HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 940, April 10, 1945NO. Proceedings o City of Paducah r,l of fvlil In tlwc z-mvjr -n intuvhy, at 7:30 o'clock P.I:. on ;qnri 10th, 194 ,rezaided and upon call of the Roll the followin7, answered to their names. rc;.-.,J :eionora Johnston, �-'(,Vcc, Pulliam, .;a,,nor and Mayor .;.)aton (5). !:Inutos of the provionz; moctLng were adopted in -cad. Cox-.iqaioncr -laorior offered notion that the payroll for the last half of 11arch, 1945 be allowed in the amount of -,11,213.24 and that 'lie City Treasurer be i authorize,! tc pay the sonic by checks dra-an on the General Fund. Adopted on call of tie roll, ',roes, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, in, -nor and Eayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Pierce offered motion thet the report of n r. 1w.J.Dass for the month of "arch, 1945, be received. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yens, Johnston, Fi_�rce, Pulliam, ioUner one, 17ayor Seaton (5). Myor `:eaten offered the following motion: I nove that all ordin,,nce ontitl3d: O'DINAvICE ArCE21IN, rH-1, 0-A'GEL.CA711ARATA AICD EIS ,IFE, ALITA -% C9; MARATA :17 :;UT Ole ;-350.00 FOR '11jr PUMIIASS OF LOT -16 17! BLOCK 4, ADDITIO4 "W' 0,' LUDERS AL3O ["In DID OF XAVIER LCPP IN HIL ollfl OF w4350.00 FOR 117is PIMCMAJE OP a ET, - - -:: it- IAST 1".0 FEET Oil ':11E SOU'll SIDE 0. JE1;,wER!;O;! XMC. 3E,, . G 100 FEET L AM J'-'FF2H3Cl; STREET.; A:,D HUJ;i*7lG BAC:-. 152 2`--7 '70 All ALLEY, Or' 25:'E _0 50 V.:7- 011 E; 3o7- -'H JIM; OF BROADhii f 250 --'E:-;T WEST 01• :Ili 27- - ;.:.:D A*?D ljUj7;ij.-.G BAC!' 161.25 F:,,'FT WO AN ALLEY, ALSO LOT.; X3. 11, 12, !Z., 14, 15 A:.D k PARA' OF LOT 16 Ol' UZ S. :3. CALUJELL 1237MVATIOU J STREET, A:ID LOT 14 11N BLOCX %" I:i THLe E.M a71D ATMi,)lR ' T 21 -111E 1,:A ZOR jZD Ci,i,y rL RX TC 7-�ECJ �i I -1: A FALIXAH, DEEDS OF CONVFfAHCE liL ;;AM 2�OFOJTYII, rrlontDd. Adopted on call of the i(oll, Yens, Comniiisionera Johnston, Tierce, ..a;7,:er and Eayor -.iantin (5). ✓ :ayor f;eaton offered notion that the letter of the City flanaZer dated April -,Lth, in h,: oli'lvilta to the City of -oducah his report (,.:nccrnin7 the 7 fin -1: .9fild city, to.ether ,Ith his ions concevninZ tile 7i; ni13 the fix.n- ol' Lho U,,x roto for tho year I345, Le 1-ocolved, -n,z-] .,1r.or. t1.e minutes. "April 1(" 10,13 cy inn. NO. I 141 Proceedings of �f' (.:p-i I p inn City of Paducah_ur i j i t t 1 :i. a Antic'nabed -^.cvenuen year 1045 Lr.:t yearto ta:: rate of 2.90 was act un as follol,3: L045 p City purnoseu, exi}lusive of Sinking Bund 1.1.34 CO:LECTED Police C: :ire -.onto Pension 1-und •04 CO3.1,_LTLD Genornl School purposes .J7 ?.65401.37 -5000.00 Sin%in:_ viand on Voted Bonds .EO 245•i7L.'J2 Interest on Voted -ends 20 nJO'i0.57 Paducah J;.trior ColloCo _ 05 22000.00 "a this eras added, by the Loard, an extra 10� -304j. .A 23639.13 for ;chools 10 -:,5135.99 10135.0p ttalcin,7 a total rate for the year -:J0' £3658.92 N;hls year I did not includo the extra 10$1 for Schools G4030.31 but found it necessary, in order to m-nporly balance the V.2.80 313Gb.89 udcet, t+• add - .04 830.3H *a:in- a Loral rate for 10•:5- 2.k34 I I 4 10.31 The extra 4y1 coca sioned by the following- cud Get 370.11 set-up to cover a?proximate expenses, as follows: 11000.00 'load Control fj3600.00 113.17.51 Llectric Plant (K. J.) 7500.00 •7,:.73.00 ?,:aster "tonin,- Plan 7500.00 7500.00 Road :'sc'r,ines, .it. Dept. 9600.00 6043..':5 '7300.00 73(;0..50 Tc you, honorable Diayor and tr each of the four Commijaionora and to the loyal 715.00 and faithful service of each depart:aetit head and to the unselfish service rendered by 4t; .•19 each and every employee and to the constructive int:oreat of citizens who have contributiedo 1350.53 rlease accent my sincere appreciation. i iu579 .G7 Roanectfully submitted. 550416.5; i T. R. r;. `.Ichlwce v iSO.eo Enclos. City i'nnager" Adont'ed on call of the Holl, Yens, Com:issionera Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .ACrier at,d i � t'ayor Seaton (5). I "iayor Seaton offered motion that the statoriont of ..nticipated itevenues submitted by the pity t:ana,;er, said statenont _Ihowin'­ the oati, atcd ;;avenues of the City OC Paducah fron all sources durin;; the year 1945, with comparative r,tate,,ents in p.nrall 1 coluaula of the taxes and other rovenues for the yours 1043 and 19),A, be received, filee. and spread upon the minutes. AMOURT JIEr0::;%i:1DL:D 1044 1943 BY CIT f 1)1'IACER " '� CI "I T • T' 74 000.00 L045 n,..i, t,,:-., CO:LECTED ANPICIPAtaD CO3.1,_LTLD "R- "+: ;L Ca i;iR.:, AL ^'int on current taxes ?.65401.37 -5000.00 250452.01 245•i7L.'J2 25161G. ":7 nJO'i0.57 .'.0 22000.00 .00 21'06b. 6G -304j. .A 23639.13 .(0 Z-1000.00 -:,5135.99 10135.0p • �) £3658.92 60000.00 G4030.31 517000.00 313Gb.89 830.3H 4CO.00 4 10.31 360.'.10 370.11 verti:,ink 11000.00 7500.00 113.17.51 10000.00 •7,:.73.00 7500.00 7000.00 6043..':5 '7300.00 73(;0..50 715.00 46'1..00 4t; .•19 50, of 1350.53 iu579 .G7 347933.47 550416.5; 350027.-10 v iSO.eo 74 000.00 73000.00 7 CICf;O.00 21000.00 7 x.1.0 1000.00 : 100.00 5. 'lt: .'.0 1000.00 -. , 15 • �) '15.00 ti•ki.;:G ,,ryr) ,.00 0J -183.B2, ..,...+30.40 .J ' Proceedin6s of ' °. w- 7 ,`` '' P ,,r City of Paducah 1112"1 10, 19.5 - E . Il:: i:,VE'1'ENT Oa' CI i f HALL _•:18xy of Janitor7ire,an ..laY'y of rlavctnr'np.crator :tre Janitor Elevator Onerator ^Para to 31dg-Ehler-Etc "iac"•'ater i^ls °. �upnliea 'vel; t -r "entals ira t, Cit;; `entnl Frnperty r.