HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 955, May 9, 1945Proceedings o .-0'''-' ] :'f ,,:.:i City of Paducah � 1 1Y ', '� 11, 1 L,- to nc-,­!; m�?t 1n.- as ov dlmnca 1 iz' ..- cr. to ..ol-ert; C. Jarman for t;i, on call of the .:oll' Leas, Cor11lU;.',1OnOVa JOhW!t0n, a t �, he w2l"' Q!, .,at -nor offore(I notion .i payroll for the Inat; I 1 cl in die. a.-iount of ";11,239.72 rind that the City ','rct, :: Lire,.- be nathorIzed by cheerswn on tae 1 --neral :arid. Adopted on call of ti:n ;oil, oncra johnoton, Pl-.-cc, Fullian, 7.amcr and T..ayor ;caton (5). lrzioncr Tierce offered :iotion that t1ne roporUi for the i-Iontil of is received: *'Iro-,p. .:.,T. a-,' on call o' J Lho a3, JJohnston,.1iorce, y i, = 3i, rl,! : aym, ,:caton (5 ). loner Johnston offered riot 7 Dn c 1:he lo ter of chief �'. Z. -,--,yint✓ 1:'::5, be received and filed, an z;!tl:o .card of Oo:¢ilsoloncra a. from 3rd to 5,11 1945, in or�'.c'r '!,'qil I,: - 'Y .;i -my will o In t!io I cc,,. L 'loptod on rw I of uhe ;,:)I!, Ze_no, cola,Aiisione­a iri,co, iii_-, %! ',on ti &t tiro ^orpomt�on Counsel pj,�,FL, lzz;ionor Johnston offor--d rio-i at of lo� ovcllnallf�') autil" the sale 1 31, to a ­"Y irarri., for tj;o n'. 1 1 r ': ' , Proceedings 0 r r"n —City of Paducah '� t'" ':2 1 11) ", I On "n..", tnt, in lic .z, t., t,n5,1 r:� . ,eon ripe. u y val 0.cteit of t.ho lial-111ty C'-' t'c'7 c 1 1.0; w,ount viii'ch o­.ce. e[15 lavilo'l o.- rout, ntil In which, lottor ::i:_1;1 ottornoy rocor--mor,13 ^l rosocuted from the '.w.,iaunt of t; a CitcWlt Court. Adoptod on call of I., t,er,qo .3loneri Johnston, Pierce, i ulliam, '.:aCncr and ajoi- .,c,9 ton (5) -2'." offered motion that the Corporation Counsel to authorized to prosec to court — •� eals on nppenl from the judCriont randevvl in the act' -on of 1-ational. vs, Julia 1,. Rahr, City of la0i.cah, et al, which jid,7.ient D. Fwlucall La pay the full amount of tho improvement anconamentl n;orcrty o: the said J; lie o. Rahr is not in conformity with the opinion Of '::.n Co:: --t of —ronlo and should be codified. Adopted on call of the i(oll, Com.issloners Johnston, 7icrce, lullion., .a per and !:ayor deuton (5). 'eatnn Ofored the followinE- notion: 1 move that` a n untitled: . o olutio TZ 0 i 'Lee, I.: ZX .:f' T-1*11. i-.0:: T::, fICTP,1_ 'fAXjjTT0:,' 203 A :100D 0 2Z11" 'iZAI,,; T111Z 11 ILt JLIP CUP COI:rMATIO:.` LCr XV.,.7, AT r --"Y FADJCA11, ;:nINTUCKY", be adopted. Adcpz;od on call the .poll, !,,as, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Vullism, "raCner and :.'ajor .3caton (5). Comnios loner --aZner offered t: c folloviinr motion: 1 nove that an ordinance enti- led: q_. rz ?,�0711:; vo': T:.E JAL" 70 Or' LOT 27 IN Z -'Or:' 1 0.1 T::-,, 71c: CIT! Oe PADUCAH; ;—D ALJO JALE TO E. L. T.i;X 01, LOT'" -C C(lil-I 7 jOUTHEAST MCiLP, OF Ti -E 1i:T,'iRiZCTM'. OF 20th ...D 7. "; A ; 'P;:E 71A70? A*.'D GM CLER7 w Op D^' P bo adopted. .adopted on call of the '-oll, Coca, i.­.­.On^rn Johnston, —1liam, ',."a,7ner and !'ayor 30aton (5). 2--n-loner Fierce offered rio;Ion that tlrvu report of ..udit nrecared by ces'-'Or t'a y, tille financial led liccountantu of Louisville, 1Z jitlic:-, -ity of ?,,I,,U(,nh es, of -Ocey.bov :.lct, -,nfl filed. , c. -ran, Corizii:ugloncra jolinzit-,!I, .,i, -nor and `vc '11Ot On cntltlod: novo that an or, titled: