HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 912, January 30, 1945Proceedings of 3oa.'d of Corimissioners City of Paducah January 30th, 1945 Il -'of Equal. Extension of time At a Regular !'eating of the Lonrd of Commissioners held in tho CommiasionersI "hamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kontucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.fi. on January 30th, 19 5, "ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, i:agner and Mayor Seaton (5). `4inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: 4he tosrd of Equalization Navin; requested an extension of time in order to arrive at the fair and equal valuaton of property in the City of Paducah for purposes of taxation, and requested that an extension be granted until '!.arch 1st, 1945; I move that the request of the Board of Equalization be received and filed, an that the present aession of said board be extended to Narch 1st, 1945 in which to complete their worn; and hear complaints and dianoso of all matters to be presented to said board. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '•:agner and Mayor Seaton (5). + Commissioner :7agner offered motion that the Agreement entered into between the City of Paducah and the Shell 011 Company for furniahing the City its requirement of Gasoline and oil for the four (4) months period beginning January 1st, 1945, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and liayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the report of the Street repartment for the year 1944 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conrnissioners Johnston, Pierco, Pulliam, ::agncr and 1,:ayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Fierce offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file the letter of J. P. Arnold, President of the Kentucky Municinal League, with reference to the employment of the Bureau of 3ualnes3 P.escrach of the University of •'entucky to formulate a legislative program which will enable cities to set up a tax structure by which necessary funds for proper operation can be secured, and that the sum of :120.00 be appropriated by the City of iaducah to defray that portion of the expense w;airh has been assessed to it for the year 1945, the amount so appI•opriated to to charged to the Contingent :'und upon the adoption of the upport.ionment ordinance for aai,� year. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comniaaloners Johnston, Flerce, Fuiliar., .. rnrr an'? ;•:ayor :Seaton (5). i Co.rnmicaloner Johnaton offered motion that the Financial Rcport of the Paducah -f t',r "'c^ for *!^o month of ::"ember, 1944, be recoivod and filed. Adopted on call Yeas, 170M.inalone11a Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '•:agner and r'ayor Seaton ( ). "o, :r i+atan offbred the following; motion: I move that the _oard of ;OmwMjSnjo*- :ilr r, tty r r r'rs 1 Iter of January 29th, 19.45 witi, reference tQ the kt } i :5 i . ,• rca a a; n ce city, to -other with the Lids' whioh aero received b; him. .'-.rc'.