HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 91, August 22, 1938NO.—it—` Proceedingsof_F'oard of Cnmmlnnionrnrs Clip of Paducah Arp—r- ' Received from the City of At a regular meeting of the Eoard of Commissioners held in the Pne::oah 11000 Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:45 o'clock P.M. on ihr<e months rent in advance 31.50 laid r. -.en for caking survey to the 22nd day of August, 1938, I3ayor Washburn presided, and upon call of the roll ('late ii the following answered to their names: Commissioners IIank., Nolton, Pulliam, ,(,lary of Arol'itect 9 Stubblefield and l4ayor l7ashburn (5). Extension of later.. Commissioner Hank offered the folloedng Notion: Mrs. Marvin Gish, at al L1a1n on 34th Street! lar of vicerntnry (having tendered a petition for the extension of water main on North 34th street, I M. o0 move that same be referred to the Commissioners of �.atcr Ylorks for investigation and report. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas: Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, 21.50 i ,Stubblefield and Mayor 'dlashburn. (5). Petition for the Commissioner Hank offered the following Motion: Mrs. Marvin Gish, at al Installation of a Street Light having tendered a petition requesting that a street light be installed between Central �o:es of 31u aesrer:ce frcas Avenue and the Pines Road, I move that said petition be referred to the City ?.tanager for investigation. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas: Commissioners Hank, Molten, :.sllros,: tickets to ..aahinoton (4 m,,n) Fulliam, Stubblefiald and Mayor Washburn. (5). 112.00 American Legion Commissioner Hank offered the following Notion: Chief Paduke Post No. 31 requested privilege of having carnival of the Americal Legion Amusement Committee having requested the privilege of having a carnival show on Horth 8th Street beyond HookIs Park in the month of September, 1938, the net proceeds of which shows will be used for charitable purposes-, I move that permission be granted for the holding of said shows by said Amusement Committee of 7x%.40 Chief Paduke Fear No. 31, American Legion, 'under said conditions, and that there be no license or privilege charge collected therefor. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; ComTM:issioners Hank, E.elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield, and Mayor Yhshburn (5). Ji P.eo cat for Street p Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: On account of the Light at 9th & G Harris presence of a public school and the need for protecting people from dangers at the railroad crossing at Horth Ninth and Harris Streets, I move that a street light be placed at that intersection. Adopted on call of tie roll, Yeas; Commissioners f �IHank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and ,".tayor Uashburn (5). neport of 'aducah' ? Uayor ."ashburn offered the following motion: I move that the r sport the Municipal housing p of Corrarsion Faducah Liunicipal Housing Commission reporting to the city of Faducah expenditures out of the :1000 heretofore set aside and turned over to said Housing Commission be roceived, filed and spread upon the Minutes. "PADUCAH MUNICIPAL HOU31M.1 r,Op.1L'I33IOiI. 7-20-1933 RIClIPTS DISDURS21ENT3 Received from the City of Pne::oah 11000 ihr<e months rent in advance 31.50 laid r. -.en for caking survey to ('late 58.50 ,(,lary of Arol'itect 100.00 lar of vicerntnry M. o0 'rr:n;lrr ata. 21.50 Office s�:ppllas (:a�.r.ns ,. P;Inqt, 3 book) �o:es of 31u aesrer:ce frcas 22.00 :.sllros,: tickets to ..aahinoton (4 m,,n) 112.00 2lvveling ex.nanses to :e:,'hlneton (.} ::r_•n;: ::*:and on :raveling expcnaes 4131tiffiu2 refun_' to 1"m n In law;ri .7 -TOT 9' ala -.se :n :xnk SQ20-15—la 7x%.40 :s_:._h-, ....._. y t 2G, 1'37n'A :iorence GIbcz ec�o"Eary. NO.._. P'roceedJngsof. _j ro-.t int o Lora CJfy of Paducah Au�uat 2Ci 19313 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; Commissioners, Hank, Llelton, Pulliam, Stubblefield) and '.tayor 'aashburn (5). `Requost of J I Llayor '::ashburn offered the following motion: The Paducah Llunicipal Housing) HOusiny Ceren.. for :'1500.00 Commission having requested the Board of Commissioners to advance to it the sum of $1500 for immediate use by said Paducah I'lunieipal Housing Cormi.aion,- I move that ,`1500 be i=ediately set aside out of the contingent fund and mada available and paid to the Paducah Ltunicipal Housing Commiss±ob. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas: Commissioners, flank, Nolton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and I•layor `3ashburn (5). I � !I Resolution Commissioner flank offered the folloiginG motion: I move that a Resolution providing for construct!' entitlod: "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE of 1'aidena DRIVI-71AY ON MAIDM.' ALLEY ?ROTS THC SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF BOZAD7dAY TO THE NORTII Alley PROPERTY LIME 0: K13KY AVENUE IN TILE CITY 0"r` PADUCAii, :•LOCRACSEN COUNTY, I{EITUCKY WIT, 'I ALL NECESSILRY IZANHOLES, IIiTAKES CATCH BASING, 30TER AIM DRAIN PIPES AND ALL j 1ECESSARY EIGINF:ERiNG, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN CONNECTIOIi TP.ERE72TH UNDER .All ACT OF THE GENERAL A33MLY OF TIIE COMLIONI'IEALTH OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITs REGULAR SESSION