HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 946, April 17, 1945NO. Proceedings o CitpofPaducah "OL'n- of co hol,I in t!,!; at '.I:Zi0 alcirc:c P.I.:. an ..I-.vil i", n-:6, -z; n,: i upon Call of .;,)?U the VollcviinC answered to their nanan- Icrac, rulliam, ,,,,:vtr and L'.ayDr tieaton (5). 7irutco the provious ncctlrr•, were adopted as road. ro:i1insioner .:a,,ncr orfarod notion that the board of Gonatalosioncra receive ant tae file t;•.o rorort *.' the flood co:r.nittee concernin,7 the projyes3 nada bj theta while In far the nuT' 0,90 of obtaining- priorities for the purchase of purapa and necnsoary fo:7 completion of tlic flood wall. Adopted on call of the Roll, ^.­-iL:oioncra Johnston, l-iercc, Pulliam, ­amer and ;'.Taynx. rcaton (5). r7nryii3zinnor Pullian offered notion that the Amended itatemont of ialticipated -nt 'revenues suLmil tod by the City 1-:anoCar Cc received, filed and spread upon the "Anticipated Revenue ('urrcnt Yonr -- Fool 11erannal Less Dlocount on Current Ta:,00 -5000.00 Prior Leara C2000.00 franchises as "obacco 430.313 Penalty-Interest-AdvertiainG 11000.00 rolls 7500.00 :rank Shores 7I5.E 0 TO t a 1.9 3 42, 4 3,1,. G 7 ry LICE!.3E.-­ETC Occupational Licenses 74000.00 Auto L Turks Licenses 21000.00 DoC Licenses 700.00 '__'uil,.inr,, rormits 250.00 .enalties-Licenses 1200.00 "a-r%et house Rants 2200.00 ':Iectrical Inspections 600.00 '^otoln 90950.00 ren r.orts 18n00.00 'None .00 _A:nvy-,ot ;q2eq 1200.00 Fevnit^: 1.000.c0 G()00.()O 24.(10 nt "150.00 IAd' ted On C' a'1 11 thP 701 Zen .1, -1- on,,r:; Johnston, "i0rce pu: 1.1i 1, r .'ion0,1. of"11 ');:Playoo •*I' the ;It.0.'I .7 h r her AM01111t Per "o 10"Putir., tho ir , I ny, jo n f"Dr U- an.- r3­re,!t,.qn3 -,I, W-11ph !Uy ;n *­Inarca ir ltn -,:-osont fo;-M lu nn- !*rqpared in '-on. AI�rtta nn ca.1 !.: the Rall, -;.'*a ., . Jsm 1,-!. NO. Proceedings of °= 'r' of �;on-i:ur.inn,rn _City of Paducah aril 17th. 19CA Cor nisaionor •m par Offered :notion that the rc ort of L:r. U.3;.Rus'r,ior, ,,:i,inistrat.D- of the ::iveraido :iosn:ital concerninr tho trcatncnt of Charity Patients P:+x, in • the riont:h of "arch, 1945, Le received and filed and ihut tho corrd Of r.or.umUuoionera approve the puynent of the sum of ;.1,ii0•i.:.i1 Lo Lha City of Paducah :unicipal Eospital Commission for the cure and truut.cnt of charity cases curing G said nonth. Adapted on call of the ,'all, Yens, Commlocioners Johnston, 1•10rce, ;i ulliam, ::aZner and Payor ;oaten (5). .;:71 r--";otory, Commissioner Pierce offered motion that dead ^ranted to Anna R. Carr for L t lot to Anna R. Carr lie. 5%8 in r1",% 'So. 10-A on ,,oil Avenue In 0a': Grove Ccrrotery iaducah, Wentuc'ry, unort proper payment of ;A5.(0 to the City '?Tca.rurer, Ce naproved. Cr. --7y tatal Conmisnionor Johnston o,'fored motion that the letter of Rudy .Sto..art, City vat^.q::_c.n to sc:^ n:"I C'_eV% addreaaod to the —ard of (;ommiasionern. fated i,pril 9th, 1945, to,,ether vrith the cop;; of the letter •,mitten by hirt to S,r. H. L. Smith, Superintendent of the ?oard of 3aucation of the amity of Paducah, Kentucky of the sar.re .'ate, and a copy of his certificate as to the total valuation of all prnporL-y in the City of Paduca;. subject to taxation for school pur;oses in the year 1945 be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. "April 9th, 1945 ward of Commissioners City of Paducah, 1'entucky Dear airs; 'n ,,)ril 9th, 1945 1 delivered to yr. H.L.Smith, Superintendent of the :card oi' :question oi' the City of Paducah, +'entucky, a letter enclosinC my certificate shor:in the total asnoased valuation of all property in the pity of aducah subject Lo taxatian fer school pu-poaoa for the year 19.15. This ini'Orrrat.on 'Nal)cel•L.if.ied to the �-oard of S•iucatlon pursuant to the requiremonta of KPS 160.