HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 900, December 19, 1944No. 900 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah December 19th1944. At a Regular 1,eeting of the Loard of Commissioners held in the Commissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, rentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on December 19, 1944 11 Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answored to Choir names: Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 'Wagnor and Mayor Seaton (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.- :".L.3urnett✓ Mayor Seaton offered motion that the resignation of W., L. Eurnett as a ResiCnation 'elf Comm member of the Paducah ;•lunicipal Golf Commission be received, filed and accepted. Adopted on call of the doll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston; Pierce, Pulliam, 1:agner and '.'.ayor Seaton •(5). Mayor Zvaton made the following appointment It appearing that W. L. Burnett'a term of office as a•member of the City Harry Mathis Recreation Commission, known as the Paducah Golf Commission, expired on March 26th, 19 Appointed off Com,!. i but that the said 1. L. Burnett has continued':to serve until the acceptance of his resignation on this date; and, It further appearing from the provisions of KRS 97.120 that the city Recreation Commission shall consist of three (3) members who shall serve for terms of six (6) years, except that the members first appointed shall be so appointed that the term of one (1) member shall expire every two (2) years. NOW, THEREDORE, I hereby appoint Harry Mathis to serve as a member of said Commission in the place and stead of N. L. Burnett, so that said Commission as now constituted will consist of the following members: E.J.Paxton, Sr. whose term of office will expire on Uarch 26, 1946 R. E. Fairhurst, whosb term of office will expire on March 26, 1948 Harry Mathis, whose term of office will expire on March 26, 1950 Signed Wayne C. Seaton Tia yor Barry Iathis ' Appointrert Com^!issioner Pulliam offered motion that the action of the Mayor appointing Approved Harry Mathis to serve as a member of the City Recreation Commisaion, known as the Paducah Golf Cornicsion, for a term of six (6) yours, be approved, so that said Board as now constituted will consist of the following members: E.J.raxton, Sr., whose term of office will expire on ?.larch 26, 1946 R. E. Fairhurst, whose term of office will expire on March 26, 1948 Harr;; t'athis, whose term of office will expire on March 26, 1950 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .,senor and d:ayor Zeatin (5). ayroil Co=d3aioner .:agner offered motion that the payroll for the first halal of first :� 1:; _. Docc-Ler, 1.914 La allowed in the amount of ;101736.131 and that the City _reaaut•er 4e n,:thorized to pay the anne by chec.Y.s drawn on the General i'und. Adopted on call df the :loll, Yeas, Co.-- iss:ohern Johnoton, ?Sarco, Pulliam, VnGnor and S'nyor Seaton (5).! c,tcr L'nir / Conni a iener Johnston offered motion that the petition of Clavus F. Eoylos •.. ... 193 ar.9 'r.is sift Lila D. zoyiea anLtar./ley D. i•ot!.or for authority to construct a � rrtvbte water lint fru-• a point opposite the ra.91dence of .:tanioy D. Pettor on the ' :lardvi:le ;load wes'xardly along the ilandville :toad to aoint opposite ppoaito rhe residence Of ^.levua .. 3oJles an] -.illa ,,. the .ur;.ose of suF1) y_nt wato to said petii1_:ners,o•`lta a!;^ wlfe, is .. an': ..:at t., , � the request i❑ sa.i<. pe ti'.ion be granted sul:.'ect to the elnllticna' ar.. lir.ltat_ nr said petition set "oath. No. 001 Proceedingsofl3oard of Co mi•,ntnners CifyofPaducah_ Iar•amber 10. ig44 Deed lot to Sarah Fagan It is understood Want the granting of the request in said petition shall in nowise obligate the city of Paducah, or its Commissioners of Plater .lorks to maintain or buy said water line so constructed at any time, or in the event the said territory I where said pipe line shall be constructed should be included within the corporate limits of Paducah. It is further understood that neither the City of Paducah, nor its Commissioners) of Mater •forks shall in anywise become liable for the costs and expense incident to I� the laying of said pipe line and the said Clevus F. Boyles and Lilla D. L-oyles shall at their own cost and expense lay said pipe line and pay all cost, damage and expense of any claim arising out of the excavation of the blandville Road and the covering of said pipe line, and all other work incident to the installation of said pipe line. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Siagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Iulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance �I I! entitled: "All OI:DINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE TO SARAH BOGAN OF PI"OPER•CY LOCATED ON �I 8TH STREET BETI7EEN HUSBANDS AND BACH14AN STREETS FOR $250.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE 1SAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Gagner and Payor Seaton (5). Employ Yeager Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance edtitled: E r'ord - 1944 Audit "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMEi:T OF YEAGER & FORD, CER"_'IF'IED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TO MAKE Ali AUDIT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR TkE YEAR 1944 IN CONSIDER- ATION OF THE PAYMENT TO THEM OF THE SUM OF j23C0.00% be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pci111am, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Eoerd of Mayor Seaton offered motion that Jacl; Cole, Boyce Berryman and 'cam nraiy be Er^unlization 1946 XI appointed to serve as members of the zoard of Equalizers of the City of Paducah for r the year 1945, and that the members of said board, after being first duly sworn to II faithfully discharge their duties, be directed to meet at the City Hall on the first Monday in January, 1945, and to proceed with the equalizing of assessments on roll and personal property in accordance with the provisions of law, and the membersof 9 a111 board shall receive for their services the compensation heretofore fixed by ordinance.I Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comrniosionors Picrce, Pulliam and *Iayor :eaton (3). roncd.asioner Johnston being present but not voting and Commissioner Gagnor votln6 Flay. Mra. Lnwrorce j Ccariiasionor ,Vagnor offered motion that Fars. Lawrence Albritton be appointed Albritton i ;Sponsor s to officially represent the City of Paducah as Sponsor of the 3.3.Psducah Victory .::;.IaAUcah Y!ctery ship which Is to ee launched at Portland, Oregon on February 5th, 1945; that the sum I of ;1OC.GO be 8F.proprinted for the payment of the expenses which will be Incurred by ! her and her husband uh2 o attending the ceremonies nt Portland; and that the Committoe! connoted of Ifenry '":err; ns salri::un, Goorgo W. !;attovjohn, Jr., and Zata :;loan, La rnuth7,riz9�i to notify;.irs. Albritton concorning her ayi:olntnn.nt and to maico all n^cesaary 5rrrr.::arcnts in order tliat the City o!' iu7ucah may be properly represented *hen as.r', at:!p is launhod. i =ur thr,r move that aai..t requested to formulate plana for obtalriin;; ua, library Lao'vs, andlfts an nay y be appr•apriuta for i .;ae n-: rai^ a"ap. ftea on call of the 7:011, igas, Car :•,i.zaionera Johnston, j Pierce, :;'_liar, tar.%r as.i +dayar .^,eaten (•`.•). I :o^ Proceedin6s of i;oard of Comm Usinuars City of Paducah Decomber 19, 1944. On motion the meetn? aciJourned. ADOPTED ` -�, - -�- (, t3l 1944 A: PROVED C yerl k