IN 1838, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEdENT OF PUBLIC WAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE PIORKS PROGRESS AIXTINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT AN,: AT THE EXCLUSIVE COST OF TILE OIMTERS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING Oil SUCH IMPROVIIIEUT TO BE APPORTTOILED AL ONG AND ASSESSED UPON THE LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SUCH ILIPROVE.:ENT ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING .EET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX 311ALL BE LEVIED UPOE$ SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ::;STATE FOR THE PAYUMITT OF T -E COST ASSESSED THEREON, AILD %RICH COST :.HALL BE THE DijFERE_CE BET17EE8 TIE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID IMPROVMIENT AND THE TOTAL AfJOULIT OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE WORKS PROGRESS AM,INISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OP THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNLU-211T ENGAGED IN MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENT, AND WHICH TAX SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER, ONE -HALT' THMEOF MIEN TILE ":ORd OF' CONSTRUCTION BEGINS j1IM TILE RE�'.AINDER THEREO- :IIiEi ONE-HALF OF SAID I14PROVELiENTS SH:,LL HAVE BEZI COMPLETED, 7IiSCH TILiE SILALL BE DETER SINLD BY _H E BOARD OF COIII:I::SIOIr.3RS i5r— " "' " TH THE ADVICE OF THE CITY MIGINF.ER", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Hanle, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and IZayor 17ashburn (5). Ordinance 1 CoLmnissioner Nelton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance ZmprO Ve::3.^. i. of 4th .",tr;et eat±`led: "Ali ORDiNANCE PROVIDING FOR T1E CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION Oe THE - I)^ SOUTH 4TH STREET FROM TILE SOUTH LINE OF ADAISS STREET TO THE III LIVE ST T !N TILE CITY OF PADUCAH, IZCCEIACF.EI7 COUNTY, XMIT-,;CITY, :.TTII ALL ALS INTAI S, CATCH BASIS S EM -di AND DRAIN PIPES, A:ID ALL +ECn3SAlii VMT2.",II;G AID LEGAL AND CLERICAL 3ER?T_CE.3 IN C01411ECTION TISERIi:II1 UI1D� 0 All ACT 0 '�3E G W L A :;EI.BLY OP TIT.: COL:::ON1VEALTH OF ItEIiTUCKY 1 1 3 REGULAR 3-33SIGN IN 1930 PROVIDING FOR TIE,:IYPRO it-ME::T 0: PUBLIC FLAYS OF TIC, :i .GOND CLA3:i B.'AID CF THE WORKS PROGRESS ADi.:INISTRATIOVi OR OTHEEL "JcWsL OR 3TATE GOVE-11111.1E11T, AND AT TILE EXCLUSIVs COST OF THE to".,TIERS c!:!G 011 SUCH I1.:PROVEIJENT ACCORDING TO TIME N:IMER OF FRONT OR PROVIDING THAT A TATS SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF PAY.KLI T OF THE COST A33ES3E1) THEREON AND :'.9IICH COST SHALL DE Tiff THE TOTAL 003T OF COMPLETING SAID IMPROVTISEIIT3 AVID THE TOTAL 15UTION OF THE ', ORK3 PROGR . S ADIIIIIISTRATION OR GT1IcR AGE11CIES OF "a'P3 DOVE i:; IPI •:::AGED IN LLNCSHO SAID IL PROVEI:iIIT, ANDWHICHTAS -ATL'. AT THE O-- ICE OF TIT:: CITY TREASURiiR, OIIF HALD THEREOF r:-iO:! EG -NS AND :SLE 13L 1AINDER TIE?REOF :Vial ONE-IIALF OF _ Bxr^,l CO:ZPLETED, 1.171ICIL TIME 31=L BE Dh:TEZIINED by THE THE ADVICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER% be adopted. ::)opted on call oL' t..: Poll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Llelton, Pulliam, Stubblefield � and Mayor .7ashcirn (5). Orr9in„rce ^c=.1eo11on,,r :',aton offered the follo^ring motion: I move that an ordinance Tm , ;f t, ,l; ')IIS CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OP TILE ':ORT_H LINE OF CLARK STREET TO 3OU19 L1ViE ' All, MCRACKEN COUNTY I{ ?^1! ALL 3011. AND DRAIN PIP:-', _ -:!CAL SERVICE, _.. ' cAL A33ETSLY Or i 1333 I ROVI I1I.:: i i AID 0;, TP., _OIC .._ 7::1,'T, .. • i 1A, aur, "ll11±hr, , tubol�o::.._ t No. 9a Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah August 22, 1938 _ Ordinance creating,* Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move the adoption Supervisor of; Public Safety of an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE DEPART74ENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY IN CO!NECTION WITH sir, POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTML•'NTS, PROVIDING A DIRECTOR THEREOF TO BE h1lOaft AS SUPERVISOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY, AND PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES, COMPENSATION AND QUALIFICATIONS". Lost on call of the roll, Nays; cormissioners Hank, Melton, Stubblefield, Mayor Washburn (4) Yeas; Commissioner Pulliarr (1). Ordinance providing. Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE for issue, sale and delivery of sea wall ISSUING, SALE AND DELIVERY OP BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AC@ULRING A RICHT-OF-WAY FOR bonds. i. THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEA WALL OR FLOOD PROTECTION WALL FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, M-ITUCRY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAY1l,ENT OF INTEREST ON SAID PONDS, AND TO CREATE A SI}KING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AS AND WHEN SAID BONDS NATURE", be now u intorduced and lie over and remain on file in its completed form for not less than one (1) week before being placed upon its passage. Adopted on call of the Roll; Yeas; Commissioners, Hank, Melton, Pulliam. Stubblefield and Mayor '8a3hburn (S). On motion meeting adjourned. J) ADOPTED 1938 APPROVED: OR 1 �I