^7 :'one for Childred-;7 for Children -C _n ..:ae ry 960.00 :. r .leaton offered nio-lon that the T'oard of Canmdaalonors receive, file a _, �'-;•vn •.n o+a "h•= nlnitos the bud-er Prepared by the City Uanager far the year 1945, sal 734.00 n1, et hor:in- in itw:1zod form the a,propiiationa rer,ornanded by him for pnyment of 150.00 cur •ont ea, for ? r: anent improvemcnta and all other rovernmental cxpenses, viith 300.00 :74,4c-,onts in parnllel calumns of the aaproP;datlons and e::^^n6ituvos for 984.00 ;axt _-r•eeeed:n.- fiscal year, and the incroasea and decroaoos in the 6G.00 na reconnnnc.od. 61.19 96.00 140.00 36.00 -T iurt::cr nave that a public hcarinr be held upon the cudget oubmittod by t 5000.00 ^Itv ''anager on the 1cth day of •aril, 1045, at 7:30 o'clock 3G811.00 4500.00 480.00 AIMOUPT 7(ECCLIWIE77DM, 3UDGE`1UD EXPENDED „UDG.iTE 3000.00 8'i r1Ti' 1. ;i:AGEH FOR 1944 1000.00 1000.00 1945 T 1UOU.)0 2600.00 23e5 " JJJ...J .,v .. ., `r 111800.00. -1800.00 N1800.00 :;,1300.00 ..missionera 6000.00 6000.00 60006,00 6000.00 r yo; City Ya :or 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 r•: of City .itenogranher 1920.00 1880.00 1830.00 1740.00 e Ecuir_ment .00 .00 .00 .00 Lev-:.­:^rtlsln•-Etc 156.00 144.00 157.69 144.00 ' ^.onx '•a1o,7..ranh 48.00 120.00 32.81 130.00 i(- Dues 324.00 ^1^ 312.00 307.65 12.00 1lr 48240.00 48240.00 43238. GG 48240.00 ll .00 .00 .00 .00 62088.00 62096.00 62016.81 61716.00 E . Il:: i:,VE'1'ENT Oa' CI i f HALL _•:18xy of Janitor7ire,an ..laY'y of rlavctnr'np.crator :tre Janitor Elevator Onerator ^Para to 31dg-Ehler-Etc "iac"•'ater i^ls °. �upnliea 'vel; t -r "entals ira t, Cit;; `entnl Frnperty r.^7 :'one for Childred-;7 for Children -C _n ..:ae ry 960.00 080.00 980.00 880.00 960.00 .920.00 920.00 734.00 480.00 204.00 537.50 150.00 600.00 1000.00 1000.50 300.00 1008.00 12::0.00 1001.73 984.00 756.00 960.00 851.67 360.00 6G.00 34.00 61.19 96.00 140.00 36.00 350.09 .00 4950.00 5392.00 5792..68 •1084.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 GOO.CO 600.00 C00.(.0 600.00 600.00 600.00 000.00 600.00 1110O.00 1200.00 1200.00 780.00 7000.00 7000.00 7000.00 7000.00 500.00 600.00 637.50 300.00 .00 .00 .00 1004.00 14000.00 1?000.00 12089.40 11004.00 5000.00 6000.00 3G811.00 4500.00 480.00 740.00 440.00 360.00 4000.. 0 3000.00 :;'! IJ.'Jri 5000..0 1000.00 1000.00 L'.;r , 1UOU.)0 2600.00 23e5 " JJJ...J .,v .. ., GO 6.1100.1 0 0' •�coe.eo +�, iEXFk.::DED 1943 ^�18C 0.00 6000.00 aG00.00 1740.00 .00 W. 03 33.73 .00 48092.64 .00 61343.45 830.00 7'.;4.00 205.10 170.':9 1115.3E 1069.06 77.32 .;1.:35 1300.00 600.00 000.00 730.110 :7. 33 1019.83 5:793. 