HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 953, May 1, 1945Proceedings o o7ird of "mr-tioninnory City 1pfPaducah :',+y 1z:t. IiI5
alar :aL;CtI)j7 Of the -0ar,I of romr.-Ujaionnr:i field in the
ht.(:It", "n"i, a6!wah, Kont,zc!,*y, at 7:30 oln-lock an 1:ay iz;t,
iilo,l w,d neon call of t:,.c 7:011 the following answered i,) their
Jihn.ntori, Ilievoo, ulliam, ",lacner an'! :nyor .,eaten (5).
-Inutoz of the previous mootim- zflopted na read:
7' Covmiaoioncr Pulliam offorad motion rhrt c!ccci rvntorl. to ;^ibol an P
1--r, -I t t i 'urnert for Lot 24 in Uock 4 on ';-cil avenue in the :01180leUM Addition to Oak (Irovo
7?-aetory Farlmoah, 7'entucky, upon payment of -100.00 to the city '.r,)srvrr, t,c arpi-ove,l,
;,dopted on call of tho Roll, Yeas, Commi.,iiioners Johnaton, IT'lerco, ?uIllam, aUncr and
n."O" ,oaten (5)
lots to Conmianioner '.7a,,nor offered rnotion that Lila Corporation Counsel Pvnpi,vo for
-'sxf`ntroductlon nt the nort mvetini an w-dinanco authorizin- the sale of tit,
Lot P7, Uocic I on .alen .,treat to jo%.co thitfield for the sum of '25.00 Cash.
T,ot.i 1'.' ' 17 in Clock 23 on �:aohinLton 3triot between 19th and 20th to H. L. Lax for
the num of '.325.00 cash. Adopted on call of the =toll, Yens, Cormissionera
I hn-ton, -
.0 croo, Pulliam, .,brnor and Z;ayor Seaton (5).
Clay CoTmiosioner 7.raCner offerod motion that the letter of Cr. J. .3. ;Dead of the
1„ttcr of
cad G. lonpbell Clinic with reference to the condition of Janes Albert Clay, a
-n trolmon of the City of Paducah who was injured in an auto-moUle accident sonaetin.e
li aCo, be received and filed.;adopted on call of the !Ioll, lean, Corpinin-gioncre
lohnuton, i(Irce, Pulliam, ',bEner and :.ayor :;caton (5)1
-7atar 10 r:)-:--Issioncx Johnston offered motion that the :Innncinl Report of' the t"j,"wmh
"c, r t
C. E "tor f.)r the month of :'arch, 1045, be receive(' and filed. ".Jont—I on call
—n !,oil, leas, C01mi-7clonom Johnston, Pierce, Pullian, --rq:ncv and : a;:,— -`.,atop
.. :Ulliflm offered motion that the letter of lint with
;int of the vcd7.olnr nalciry to (:! y �Iizrin- h.l:;
filed, to nw., xx
Uiv mnri!l, —1 nt,,d On .-all 01
-,:nplc!tLon oz' f
Proceedings of - " " I �* City of Paducah Ll-** 1;;1;,
.in t! I,,;' .;ol i,onnt I
'n -t i -n I 111'111:' 111C.'J 011 (1 Properties at 11th
In the city o' from nunic*pol taxatlon !:o rQcelvod
:,,i call of the .,oil, Cea3, Conmivalonorn Johnaton, ?Terve, Pulli
t, on (5).
,nr 1'.._red the folios.,In motion: cavo th,,t v entitled:
0i ;OL LCC,i`_`D IV
TI.; "1'rf 0_-' Le adopted. „dopted on
no 11 1 t :'oll. 'Loas, Commissioners Johnaton, Pierce, Pulliam, .,'aCnor and :,.a.!or
on (5).
.d the follo
win,- motion: I itIove that an ordinance entitled:
Ist, 1045, .:4D :1, Z.;C:-.,_
::ADS", bo Introduced and rcriain on '-Ic for one Uj vice'. for public
.'_..:rection in the completed form in vihich It shall ae put upon its final p0 ssatie.
,,�,intcd on call of the _oil, leas, Conmisaloners Johnston, Pierce, Tuiliam, -.;arner
-;.,or .;eaton (5).
:7,n Conmis3ioner Pierce offered notion that tho application of Craddock Canninr- and
^-.).,irany for exemption from municipal trxntion df ita bitolnons and properties
"Ai,. and Jones _trCOt3 be received and filed. ndoptod on call of the 1:olj,
f:ioncrn Johnston, 2ioee, ullinm, ••a Per
and "ajor Seaton (5),
�.i:_-loner Pierce offered the folloxin,7 motion: I move thata :.
Wsolutlon en ti
?I: ',IOD 02 PIVs y_1A1j.; y.;S
Lo adopted.
7 0 tl-,C 'Z031, (,,:;:d!)Jloncra JolinaLon, PIO."CO, Pulliam, '..sE-,ncr and
n3ljlen ti ^.t t'ic, re,ort of iwo i). i;ottors, citocutivo
Anton -onfororino of !1,,jyora, wlth rotex-nce to th') !,.,apoqaIa
-,f i'%nln 1.on -ra '=, be race
�:;s for po.jt. ,,.zlr ,,Ljbjjc 01, ived
on -tli of tj-_ ye.03, Conmissioncra johnoton, 1,,,-ce, ; ul