-. ... Ml! ... _ nl,! .. .,.,n' Ly the Cir.y !'anal or •i , < tire e Counsel tr ii t d to autec,r 1.:_ r nthe u r,, b - � � •. to nCe of the ; . . . . . . .'i JO5. Co cwance an rld •:radar . . . . . _ ;:u G? Y �_'.Y i1'-XGy iWe9par 3x1.00 `^otal . . . nil, ?.GO isalonern .,.h at,r, . teres, . ull ism, 'gamer NO. 013 Proceedings of -card of Commiasioners City of Paducah January 30th, 1945 Execute Commissioner Johnston offered the follo'xinG motion: I move that a Resolution Contract with,. T.G. ropair v entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ALD CI'T'Y CLERK TO EXECUTE YOU AND ON Coxey F' Clacle Ste 13EHl1LF OF TILE CI':Y 0r' PADUCAH A CONTRACTP1P'H THE ILLINOISMITRAL RAILROAD COMPANY FOR P.iE RESURFACING OF COXkY SMEET AND CIRCLE STREET I:1 SAID CITY, AND FRESCRILING rp' THE TEM'S AND CONDITIONS TO BE CONTAINED IN 3AI D CONMACT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, I:agner and Mayor a Seaton (5). ^employ -, Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: Louis R. Ilowsion I' AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF NOT EXCEEDING ELEVEN THOUSAND (x11,000.00) �G DOLLARS FOR THE EMPLOMEJT OF LOUIS R. HO"/SON OF TIIE ENGINEERING FIRM OF ALVORD, II BURDIGC AND HO1730Il, TO SERVE THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY AS IT3 CONSULTANT, A°PRAISER AND REPRE-iE`lTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE ACQUISITION OF T1113 11I li ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM OF 'Pari^ KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY IN PADUCAH, KLINTUCKY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF' i PADUCAH, A CONTRACT FOR THE E14PLOVIENT OF ^xhE SAID LOUIS R. HO'USON by 11HE CITY Op PADVAH; AND PRESCRILING THE TERL:S, CONDITIONS A:tD AGREE1.01TS TO EE COI1TAIVED IN SAID CONTRAUT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co Lnissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 'Nagner and Dlayor Seaton (5). _._.Jurchase ✓i lfayor Seaton offered the follov,ing motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: O:.JIIIA':CE AL-"<';:OIIIdIaG AILD PiIOVIDIilG FOR TIIti PUR''HASE AND ACQUISITIOII OF ^.LIE I ELECTRIC UTILITY SY.;T_7V O';%HED Bf THE KENTUCKY UTILITIES COIrIPANY 1;1 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, WIDER AND PURSUANT TO ALL AIPLICASLE PriOVI ION,3 OF CHAPTER 18 ON 'mr ACT:; OF THE GENERAL A3:LEi.IBLY OF ICENTUCKY, ^:!ACTED AT IT3 1942 12EGULAI; LEIAG SECTIONS 96.550 TO 96.900 OF THE KENTUCKY REVISED Si'ATUTL•'3 OF 1942, A:1:) A3 THE T.V.A. ACT; DECLARING. THE DESIRE AND I11Tr"IMON OF WE CITY OF PADW-AH TO Ar'CE:'T THE PROVISIONS OF ;AlD ACT t,.i FAR AS THE SALIE MitY BE AFFLICABLE TO F1:0." _ •.. INX"IATED E THE CITY OF PADUCAII TO ACr,41RE SAID 3L::CTRIC 3YS",'34 Lf PURCRA311L, OJ ACCEPT A,ID AGRE,. TO ALL. !,ROVISI0113 THEREOF 1, RATION OF AN M— 2MRIC J, JT 1•;; A;;D i';;0V1Di211 F011 '!'il:i ti?I'oT'f'i:c. P 0, A 1�OARD 0, J", IC UP!. I^!Y u TO OP`.HATi', 1,:A';AGE AND CONTROL. SAID BLSC'17UC UTILITY 3'L3TS:: AJD TOFUP'CT!ON vOR Ar,L U'aC -OR'li IN ;AID ACT, AND FIX!Nh, :iE '..:iiia_i: l^,A'I'.IG1;3 Cc TL1;-: rzF ,LER3 OF OF 0 -1 -:'ICE, C0:TSl13ATI0: , :'o. .. ^' A.::, ':J"riE.,' , be adopted. .r•,pre;! on of c1,,, ;;0.1, Yeas, Commissioners ::ol:noton, Firrco, Pulliar.:, .,agnea• "a"or :"red r..oLion that deed grante:i to I' C.;:.;;oraworthy for o l.::y ° ;• Avenue in the i:ausolecsa .tdditlon to Oat; Grovo Cemetcry, pa;n::enL of ,lCO.00 to the Cir. a•enaurer, Le al -pro• ezl. call of the ,. p:nn, f:or•❑�i::a!onera Jal:nator., :ic•i 1 i ce, Su I7um, :^;at w"r i .v L•..'`" r ��1ty . wu�J1 roe or.noni: 11Z ::. rani, for t.t,o pi ;,erty lora ted .... .... ,_ ......,c ..-.... .... ..,...-i:. .. -.., .. . ..,.- .calved U. :Ile , arca that Proceedings of "`' o C .,"i:: ianera City of Paducah January 30th, 1745 On motion the mr>otine adjourned. dDOPT:.D 1045 6:'Y':Ovu) _ DI