30 ;;60.00 05 1000.00 .00 7 1. C0 ....11....37 1.7(.0.60 .'vtso. GG 0 iL3:. UO r . oz, 3 Proceedinvof 7i^v3) on co^-'l=goners City of Paducah hnrll 1(,. 166 Pi3 .^.ontln�cnt :and 0.210.03 0585.00 5771.38 10073.64 G7•i4.S - 3anil?::Jervicc 2780.00 •}000.00 5640.(0 =10037.0." 8.3CO.00 ;;191.4 - ::lactrly :`lint 7500.0 .00 .i0 .00 1880.0 -C ::orgcncy Flood Control 5600.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 -7 Eonin,'7. urve; >ano 7500.:0 .00 .00 .00 .( '9 tinct.-Uni lnopoct ons 460.00 00.00 e20. G 9 204.00 58. 3.^0 Civilip _:efcnse xiorgency .00 .00 .00 1500.00 57.:.t 5:7 Fauucal unicipal 11ou3ing Corsa GOOXO 300.00 500.30 300.00 300.4 .00 10^ALJ ::al o :_loctrician & -ct. Captain 59651.03 10664.00 :i7567.'J9 45220.11 37559.5 "IC 7:17ALT: D'ci'dRT'FNT 3000.(0 3241.66 3000.00 3191.6 -.. Polary o Judge+s 3ecretary 840.00 Salsry .if City lhya.ician-'.J 2520.00 2480.00 2430.00 2.100.00 C3400.0 1 Srlary of City Physician -C 1740.00 1700.00 1700.00 1580.00 1-20.0 333.£•' Do_ In oculations :.04.00 300.00 540.00 432.00 283.". GO Incine ator Keeper 684.00 634.00 034.(0 684.00 OJi.0 151.20 -rue3- upplies 396.00 480.00 369.19 516.00 431.1 G Ircineiator Expense 204.00 340.00 4.70 36.00 :25.0 480.00 ;'cC-ac:en County Public Health Dept 3500.00 3500.(0 3500. GO 3500.00 3500.0 7 .69 5pocia -ubercul,sis Fund 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.C•O :i00.0 1156.5 Repairi to Building 300.00 324.00 .CO 240.00 1.:: 144.60 3slary of •iatchcran at Sity Duma 275.00 360.00 350.00 .00 .( 315 health Center 5000.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 1.5d. 12 ^otals 1440.00 15623.00 10658.00 10137.8r 9888.00 8045.0 " '1:_ 71_ 1.EPA3 .:E1: T :" _71ary�,of Chief 2940.00 2900.00 2900.00 2780.00 ?80.0 i ;,laryl',of '•aaistant Chief 2160.00 2167.00 2120.00 2000.00 2000.0 ''^ al o: . L to Ident Bureau 2120.00 2.03.00 1::10.58 1890.00 1880.0 SO^-,; al o-' ..c'in3 Director of B CF I .00 1520.00 1520.(0 .00 3:+lar; ice Clerk 20•1.0.00 .00 .00 .00 :G 0 -_ al o. .•-Detective Dent 2120.00 .CO .00 .UO C� :;alar;c. a5aina 01::').00 0000.00 9000.00 8929.00 6020.0 - zalary=_cutenant 1630.00 1940.00 19.10.00 1820.00 13720.0 :atrolmen-P. 43843. C0 45700.00 34765.23 43800.00 30011.7 Marr oiatrolnen-B GO .00 9709.25 .00 7030.0 ::al o :_loctrician & -ct. Captain 2100.00 2000.00 20,.-;0. CO 1940.00 1040.C• ala„ c^ Police Judge 3250.CO 3000.(0 3241.66 3000.00 3191.6 -.. Polary o Judge+s 3ecretary 840.00 840.00 734.47 800.00 81C. :;alaryj,of faller 1800.00 1760.00 17';0.00 1640.00 1040.0( ^uipm nt e: Ju lies 2000.00 3900.00 2181.11 1000.00 333.£•' lntor.�nce o_ :tos Iashanic 2000.00 1380.00 2f31.C5 1000.00 2821.1' -.. ^lar;• :' Aucc GO 1500.00 1027.91 .UO 420/0 :.n`oti r,e of :.aviio Equipment 300.00 300.00 151.20 504.00 2?7.1 ... i}a(_o :'echarnic 100.00 84.00 100.00 72.30 G 7 2400.00 3000.00 2335.27 3000.00 :.0 93. J .Signal S; stem 480.00 360.00 571.20 1200.1 0 317.5 `at., 480.00720.