•140. tou :rill find enclosed a copy of the latter I hnvo written t, Pr. Smith, to-ather with c cop;; of thocertificate. Very truly yoars, Rudy :;terrart T. .:holes. City Clark '+ "April 9th, 1945 "r. .:math, Cupurintandent :board of�?-!ucation ' Ci` y J:' : , . inch, !:entucky 1t a umlor the provisions of 1'a 1 ,0 10, 1L.' herewith nclonin m..y C e total asscaao<'. vulua :r r f u_1 :•,abbey W,,t,ect• Sa Lnxaclon i the City r , ntuc!,y far school u:y axes ir: t -',lo, with rip. 1;w^r:ura ca ti.r. :rci lora :.f 'r[it 1 .47G a ro;Cop the year 1`5- 15, + e.: the mount of rr,or.+• n ae,4 . :O: ^ . :..os, debt and service r. y ^"`tlniea of +n'i ?t,; Pxr :10Cea sal'y .':arinb the year 1945, ni , 1 �.�Lrrl ur:auni tri,ich ' will ',a racaiv common school fund an:' L 111 Le m.,Iodto Le rai.eel 6Y tans. on, inn.;+::.in^. t}�r. rrto .., •: t, rr�iso :;ugh anNWSt. ,.. .. akp-�rn8i'�rr+. �.?td;-ret +;' � .• 'st _ ' To:r •u^.?et ahoulr; fl.,: t 1 Psoceedin6s of City of Paducah ..111'11 . 19.15 'I further certif; tint oaid report of the - ard of w1u lizatlon shoal th 0? -:1 ala^,csHi v_n.l,1ntze11 ll :r:hcrt;: subject to taxation in 4he city of Paducah f . u ­e_^.. no ^r: ir.c-' Cy the �ity Assessor and the :;pard of qualizatIon of 0::1 1 have horounto subscribed my name as Cleric of the City of indrncah, _entucky, and affixed th^ corporate seal of said city, this the 0th day of -pril, 1945• Rudy , tcviart City clerk. " ;,rlc^t ,d an call of the Zoll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierre, Pulliam, .,agner a .^nton (5). Cor-nissioner Johnston offered notion that H. L. Smith, 3uporintendeut of he :aaz'd of ::ducatlon, Navin,; requested that a street light be installed on bu"ner ':ono it the atenn entorinC the school yard of GeorCe Rogern Clark School; . :.evo th'it the <•em.zcnt be referred to the City I:ana,-cr• and that the a`rac= li 1' c �'natallcd if it is .o.:aible for the Kentucky Utilities Comnuny to secure tho neccooary equipment. .adopted on call of the hell, Yeas, Commissioners Jahnston, Iierce, Fullian, :arner and ;'ajor Seaton (5). r:a;;or Seaton offered motion that the uoard of Vomminaioners receive and ✓"Ile and sprone upon the minutes the 3udCer of the -pard of Education of the City of Fad:coh for the year 1945, together with the certified copy of the -esolution under :kinh said Board of Education has requested the levy of taxes at the rate of 1.07 on each ane hundred dollars of real and peracnal property aucject to taxation fnr• the year 1945. "April 10, 1945 "Honorable 1..a^or and ;.oar3 of Goc-,Izz ion^rs ranolution is a >uu•t ,f u,.o rsinutas of ilzc re filar ;ducation held i on,!L, ni;-ht, A.,rll 0, 1J45, at vj;:ic!r All .•1';....'T t!zo -,nrl •;' education of iaducah levies: by t'..o tax levy - h, Sentucicy, nn ad ;un ccnta(..1.41) on ench _ ty of the City of ;_on Por tl.o year 1i•15, for dairl year of 19=i5 c bo ralscd to support the city of _aduc:ih, be raisod fro:: the 1',l of "ducatlon of La., lovyinC L levy the .. tllk tnxable ,ar .:^pool NO, I' Proceedings of °":•d of Composrsionnra City of Paducah L TII 1 19:5 In compliance ::ith tho law (,.R.S Sections 160.,<60 to 160.530, inc.,) and the hre^tlntisns of the hate Board of Rducation, ao the board