HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 925, February 27, 1945NO. D25 Proceedin6s a Plawi of Co^, an i nners City of Paducah February 27, 1:i-45 2ad�e. At a Rerular 1Geeting of the board of Commianioners held In the Commlasionors Chac,ber at tho City ]fall, Paducah, Kontucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1.:. on February 27,1945 ::a,;or Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their namos: Commissioners •Johnston, Pierce, :7agner, Pulliam, and Major Seaton (5). i'inutes of the previous ':actings mere adopted as read. Commissioner 1agner offered motion that the payroll for the first half of February, 1045 be allcrred in the amount of ,10,911.14, and that the City Treasurer bo authorizod to pay tho aamo by checl:o drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Cornisaionera Johnston, Pierce, 71a`ner, Pulliam, and Va.,ror Seaton (5). Coriisoionor Wagner offered motion that the Corporation Counsel's letter of February 27th be received and filed and that the City ]tanager Le aut;:ox•izod to pay the sum of ,250.00 in settlement of the suit filed by Lucy Evans acainat the City of Paducah on account of in,iuries she received in fall on the sidewalk on the South side of Harrison Street between 12th. and 13th. Streets, together with the coats of court in said action. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Wagner, Pulliam, and 1.'syor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the report of Kr. henry !?ard , Kconccrning Paducah's participation in the ceremony at which the S.S. Paducah Victory I, was christened be received and filed, and that Mr. ward and the other members of the an"nittee be corro,enclod for the splendid service rendered Ly them In arra,.,-,inc for tap voprosentation of the city at the ceremony and for the purchase of git'ts for t:;e crew. Adopted on call of the 11011, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Wagner, Pulliam, and ;.Jayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered the notion that the letter received from ::i•. R.;. 77att, President of the Kentucky Utilities Company, dated February 2,,th, 1945, to received and filed, and that the Mayor Lo authorized to reply to said letter, advisin !:r. 47att t..... :'rocoodings ware initiated to acquire the electric distribution syotem in Padt:nni:, peck;,, pursuant to all t::o terms and provioiors of the franchise r. ice oati-lod: "Ah 0;(D-F..i—C.: C:(ZATI:., ,. .i.i:.CiiiSL OF, 0 d r adopted v t',r of COsiornx's on Au -unt 2.),� : ._. .. —1—, J. ... .. ... - _ , _ , .. u . � va _... _..,.,... .,. ,...•...,isa i ... _. ' ,:r; C1 w � of , ..,,n h ,�:'� 2a4?, ..,.. C:.fae cr-:.' rt more: tnrler ,..... ..... a"l,-. .. ,lc] t. ;. too :rat:ant to =: :: .: .:: -.-:: ": ,:.eta. 0f r.•.n +;e:;•:c•• ; .._..e;il,; �t: ::er.e.uc.�y 1 Pullic:p, I Proceedings of 1 .— o ":lPaducah rabr+.+ara 27, 1J45 i:arrh lot, 1J45 loner.-, Cit -v of rissiener '..a -nor offeredmotion that the I�xty 1.:ano cr be requested to a tileC ra nont of the reular salary to James Clay during his further disability, not exceeding a ?oriod of 90 days from r'abruary lat., 1945. Adopted an call of '.he =toll, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, ,*.agnor, Pulliam, and -aror Zeaton (5). On notion the meeting adjourned. I ADOPi•ED_ % 1945 APPROVED yGp y N CITY CLEPK At an"Adjourned t:octing of the L'oard of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Fall, Yaducah, Kentucky, at 2:00 o+clock F.M. on "arch lst, 1945, Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following nnswered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, :fierce, 19afner and t;ayor ;eaton (4). Commissioner +-agner offered the following motion: I move that the ntteched letter addressed to ?:r. J.S.Grcen, 11r. C. J. Rhodes, and Lir. Ford Dyer be si,^ned b3 the I'ayor and delivered to the above named. Adopted on call of the Rol!, 'less, Connissioners Johnston, Pierce, Siagner and t:ayor .Soaton (4). On motion the meetin.7 adjourned. 1945 :'MV -`I) I