HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 930, March 13, 1945Proceedings of °'rd of Cor:gis3ioners City of Paducah 'arch 14th, 1945
At a :.e ,lar i:ectint of the Board of Commi3oionor3 hold in the Comm13sioners,I
r:_l.:;. at. the City 1x111, Faducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on ?'arch 13th, 1345,
'•ayor -enton presided and upon call of the :;oil the folloviln" answered to their names:
Con-aasioners Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, :iar;ner and :'.ayor 3eaLon (5).
i'inuten of the previous meetin!- wore adopted as road:
"°^?lisp of Cor•iiasioner Pulliam offered notion that the petition sirnod by 13innia Jones,
v at al., be received and filed. Adoptod on call of the :?oll, Yeas, Commissioners i
Jchnston, . ierce, Fulliam, '.:a mer and 1:a;;or Seaton (5(.
Cormissioner Pulliam offered motion that deed granted to Lir. &, ?:rn. !rank
7h entt for the ::ast one-half of _,ot 18 in Block 1 of the Fausoleum Addition; also
deed to Yrs. Audie Durjo33 for the •.cst one-half of Lot 18 in Block 1 in the ?^ausolo
Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, santucky, upon payment to the City "reasurer
of :`SO.(0 each, be approved. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners
Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '"agner and I:ayor Seaton (5).
'ee/ Conuaissionor ;:'agner offered notion that deed granted to L:rs. Ado L. Gold for
Lot 539 in Bloc's 10-A on V.'eil Avenue in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Kentucky, upon
payment of ;75.00 to the City Treasurer, be approved. Adopted on call of the ;toll,
'Ccas, Comni3sionors Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, tilagner and ?.:ayor Seaton (5).
- Conmissioner '..'aincr offered motion that the report of Dr. :'L.J.F.ass, City
Physician for the month of 2ebriulry, 1945, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll
^ac^_asioncra Johnston, Pierce, Fulliam, 1.7a3ner and ?'ayor .;oaton (5).
Commissioner :ar_ner offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be requested
prepare for introduction at the next meetin,- a Resolution authorizin•- the Payor and C
Clerl.: to execute for the City of Paducah a contract with the Illinois Central Pailroa
"omoany for the layin.7 of a Spur li•ack at the and of Campboll .tract, Said contract t
contain the terms and conditions set forth in the attached copy submitted by Illinois
"antral Railroad Compony. Adopted on call of the '.toll, Yea3, Commissionors Johnston
alias, Wagnor and T"ayor Zeaton (5)1
^;r:-Innioner Picrce offered motion that the City ;.:onagorla report of Parch
paid to the City of 1adueah and ".aunty of Y.cq"ac!:en for
rapertles which are to bo used for the construction
1 filod, end that the :ourd of Co; ^is3ionors a + rov�
]o. noted on call of the .:all,
el` an:. I:aor .Renton (5).
:Iat the letter at asl:ie:•, orinton
sham, City 'treasurer, .p race vas and
are ti:e payment of t!le "W"1 ,.. 1,113.3
ti.+ month o.'
Proceedings of
321�! Of C3111"1132 lonorr. City lofPaducah 1:112h 13th, !b-15
Coniiii.-Lilaxiev Johnoton offered notion that Ube Loavd of C1,1i,:d::Oionr;rz; rocz-lvc
nr_: ."Ile tt)3 City '.:zina�orva letter of :'arch 13th, 1045, in vhich he
-.,opziatIon of •.7,'-00.(0 to "ofray t1i, co --t of oraploylnZ enGinacrs to a :ajtlr
and tonin- L'ap of the City of :laducah, and that the of Cor.:,Iooionare'
-equost the City :.'anaggor to Include in his budCet for the your 19:,1; ,,n &..propriation
In an aviount ctifficiont to pn,t the cost of erqployln,• antinoora for this purpose.
..:anted on call of the ','oil, teas, Cominissionoro Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '-iae.xior
nncl. :Savor
.'Iayor Seaton offered notion that the City ! anagor be requested to Include
In the bud -at he will nreprre for 1945 an ilipropriation to the American Rwd Trow In
the Sur: of .1A000.00. Adopted on call of the Poll, 'Leas, Commissioners Johnston,
.71.?rcc, Pulliam, ..arner and '.',qyor Z;eaton (5).
)btn i r torlal '.1ayor -Seaton offered motion that the ,load Control Committee vocenj 1
cc Con- I t 1 .1
` F -Te <1 annointed by the :'aver, the mpilibers of said Committee bein,- �'ierco E.Lac!,ey, 1- �11,
Haller, *.';.:.3toviart, Con (raiG, T. A. -radley and Adrian if. "orroll
be requested to continue to serve in that capacity and to ta':o appropriate action in
order to obtain for the city of iladucali an Soon as poj3iblc the approval of the Jovern-
ment for the installation of floodwall pumps and the mater:_13 necessary for instnll-
inC parnnnent eaten in the oponingo of the floodvin!!. Adopted on call of the 'wil,
Yeas, corwiirsioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, �'.'a,-ner and "ayor :: aton (5).
Ilr 7a rl
Alphic Clubvor -eaton offered motion that the :pard of Corwiissio ers receive and file
"load protec-, the 7esolut.',on in which the 1:olohio Club has expronsed Its appreciation and -ratitudo
tion on account of tYo cooperation of city officials in planning to protect tie c . ity a;;zijja
the danger of the recent flood. Adopted on call of the boll, Yetia, ConnInnionors
Johnston, Tierce, Pulliam, .,*aZnor and I:ayor -;eaton (5).
rommiuslonor Johnston offered motion that the letter of T7r. -16bort A.
zn 51iolholi-ne .1,atcd -arch 6th, 1943, be received and filed, and that tHo hoard -,f
c -prove the payment of the hoj7ital or.cnoo nn,,! the fees ita of aurioons
w".1ch ii -M incur for the cure of _111a hernia. Adonted on call cf the
!i nnC T'a,,ov ;cator (,n).
,_n int _en tile rrotln 101,,:-,,:,:.