of education' (trustees ) of ,;thin school district, hereby submit to you for approval our itomized ntater:ent or budget Lshor:ing t amount of money needed for payment of teachorar salaries, for maintonance 0 find operation of school ;slant, for school boildinrs, repaira, cquipmont and other gschool purnosco, for the aucceedin;• school year July 1, 19— , to Juno 30, 19_1 L` �after deductln,• the state funds available and all other income rosourcos and fur.ds on Nand or in :1roccas of collection; and shoran; the amount r}rich :all be needed to ire *•wised b:r local to%ation, lnclu::InZ the rate of levy necessary to raise such acrount, viz I' ( 0 months for all clomen 1�4 ( tary schools "_'ala budget provides for a torrr of( Census 6,800 II ( 9 months for all h1Lh schools cede ESTIIZATED EXFr .�ICURES �;_,. cn 1CO-199 AD,,'INIST:':;TIOTT OR GLIMAL COII4RCL .. '7 „1? 0.00 Include all payments for salaries of superintendents, assistant superintendents, clerks and steno•rsohers; also e::pendituroa for ._'lice supplies and other miscellaneous o::ponses in con- nection with the office of superintendent. Include expenditures for surety bonds of officials, professional services, census enumeration and other expenses of cuaincra administration I:I:TRUCTIO.............................................................. 307,800.00 include salaries and expenses of supervisors, principals, assistant ••rincipols, teachers' salaries, educational supplies, library and nu^nlcnentavy b-•o;cs and other o:nen3os of instruction. SCHOOL i'LA711 .... .. ..... ... ........ 41,400.00 Include .,area of Janitors nnu om-in^cro, janitors' supplies, ox- penditures for _'u^l, rind star light and power eL lET ..... .. .. include all e-M)n,"Ituroo made fir ropair o_" bull,l z � i� 15,100.00 ' � in�a, cepa rs�ta systema, up!ccen of Craunda, anri repair otul rorlecer:ent of furnituro and equipment. -E09 IR�J �.n'G3ti .......................................................... 7,G75.00 Include inouranro nverniums, rent pold for sclraol auild.Ln s and ^•.:lr-i ont (not rent for holdln companj payments, ) and contriutt- 13ns rnr' con'.ingoncies. :C!E.; . '!L• COORDINATLirC"'1VI'I'l! S.. . . 7, ^25.00 salaries and expannes of field won:cernen�ct^odin uramotion nr.r_v?'.;i:�a, cast. of aehool athletics a.." •�1a•r••t•ouncis, ndonce. Include ail or:ori•;i,,;roa our of acirool ;• r.:• artatlon of pupils, inr,lu,'.inZ the hire, op• •nt an, .. .. ... - ^lea, Alan rn.ilroad, traction. a%,! Las :'arcs. the local iyste:., for 'urtehes, all, ober ..._.,.nt tuition to other r;:.:. -_•Lets (0o not include rn, .,it code it under 711; .i. ... , '.).-;i•:.1 100 'T •3 9 _.. •..-.,�..- i:11,:i;iO.G(i ICT.. 130.0 ......... o I .. Proceedings o/ Cltp of Paducah ­ ,rll 17th, lU•15 (tad ponds ( 0mdinZ; Bonds — bonds are C. (-.,ldinr, Co. Londs DLlization _ subdistrict 'Voted Londo;z _ OF City ( 1 zt:or:`rlso D. 'Sur!L :• of oubdistricts ti,.at levy a local taxa To';al otlmated revenue from such subdistrictsa .�pliea tc county school districts anly. s3:CIi,1:•P1:D ReCEIPTS 0 .:e expect to have on July 1 unexpended cash balance ............,1,551.22 :e anticinate other recdipty from the followint- sources: '0 A state per capita approximately '30,236.00 l p-aec ita to .school ruhd , x 0 Snith-Hushes funds approximately .......................... --3,500.00 0 Tuition iron patrons and other districts approximately .... 1,300.()0 C Interest on bank deposits a,proximately ................... 