(A 7 .69 600.60 703.0' 960.00 1200.00 927.48 1920.00 1156.5 nae 60.00 240.00 11.09 150.06 253.4 _'. ,r Jail 144.60 180.00 132.26 12-0.00 165.53 - r,lice Judge 1210.CO 240.00 105.75 3104.x; "70.5' ^ cr'-::+int-Brushes 240.00 430.00 134.13 430. 0 1.5d. 12 o_ oF, rntcher-Utillt'y Llan I'. 1440.00 121:0.00 11:-31.38 11GO.0 11GO.( j 0 02042.00 114'372.00 011374.61 7999O.oU 774 59. 5 :'; hi"= 2940.00 :2000.(0 1;':06.('6 2.130.00 LAGO.0 'hief ::1':0.00 :.'WO. E,0 206d. uO 1890. ( 0 1330.0 10^00.06 10060.0" 1 021.3:_ 34(10. 0U J't36.67 rpt, ors 5400000 J2F10. l r, l .:l.^ 49:30. 00 47,^.7. S 2220.00 2100.Go 205O.c0 60.^ .n 45800.00 45700.00 - rn .00 .10 1. , l'37. 6 r, 3600.00 :063.0: 3861.. " r,c •108.00 1,•84. G� 04.F 60.00 '40. c ! Il 0. 0)).DO Z 0.,',^, ,r. •157. NO. Clip of Paducah Proceedingi of `,nvil 10th, 19,15 :10.1.00 771.23 7018.00 711.23 Di00. 00 UO 1,560.00 1b50,00 -- 7ipmunt 1500.00 1;:00. J. ": 3. ;;ii 19130.^C, IjL C1 C C808. 01) 25,20.nO C400.0C ;," �;Ij. ',G 180.00 180. CIO 1C1.411 1,30.00 .14, 3. .;!7, 300. C;C 1. 3170. Co 72(,. CO -0 !;52. GO 000 48.00 120.00 27.()0 4G. i:0 123.. 76 ,16.00 .00 24.(.0 7.50 C 1, 5000.00 1000.(10 3 2589.83 Wo. 00 1, 1494. 5G 252.00 404-00 226. 78 109.00 205.02 .:o 1, 1 in 48.00 13.00 15.1(, 16. 00 8.20 �7,3 204.00 500.10 z;gcj. 85 .(0 .00 I 000. 00 500.00 .00 .00 to 61324.(-0 47616.23 44794.46 43559.60 41848.00 n inner 2640.00 2430.00 2480.00 1000.00 1000.00 n- n.-inqor .(0 .00 780.00 2220.00 22^0.00 vift3man 2300.00 2180.00 2130.00 375.00 875.00 Party 2340.00 2340.00 1500.00 .00 .00 1220.00 1Z540.00 1340.00 1240.00 1187.50 -Y 1190.00 1090.00 1170.00 960.00 930.00 !is 3 00. 00 300.'0 323.46 120.00 103.73 nh .00 12.00 C)o 24.00 04 1000.00 .00 .00 1120.00 270.00 :-n,-inner .(0 CO .00 .CO 82.5.00 10030.00 9742.00 9833AG 7509.00 74,11.87 "T 3256.00 3052. Go 3095.90 2512.00 2499.11 132.(,0 135. CO 116.28 135.00 117.43 120.00 120.00 103.49 11111. 00 49.64 t? w rnt 24.00 48.00 4.62 48., r 49.28 I.nt 24.00 24.00 25.19 70.00 14.27 :-..-.ze o apzmcnt . o 931.35 951.:55 C.0 .00 3556.00 4330.35 4294.83 2803.00 :zf7 9.73 orest on Bonds 53603. 75 5540C,.25 551106.25 57116.75 .7110.75 n,c Li ens 60.00 120.00 39.59 240. GO 10.00 -nittn-ces 174.2E 177.19 175.26 181.51 181.51 53928.01 55703.44 35G21.10 57540.26 57610.26 -nderit 1640.00 1520.00 1520.00 1400.(0 1400.00 6504. 00 5377.83 5550. 30 4616.99 4966.83 'Alpment •.8.10 GO .00 24.00 1 10. 10 71n7,s "0.00 350 . Mr C On. A' 3G.k.c .00 1::0. 00. 1:• 1:;0.00 100.81 ,iii, 111;;0. C'0 1700.,)o 13.10. C0 1 :10 IULII. 00 1021. V 24.00 0 S` OU 4. 715 30.'16 Cl I 1 1.00 102. b5 96 .00 23.