HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 936, April 3, 1945NO Proceedin8sof ," of o'a.,o:anOrn City of Paducah Arril 3. 1J45 At n ••et;alar ;-eetln; of the ioard of Oanr+iaalonera hold in the Conniasionorar Chamber at tho City hall, Paducah, Xentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.U. on April 3, 1945, "nyor aeaton presided and upon call of the Roll the followin; answorod to their names: acioners Johnston, ?ierce, Pulliam, Aagner and 1:ayor :ieaton (3). :inutos of the prevloua mooting yore adopted as road. Coraainoionor Pulliam offerer] motion that the report of Oa:: crova Cemetery for V the month of :'arch, 1945, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, lona, Cos_:iaaioners Johnston, iierce, Pulliam, ..'agner and ;.:ayor Beaton (5). . / Com Assionor ?ulliam offered nation that the report of the Dire ZeparLment for the r..ar.th o_ .'arch, 1945, Le received. .adopted on call of the loll, teas, Coamtissio^ors .7chnston, Pierce, rulliam, '.iarner and layor �aaton (5). Co=issioner -artier offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next mooting an ordinance authorizinfr the sale to Xavier 'Copp of ".c following property: Jefforson St. between 24th 25th, Lots 11 12 in i3lock 100:;152 feet for the cum of .................................. wQw.00 Hroaderay between 27th F- -9th, Lot 6 in clock 19 5Ox165 feet for the sup of ......... •100.00 ......................... Jefforson Street, beticen 39th 8: 30th- Lat 4 North side 50x152 feet, for the sum of .................... 350.00 n 5 n n n n n n u n n .. .................... 350.00 n .50.00 n 1 325.00 n 11n n n " n n n n n 325.00 n 1J3 n n •• u rr n n u u n n .. ••• 325.00 n 14 .................... 325.00 " 15 and 24 feet of Lot 16, 747152 feet for the aum of ............. 125.00 Jefforson Street between 27th 1: 23th, Lot 14 in clock "Q" South --Ido, 45x152, for the sum of ................................ 6675.00 total purehase price for this property to be paid in cash. Adapted on call of .all, Zeas, Commissioners Johnston, iierce, Pulliam, .'agner and :.ayor=,eaton (5). ✓ Comnlasior_er Magner offered motion that the sum of ;;300.00 be donated to the .-s^pin .on tcrn ::tar-saociation, inc., for use in connection with the maintenance r­..reationr:l nuartera for colored people In the buildln,- owned by said .lasoclation ?>a �❑ :;treets, c.. ,!:at the amount ao danntod I;- rhnr;?ed to ti.c Anpi•Or,riation r.n'.�•nar.:on;" upon the cdOptiOn Of ';I;,-.y,portionment 'rdlnnnco for of ie Roll, Yeas, Comnisnioners Johnston, Plerco, I ion r ✓ that the report of the _Oa<1 of ?read t -ion the minutos. i:nrch 19.15 NO._ :,a Proceedings of 'o+=='d o.f Commmisaienors City of Paducah fril 1915 a^precintc ver;; 1tueh the full cooperation of i.ias I.:abol 7i•out:van, ::•�. i-oarl ryJande;rn, and "isa Flo -ono i;oclin^, and found them to be very efficient, courteous, r nrnl connide.•ate of all tnapa yrs. ?ospectfully suLmitted, I LOAD Oi� E,..:ri.IZATIOII Robert E. 'ittorback, Chairman Bornco Berryman, zihorif f S.J. Craig, Clerk ti Aa:iESSIING D,"PAR T, : '.!; T ?.arch 27, 1945 REAL EJTATE c: INFROVEM"!I T.3 gross Assessor's total on Real catato & Imp. .15,000,230 Cross Increaas by zoard 57,250. Decrease " It =,400. Net Increase by Board 34,850. TOTAL ON REAL ESTATE & IIIP. (PULL RATE) GRO:;3 I! PMMONAL PROPERTY TO -PAL Assessor's Total on Personal Property i 3,982,510. '.roaa Increase by :joard 101,715. decrease " ;ecroase " " 800. 2,400. :lot Increase by Loard 100,915. TOTAL 0:1 PERSONAL PROPERTY (FULL RATE) Personal Property TOTAL O:I REAL ESTATE, Ii:P. 4; PEROONAL PROPERTY (FULL RATE) Board's gross increase on real Estate & Imp. ;;37,250. Personal Property 161,715. bOARD'S GRO:;3 I1CRSA3E, TO -PAL X198,905. :�oard's ,,^ross decrease on (teal ystate & Imp. 2,400. 11 11 " '' " " Personal Property 800. -OARD'S ORO13:S DECREASE, TOTAL 3,200. :_TAL NET I??CIIEASE EY 5OARD .ice :!1A 1ff q "atal on atatc c Improvements \DULL R,9Tti) „ 7a .:.'party If 1t II:P. £: PERWIIAL 11ROPERW (r'ULL HATE) tl a It u n (.;eZCIAL NATE) RATE) ;115,095,080. 