the Lexington hailway System, Inc. has sold and agreed to transfer to t_'ary ueronda Steuart, subject to your approval, the franchise acquired by it to operate motor vehicles In the Oity of Paducah under a resolution of your Board dated 'November 15, 1944. "le respectfully request you to consent to such transfer. LEXINGTON RAIL',AY SYSTE14, IMC. By D. D. Stewart Attest: President A. Z. Looney Secretary Receipt of a copy of the foregoing notice is hereby accepted this the 25th day cf June, 1945. CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCP.Y By 'Eayne C. Seaton Kayor "Lexington, Kentucky June 22, 1945 For and in consideration of the sum of Seven 'Thousand Dollars 07,000.00) in cash, paid by Mary L'eronda Stewart to the Lexington Railway System, Inc., the receipt of which Is hereby acknotirled3ed, the undersiZned, LexinZton Re'lway System, Inc., does hereby sell, transfer, set over and assign to Mary Deronda Stewart, of Pineville, Kentucky, all of its rL„ht, title and interest In and to the franchise to operate :rotor busses in the amity of Paducah, acquired by it under a resolution of the board of Commiss- ioners of the City of Paducah, under date of November 15, 1944. Phis sale is effective from and after the date of approval b� the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah. In testimony whereof, the Lexiry ton Railway S:M tem, Inc. has hereunto subscribed its name, this the 22nd day of June, 1945. L; XINGTGII hAlUiAY YSTs;.I, INC. By D. u.-tewart President ATTEST: A. Z. Loney ,S'etretary "SPECIAL S rl .. i 1 DIRECT , {Y SYS TET::, 1::^ . �.., NrrE C, ".P iJY Jt":.: _. at "9ho :cllcnin- 11rectoro wore present: .,. •. Lewart our tney Len ' ho.:ae, Jr. A. . Lconvy .. .__.. the meetlq• st-nnd salvers of the -oarrl o Purchc.::e from the - :.. to uhara to :p : t: un ier a ty cc Yaaucah rt: ;tem, Inc., . conil_,- _.. of Saver. NO 970 Proceedings of 'oard of Commis inners City of Paducah June 26, 1945 After discussion, it was moved by ,•illiam F. Courtney and seconded by Len Shouse, Jr., that the company accept said offer of Cary Deronda Stewart, and that U. D. Stewart, as President of the Lexington Railway 5'ystem, Inc., and A. Z. Looney, as Vice -President and Socretarl of said company, be and they are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Lexington Railway System, Inc. to transfer and assign by written instrument, all of the ri„ht, title and interest of the LoxinZ;ton :Lailway System, Inc., in and to said franchise to the s aid ::ary Deronda Ctewart, .m subject to the consent of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, and that- steps be taken by the rrosident to obtain the consent of the Commissioners to such sale. The motion being put by the President was unanimously agreed to, and it is so ordered. It was moved by 1•1111am A. Courtney and seconded by Len Shouse, Jr. that the meeting adjourn. Phe motion was agreed to ani it is so ordered. D. D. Stewart President A T I'SS T: A. Z. Looney h Secretary " gond ?nducah Bus ,% Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Bond for x5000.00 executed on Compsny June 26th, 1945, by nary Deronda Stewart, as Principal, and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, as her Surety, and which bond has been executed pursuant to the provisions of Section XI, Article I of Yotor Sus Franchise No. 2, created under an ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners on February 1st, 1944, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and B:ayor Leaton (4) `50.00 to Yayor Seaton offered motion that the City of Paducah appropriate the sum of iisacled Jar" 7aterans , "`50.00 to Chapter 7 of the-isabled American -..ar Veterans to be used for redecoratin and furnishin-Z their club rooms at 125 Broadway. Adopted on call of the Roll, I� Yess, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and Mayor Seaton (4). ?rasnfer ;/ Commissioner Pulliam offered the followin; motion: I move that an ordinance .Bus r'ranchi se entitled: "A:': O'.iDINAIXE COPSEN TING TO AND APPROXING THE SAM A`:D TRANSFER BY THE RATL;AY SY:.TEM, INC., TO 1.%RY DERONDA S'M';:ART lii.'ING USINESS U.NUER IIIE FIRM O_' ::,L 3231115 AID PRIVILEGES GRANTF•D TO SAID LaUNGTON I;;C. L"�f:, A.:� to ;Si'A\ r r0 AN OIillIIIAi7C8 ENTITLED. 'AN Oi,DI`A Y s _'r! _..,,rt.., C:- THE• C1 rr.. GP PAJI!(7AFI, MHUCK 'r0 S�i.L „ F:Af^?II E r • ..... _:.._,:., ..:r� oPrs1A :..,-crcT; P:;ss :r; :.. MID :. .- • - .:,YS Ii: THE CITY OF PADUCAH Aai, 1'IX,.,• r'.. r' , ..:ICN ..'AS ADC2T6D :C -adopted. ,.dopted on call o the ::ell, YOaa _r, JohnJohnn t,.r rc ..n-,, xa3rsx and L'syor uaaton (4). 1"sJ'S.r i f !"n •at: e t n T.01,10n- 1 move that an ordirs::ce ent. tlod: LOS ? VO TV i. I-'„il''A'! :c:Cn .A I"_GNAL L .,,i! E C: .;:I. 11,1 ti 1 . i'.i:. CI IY C^ 'ADUCA'; • .:!' , be - .. ?Laid. o: .e,:1 Ji' diff .,011, Yens, C,011., Inn loners Johnston, ES•rce, P:.1:.:^� ani "v,or .. .. .. ,L). ' I Zona''a i�• r _ .Soni oc•dinanea on tI tied: i Vain, etc I - • •;': 1'ot'.:, 191u' , to a:iopted. ' s_.... . NO. 171 Proceedings of :hoard of ;o-, mlissioners City of Paducah June 26th, 1945 Close Alley Park Ave to -urnett Payor Seaton offered the follov:in,; motion: I move that the Corporation �ounne prepare for introduction at the next regular meeting of the Loard of Com:ni stoners an ordinance providinS for the closlna, of an alley twelve feet wide runnin from the southerly line of 13th Street throu,;h the block between Park !.venue and Burnett Street a distance of .197 feet more or less to the line of another alley throu;;h saki block parallel with Park ;venue, and also providinE for the cloair>`; of that portion of the area in the rear of the lot owned by Carrye T. Pope frontln. on 13th Street in order that said lot may have a total depth of 95 feet, and in said ordinance the attorney fo the city shall be instructed to institute in the Circuit Court a suit for the clonin? of said alley, 1oIninG as defendants in said suit all persons o.inin3 property nbut-tin^ upon said alley; provided, however, the said Carryo T. Pope executes and lolivers to the City of Paducah a proper instrument of writ n_, dedicatinr7 to said city for use as a public alley a strip of ground 12 feet wide west of the alley whlch is to be clos d, said strip of :;round running for depth from 13th Street in a southerly direction 200 feet more or less to the line of the other alley runnin,; throubh said block parallel J with Park Avenue. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co.-m:issioners Johnston, i Pierce, Pulliam, and r..ayor 6eaton (4). j On motion the meeting adjourned. DDCPTD: ��_x�:, �p�jln 1945 APPROVED city Jerk