HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 917, February 6, 1945No. :>17 Proceedings of;� pard of Commissioners City of Paducah 'r'abruary Gth, 1945 Dr.-­ , r.-?Ia e, or as Jan. 1945 Sell lot to James T'orris RunCe-Gill decline A^point i'p'',ni^i1t Fa ^,u: sell 3lcctric Plant =d. „t a he,�ular I.eotin of the lioard of ComrUonionera hold in t`ir, Cor,misslonors? rhanber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kontuc,,y, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on February 6, 1345, :'ayor Jeaton p:eslded and upon call of the -,oil the follouin�; anatiforod to their Homes: Co�.wisaionars Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 1.7agner and 1.:ayor Jeaton (5). Minutos of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the report of Dr. FI.J.Lass, City Physician, for the month of January, 1945, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, !','agner and P..ayor Seaton (5). Commissioner •+agner offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meeting, an ordinance authorizing; the sale to James ;'orris of Lot 5 in Block 2 on Bloomfield Avenue for the sum of 1100.00, ::35.00 to be paid in cash and the balance at the rate of ,10.00 per month with 6;.' interest. Adopted on Call of the Poll, ieas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, tulliam, !7a,.ner and ?'ayor Seaton (5). I:ayor Seaton made the following appointment: George F. Rungs, Jr., and Cleve Gilliam havint• declined to serve as mcr.;bers of the Electric Plant Hoard of the City of Paducah; I hereby a,point John G. Russell and Hughes '.'.c,night to serve in their olnce and stead, so that said board as now constituted will be composed of the following members: Louis Rubel whose tern, of office will expire on February G, 1946 John G. Russell whose term of office will expire on February 6, 1947 R. L. Lang whose term of office will expire on February 6, 1940 Hughes ?'cKnight whoso term of office will expire on February G, 1949, and H. G. KcLlwee who will serve durin.7 the period of his employment as City '.'anagen Signed layno C. :Seaton 1•:a yor Approve Commissioner 'aagner offered the follo:•ting motion: I move that the P:oard of Appointments aeotr is Plant Comnisnioners a?prove the I'ayor's a: pointmont of John C. Runsall and Hui;hes ;. cK!U,,ht d to serve as members of the Electric Plant uoard of the City of Paducah In the place and stead of Cleve t;illiaat and f'nore V. un;;e, Jr., so that said hoard as now �prt constituted :ill :e composed of tho followin7 mombors: �i L,u: ::ubol whose term. o; office will cxpiro on iT'ob. G, 1940 John I. Iuoaell whose torm of offico will expire on 'ob. G, 19.17 2. Lana whose term of offico will expire on _'ab. G, 1940 1'.u,-hoa t'c::niicht whose torr., of offico will oxniro on deb. 6, 1949 who will servo during; the porlod of his enployr,;ont so City .a nago r -opted on call of the Pcoll, lens, Commissioners Johnston, Pierco, Pulliam, ..af,ner 1, or .,Eaton (5). �i7e;I ;:: L:aloner :1•31.,co offered motion that the zraer:ent entered into t.otween a ' l "itj ol rnt'. the :.C. Jt. L. Railroad Cor:pan;;, Ontod January lOtt;, 1945, on ea:l of the hell, Yeas, Coruml.';aiorwrs Johnaton, - of inn, ,..n t ..:c _ art oP' ' a:c ,;rov(,- Ce,f.•,tery ... .n'.1 o. the P:all, 'd •)aa, .B ,,..at a;ate^e :tn �i7e;I Proceedings of "O^1 =• of aa,ai:aionors City of Paducah r'obruary 6, 1945 F.: Feb. 7, 1915 with the requirement that all Life Insurance Companioa file at the end of the year 1944 a statement ahoain the total of premiums rocoivod by the Company during that ;;ear, and that she show on the records that the amount paid at the boginning of the year 1934 is in full satisfaction of all license taxes duo for said year. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co:maissloners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ':agr,er and Payor Seaton (5). On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOFTED ` 3 j2Q 945 A?PROVED�-- ?9ayor J -e i M"' pp� CAy Llerk. At a Called Yeeting of the ward of Commissioners held in the Commissionors' Chamber at the City lull, Paducah, I:entucky, at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on Feb. 7th, 1945, ?:ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, iierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5). 1?ceting :•••as called for the purpose of appointing members of the Electric Plant Board of Me City of Paducah. Comnissioner Johnston offered motion that deed granted to i'r t: Airs Albert Lawrence for Lot No. 421 in block 29, being 141x20' at the Southeast corner between mope and Peace Avenue in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Kentucky, upon proper payment of :150.00 to the City "reasurer to approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, leas, --i cioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '..a; nor and ;layor Seaton (5). ?:ayor Seaton made the following appointment: Louis Rubel having declined to nerve as a m^mbar of the Electric Plant board of the City of raducah, I hereby appoint to nerve in his Place and stead E.S.Barger who, to;ether with John G.Rusaell, R.L.Lang irht snd iI. ,.!:c21wee will now constitute sold board, and their terms of _re on the fol1P:•rin•, dated: :c _ :ch, 1946 lI -th3 1947 :s:ni^ht - rabr::. 1949 eR, who will s...the period of hls employment as City bara�,ar 31 -nod, :7ayne C. ;Raton, :!ayor agnar offered cotion that the .-oard of Commisaionora ao,rovo a r,: eve as a member of the Electric ilant _onrd of the j -lane r, ,,.qac' of Lnuis ??ubel who has declined to accept the 1 •.o composed of t:;e follcerin,� xnbors: not a:: ,Iity ! arager '•''atr%v r and, s 4