4,143,425. "19,238,505. X. 195,705. 4.143.4L5. 1^,38,505. ':1, 775. 257,533. 'Z 10, Jw4, 93... tOAItD 01-' - ALILAT:C:: j Robert 4_ Ul.torLack, r,I_nirmon Boyce i•erryran, :,!jerjff I.t;ra3t, ('.lork " 6:0,"'tel on !a:.i Of ::ol_, !"aa, Co^uliaslOnel's JOhnstan, Flercr_ iair.or, iulliam i :.o 0: _ t zi ',.e:.ort are of :1,trce, ;vaton ILS. motion t.hnt Y.r, nou•.rac` it i a'!.cah ilor a s• :art ' I or; ^o±: of tho i.oll, Meas, !I D.;or ..eator. 15). I Proceedinas of i" i anors City of Paducah r 11 v, l •Eb f _- Carniasloner Johnston offered motion that the Cornoratlon Counsel prepare for 'o V -oductlo% at the next neetinC an ordinance autho:dain` tho sale to Angola Cammarata ;_ot 56 in :'lock %. at ,','10"3 i.;nd;5 ison _,trcot for the ayvt of ,,50.00 cash. Adopted on call at' the •voll, ''Zeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :senor and L.ayor 3oaton (5). rt,:. Commissioner Johnston offered notion that the attached copy of the contract ::entucky /to be entered into between the Standard Oil Company and the Y,ontucky Institute of stitu'e of ,Seronautics Aeronautics, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the ifoll, Yeas, Commissioners) Johnston, Fierce, Pulliam, :aGner and Myer Seaton (5). 'locd Fnrrs. i?avor Seaton offered motion that the Cit/ 11 :tanager be directed to transmit to t o copy 0f esolntien I local office of the United States ?Engineers, the District Office, and the Chief of `i7ineera, .'ashinfton, D.C. a certified copu of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Con7iosioncra on April 3rd, 1945, entitled: "A RESOLUTIOII URGING TEE LOOD CONTROL rn'.'"T� EU TO TAKE. A' PROPRIATE ACTION? TO OBTAIN F'ROii TH7 '.TAR P,P•ODUCTIO.: 5OARD !UE PRIOR- _.._.., :. CE3SARY FOR THE P'UhCIiASE OF :.:ATERIALS TO 1EMEDIATELY COMPLETE THE FLOOD ',PALL . 2 PF,OT;CT-TOL: OF THE CITY OF Pt.DUCA:I, ITS CITIZE;i:, AND H3 OPL•'RTIES". Adopted on call of the Roll, Yaas, Commissioners Johnston, .Pierce, Pulliam, :;agner and :_Payor eaton (5). -tri•_ �% Yayor Seaton offered the follo..Ing motion: I nova that a icesolution entitled; _on of =load s:l-ro^mitt$e"A RESOLUTION URGING 1!iB FL -OD CONTROL C01:bIITT.13- TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTI01; w OBTAIil action 10.'. THE ..AR ;'RODUCTIOIN BOARD THE PRIORITIES NEM;JARY FOR TFE PURCIiASE OF iiATER1ALJ :EDIAT.`T..Y CO;PLEM- TP_Fi FLOOD :7A:L FM THE PROTECTION! OF THE CPPY OF, PADUCAH, ITS _T_Z_;Is A:!D PROPERTIES% be adopted. Adopted on call of the Boll, Yeaa, Commissioners Jchnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ,7agner and !Zayor ,,^,eaton (5). a:ior Zeaton offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution entitled: - ;'_..._. :0:: A Pi'.0'I_. , THL PROVI3IOHS OFA CONTRACT TO :TERnD II.'rO BET ES:: THE r._._. .. �'... ....T10:: ,,!;D 151E FETTUCKY II.;T2'UTF. 0.' A.:RONAUTICS RBLA'TING 10 '11IE A'17 0? ..APP -0, :e,DUCAII-LGCRACiCS:! COU!.,Tlf AIRPOR ", tie adopted. m 1 a. the '.all, Yens, Corniosioneva Johnaton, Pierce, Pulliam, •;ngner c ;o:• -eatan (5). i 1,,-ar Zoaton offered the 'OJ.lo.:lr.0 motion: I move that an n •-',innnce entitle : L. .. t O ! TIO 0 CO. 'I.,..IO'! O.. .: :: , Cth, Teas, Cor,:ilncioners Johnat. , .-lcrca+�j , I 1 move that f, aolutt0a ..:,tt,1, .. NO. J39 Proceedings oj! oard of Cornisa toners City of Paducah April 3, 1945 _Aversion Chanel of c l o oclvnl l ::den, etc :.:ayor Jeaton offered motion that the United States Win,^Sneersf Office co requested to favorably consider the v+ldonin;+ and doepenin5 of the diversion chanel located on the river aide of the flood protection viall in ;action "C" in order to :,+ro vide sufficient drainare of the headwaters caused by the closinC, of the oltic e ,-atos in the floodrall in ;oetion "C". Adopted on c all of the ^oll, Yoss, Commisnioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :.atner and i.:ayor eaten (5). On motion the mooting adjourned. ADOPTED: _ l o-SC1 _1945 ClIty '_ Jerk Al MVBDi ooh :,:a yor