0 All other revenue sources, not includinr, codes 1100 to 1130 below, apprv:ir!ately 14-00 Sale of serial bands approximately '°0 Sale of propert.: and insurance adjustments due approximately.;r 200.00 J All other non -revenue sources approximately .. 2a�d Z. TO:CAL SSTI::AT:,D I:;CO'•.Z FROLI GO'U2CE3 01.1.rMI THATT DISTRICT TAY 137,039.E LeA'JI::; ',;L',::CE TC i8 SUPPLIED i LI.iTRIC`C :ACATION 274,580.7 SOURCES 0 DISTRICT '°AYATIOIT Ilr,0 The totcl assessed vr.luatien of all p•.operty subject to tnxation for achnol pur osea in this sch)ol :iotigct e ;elusive of the c:;snared valuation of Lane :: at•es, and exeluaivo of real estntc, tan^ible and franchise to:cca from corporations assessed Ly the „tato `.'..x Com -,dation, amount:; to a proximately •;:19,230.280. end baaod on 1.vy nade, will produce ................. 203,298.06 Prior years taxes (from City of Paducah)... .. 14,000.00 1110 The total assessed valuation of all bank shares in district araount:: to ti; and rased on levy made (maximum peri;itto y lair is •10g) ;rill produce ....................... 1,430.13 ::120 The total assessed valuation Bf all taxpayin;.-� franchiao ccrporatlons, so o::acsaed Ly the tato I" (ierLiiaaion, ,Inn-,r;to to a._ nroxirately .,'4.,472.,071.00 _,,de, will produce ....................... 47,851.69 on -is trIct axes ,000.00 ^itizenn listed for noll tax is _ i1 19d.,1 i ..............:_ n al i:IC13 ;`Icrateary ^`1 '.::R t.93ie n: ,... ..._, v- .,.:y : .i::lt L. i :9r r,};an1 P IOJ4 Oi •r.;5s .... t.'.'I ,r" of . _d ?ea lro 7 La lt.Et all as «« e!so v •••,; of o,; t:e ane hundred abut; of €., ._o .':_ �,: .,.ct is ^.wrxgn aoE..ol tex; a ca pStatian tax r, t t- ._.:ty-ono ;earn NO. U31 Proceedinsso 1: '1-1-:11rinnoro City of Paducah Anril I'/, Ij,15 w. Levy Ordinnnne 1 11) 5 Anortionmnnt CrdIr7tnce 1945 roi.iost; Y- levy for tho fiscal year 1915 "-Q-- is rnapectfully the City :.oard of oiducat -'on on this 10 lay of ,pril, l')45. . ............................ I .3ocrotary ...................... 3ourd of "ducation �'f -.,. tacky Pistrict of I hereby oertify that the above ro(:ueat vas ^rantcd on the day of Clerk of Py D. C." .�dnptod on call of the Roll, Yea -9, Coramizinioners Johnston, ;'icrco, I ullintli, lignor and ',a,,,*or .;..)at -n (5) Payor joatm offered the follo'.-jinc; motion: 1 *love that or,. ordinance entil-Aed: T17 7 LEV12�-' A n IIA'KATIO !: O:T - -'jrAjj, ;ij,.j:,'.0 T '2�,:UTIW: �'C- A2 1045, A::-, 'E'-` :-.i.-T-- C.,POLL zU-,!.-'O:;Ej 0:-' :;AID TA.i,.2 !T,:D11':! be acoptcd. Ldoptod on call of the roll, yca3, Cor.mil3jonopzi Johnston, : Icree, Pullion, ..ar-,*iQr and 1:ayor .;eaton (5). Payor Joat= offered the follo',,inZ notion: I io-vc that an ordinance ✓"AN TI;2 A POIZTI01R*X1111 U, TIJE IFUSLIC7-UMD'S 01' T-1, CITY Ok ',.DUCAH, FOR 'Di-' LAR 1045, A::D AFRQFRIATING TRE FUDLr RZTE:.UE AICD 111CME Oi rT'I'f TO jUC11 1,U. DWOSESI, be introduced and romain on file for Wilic inapect-lon for on, ::eek in the completed form in 'which in ::hall be put upon Its final pauaa,7e. Adnptod on call of the •Loll, Yoas, Comli3a-loners Johnston, iLnrce, i:Llllianl, ,a-.-ner ,on,! "Ayor 5eatnn (5). ayor aoaton o.fercd motion that the 1,0ard of Comii.!-qloncra a. -prove the aon of the -nlica and .i—mnnla it2ntect-vo Azonciation 13 UnOn3orinr- the ;old n -nrtlori n,• I.:,.c I'l-coorla of whirill In to be used In the _.-.nnizat',on of -olice -in !—• ,wnlo "lnvidnO, however, tho :1 '-,avl',i upon di., non,:Prjon !jj,,,t tile ae -,o n on .a'I ,f tl.e �:oll, Zoos,era t1-:,ar t;-!':1; .;co.t"n (:5).