-3 1800.01 2070.00 2012. GQ 0. f 0.00 co 00 CIZI Proceedings of znc.•d n.' L -U nn -a City of Paducah ^r'il 101ii, 1;)45 C 1 1,I1li`P:; ",7. .; ICE 1 Li -lit . :lbs .'1A Dc_.art:.tents ,'1C1 n -All Dopvrtnenta A I': FOii T t-Airrnnrt ..onds :i4 18.00 120.00 -16.99 512..'0 S9 430.00 480.00 553.00 128.00 600.00 5x9.99 75:0.00 1d. 59 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5Ci)0.'_0 .^_35. G3 385. Co 035. G3 U S. is3 .,.;o. 0 5235.63 5385.63 5:.85. G3 5535.88 55.,5. 0-1 72.'.D 1ALS I1' 545029.67 502018.47 4350'72.81 507055.10 180727.10 Adapted on call of the iioll, lona, Cozuiiasioncrs Johnston, Pierce, Pulliaza, +a,�:ner ane.::ayor �;caton (5). o.etery Dooda '..flans Corwd nionor Pu_liara orfored :.notion that the sale and conveyr:,ce of the lizabeth East one-half of Lot No. P5 Unck No. 2 of the 11cusoleum addition to the Oa � "novo c?.netery to I.'. ' -.Adams and his wife, for the sumof „1G0.e,0 be approved. Ii 1 further movo that ti,e sale of the ..cst one-half of 1:ot 25 in lrca No. r 2 of the Ksusoleum ..ddition to the Oak Grove Cemetery to Airs. Mary Elizabeth Loss far the sure of .;AGL:.00 be onproved. adopted on call of the Poll, leas, ICormdssioners Johnston, Piorce, Pulliam, LaCtier and 14ayor ;eaton (5). Lct.tor of ioli'ie % Commissioner ••aCner offered motion that the Board of Commissioners ?irenontri (/ -ension '-card receive and file the letter of the :-,-atees of the olice and =irements Pension Bund 'usrsea In which thej request the levy of five cents (5g) on one hundred dollars of taxable property is 1915 for the emintcnt:nce or said fund. Ad ?ted on call of the lull, fens Coraaia.sionera Johnston, Plorce, Pulliam, ••aCner and Va,;or ..eaton (5). J1 -:ca Clay Conmissioner Fierce o_forod motion t:'utt the Board o1' Col. ti:;:ionera apprrV ar ^tellts the nsymert of the bill of Cm;p ellta Clinic in the sur: -; v10.1•= i'0r the t::eac:cnt '_lair, pN :'roc: Of Janos Al'uor't Clay •n1t0 _eeeived in,jurica while e;ployocl no a i'nlico Ot'1'icer nt the o:' :adueah, .;doptod on call of the Roll, leas, Cor-:isaiohers Johnston, .aE;ner and ;,ajor Seaton (5). Com;isslongr Pullian o_for,od motion that thv -lcctr:o :" .t:oard 10i the to vecnzcated be obtain rom L-hoir A�tnrney c:s soon is possible a hia vio:a :ilth <:r,_•ci: .n tho 1.^pal ::Lotus o1' the t:oce.cdin-s ted t0 arc;iro do clect__c utility: stn,; 0r' L`ce-;rntuc:V Utilities Company, is h his 1.0 c:, ..•:r ;..iara L'n iact;tri' 0t =. ...:it alrOuL.: ce f.11eci :irr ct;c ca:-rnnj "0 ^l:: w,th the ter:: rhi:r, :a.1 c_' c: slit is ....,. 1r.t 'Al'? .^c;.. it .�.; lrt �, and i'r .. v ... _. ... , .. .. to r. t; } t-rn crrsel, L� _:aaedic,tgl n• � - y . a�nrjj anti r on^ra ,-:,hnaton, _�r•ca, . -.. ..n• r•l :ra•ttnd. � i