HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 927, March 6, 1945NO
Proceedings of City of Paducah
t " r
::sport of the
-2nrd0 f
.- .:Ual I zers
of the _o:ird of 1,o:: il.;--ion-irs :..1 1.:n t1l(' ':0T_1 ':;Ionor:31
-.1ty 7.all, 11ullunah, !-.c,:tucll,-Y , at 7:60 o'clock ,.:,:. on 10-15,
:Iyo- ar.0 mon call of ttho doll tiro aruniernd W
!s;,-.Ionors Johnston, Pulliam, ..a`nor -oaton (4).
:,r the previous mcotin,7z; woro adopt,
.,3n:i1incionor Pulliam offered mot,on that the 1c, 1,1 ,,vlt Lan L.1 Er.
of the t,en1.uc1.y UtilitIoz Company, to G. ;ca ton, 1:ayor of the
City of . aducoh, dated 1:arch lot, 1045, 1a received and filed, Adopted on call of' the
Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, --agner and V.ayor :;caton (4).
Con-il.,,oioner .,nC.nor offered motion Lhmt the ro-ort of the -card of .;Ylunli.ners
for ttic ::car I945 be received, filed anO. spread tKion tho L'Inutos:
:C.:.'0116T Or'
the Loard of _.Iualization of the City of Paducah., for 'I., year 1015, reapoctfua ly
jUtnito to tho --card of Commi3sionera of' chid City the report:
(1) The Loard has compared the real estate asso3inionts for the year 1945 with t:10,
lnt books of said city and as far an it .,.ras possible to do, has caused every parcul
of real estate In the city to be azqsosoed for taxation.
(2) The Loard has increased or decreased auneaorionts on lite property In
to mn:cc all assessments uniform or has placed a true value on a,
ll property. z)
annescrinnts have been chnnZod by erasure, and all chan,-es In !invi :n
mado In a,,,pronriate columna provided for that purpose In th^ nn3e_-.; i, iu l.i,1 the
In't of' -. color r1iff e rent from that used by the City jzlonnor' has
The ° card has completed its .--ork of equalizinZ as3eLlm.entz aril a pvoo,�I-
.made in the assessment boo!, sho,.-jlneach and every inc.e&za anC. decrcn;._
(3) All complaints i a17,ainst qsa0S:j:..onta Love been beard and cZotermlned.
cit:- '_'.-acted to proparc fo- tl.o onra upon tho a3nojz.,aI.to
.7 7-.^•, n In -nt anon orsese-ionto c:itorSd C' 010M in aal' Lon,-, a
nt of ronl property rind of por3onni po:,::rty,
or 01corcage ;,.izido iy the _.on
rd In the total
will horenfte:? bo OIL-,ned'_. oach V.IQ:1_�V
.n roquircd, unCai, tho :)rovialonn o r t*10 :,.-,"n't
a-sf,,Ion Lic lop- as the Lusinenz; of cr-,x.1.1 -
unanimous veto of its momborr, h-
.'9th, 19-i5.
In testimony wheroof, .,;o lvnvo hereunto auLocrlbod ol.1, names Lilia the
,' a y of r'ebruary, 1945.
Alnpto,', o-, tl_c ..oil, Yeas, Cornissionern rolinz;ton,
--A •-8yor -lator, (4).
i- Con-;isqinnrr a'r cffarkll] motion .'or tLe lust hnIfl of
--y aar., i.y -:,Xn on ti i "cl,01'al run'.. 01
o.-v_,rm .... ..
tel! On c
k J.
Proceedings of1- !) ' City of Paducah i!a:'c! t;:, 11"'j
Coc,iacloner Johnston of'fored c;otlon that t!:c Cit;; of iaducah donate the
for an ad
8.f0/in Litc Police and Firorien s 7'instrol Pro�rmn, and that the amount so
:•reprinted to charged to the ContinCpnt =und after the adoption ofthe +pportlonment
Ordinance for the year 1945. Adopted on call of the i.oll, .cas, Com.isslonera
Johnston, rullinn, '.laCner and !'a.. -or ieaton (1).
Co�:icsloner Johnston offered motion that the Loard of Com l:vsioners
-cc-i.vc nnc'. file the deed to property conveyed to Henley Franklin, et al., to the
-ity of iaducah and the County of :.1cCracken, State of +:ontucky, dated nebruary 21st,
_:15, of record in Leed :ook 227, pare 023, in the fcCrackon County Court Clork's Of'fiee,
-•-othcr with the affidavit of descent signed by Kenley L. Fran7:lin and John r'ranklin
.':_ch has been recorded in Deed L•oolt ?_27, page G22 in the aforesaid Cleric's CSSlco.
i,nted on call o: the ',ell, Yeas, Conniasioners Johnston, Pulliam, ::arner and I:a or
ton (4).
i' Cosai olonor Johnston offered motion that the Financial Ronort of the
Paducah ::ater :orks for the nonth of January 1945, be received and filed. %doptod on
^al'_ of the ::oll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, ,oarnor and L'ayor ;eaton (5).
Commissioner •earner offered motion that the statement of account of
''— 7'r. I. s. *;orrson in the sun of T423.43 for ongiueerin,: services rendered to February
Nth, 1945, be approved for payment. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner
nJohnston, Pulliam, •iarncr and I•'aror ::eaton (4).
'osePh �/ ;?ayor -,eaton offered motion that an ordinance onti,':lcd: "X7 0:?D'II:A:dCE
1111E 3aLE ^'0 JO33P7: C. '3ILLIA7 S OF LO'r 12 II! LLOCX 9 OF GLaNI'Cv^D ADDITION
r' :!7fA?CE °'C JAID 1; MP1JITY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the
^r loners .Johnston, Pulliam, :Darner and 71ayor Joaton (;).
a•or Zcat-)n offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "A!: OItDI1TA110E
r" Ce' LhI!D 07: IKE
_.,:i; _.:'' ,.. :7I ...•..,3P T:. PAD;JCAE,