HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 883, November 8, 1944NO. , 83
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah !November i;th, 1944
St. Licht
13th & Jones
Report oI' Alvorq
urdick P, Ho..ao;
Cemetery Deed
to Orin Sins
Eloliday ilov 11
Payroll last
half Oct 1944
;vr�n ra^ort 0:'
ale of' ;'otor
i.t a •regular 1.'oetin3 of the Board of Coamissionera hold in the Comminsionersr
C•hanbor at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at .10:00 o'clock A.t.1. on Nov. 2th, 1944,
Ca^or Seaton presided and upon call of the :all the folloriing answered to their
names: Commissionors Pierce, Pulliam, '4aGner and ','ayor Deaton (4), Coreiionioner
Johnston bein7 absent during the first part of the meeting.
Minutes of the previous moeting were adopted as read.
Commissioner ',Magner offered motion that the petition of Silas Sims, et al.,
requesting- that a street light be installed at the corner of 13th & Jones Streets be
received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yana, Commissioners Tierce,
Pulliam, :+'agner and tlayor Seaton (4).
v Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the report of Alvord, Eurdick & Howson,
Engineers, concerning the proposed acquibition and operation of the electric and can
properties in the City of Paducah bo received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll
Yeas, Conninnioners Pierce, Pulliam, ;`lagner and Mayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner '.agner offered motion that deed granted to Irr. Orin Sims for the
?oat one-half of Lot 19 in Llock 1 on Popp Avenue in the Mauaoleutn Addition, Paducah,
Kentucky, upon proper payment of ;,100.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted
on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam,-;;agner and t:ayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner .Magner offered motion that November 11th (Armistice Day) being a
legal holiday,- 1 move that all city employees be allowed a holiday with the exception)
of the police and fire department personnel. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Pierce, 1-ullism, ..agner and 1"ayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner ..sgner offered motion that the payroll for the last hold of October,
1944 be allowed in the amount of '10,898.65, and that the City Treasurer Le authorize
to pay the name by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, `•agner and tayor Seaton (4)/
Commissioner 17agner offered motion that J. :,. Hamm havini; presented to the ioard
of Comminsioners a deed of conveyance executed and delivered to hom by I.:rs. Anna E.
'ennedy, dated July 25th, 1944, un,ler the terms of which there is conveyed to hmm all
of the Grantor's ri,.ht, title and Interest, in and to part of Lot •;,40Z in Section 28
o. Cak Crave ^em.otory, Paducah;
1 ^rove that the conveyance of said cemetery lot t" J.l7.Har•im of Iaducah, Kentucky
r.rorovcd, that the City Cler'c be authorized to rinse proper notations on the
acid conveyance. Adopted on call of the Roll, "leas,
i..:.. _ ,....., .. . ...1 lar.., .:agner and ','ayor Bea ton (4 )
.... .. .,,, .._.:•r. •�!; Cored motion that the City:.anagerls retort of Salo of ::otor
on November 7th, 1944, at 12:00 goon, :,o roc,oivad
C and s_'rcr. inuL03. ;doptofl on call of the ,,oil, 'L: -aa, Cowmia3loner3
i:rca, ?uliian, ••a;• er and !'a;ror .,oaten (4)
':1ove:iLer 7, 1044
i -oord of
1.. _. ...nt `to
('.: ....... ... .':, the 'into of Sale
Proceedings of c,Ld of 13=1a0 loners City of Paducah aovemtor Ath. 1944
of said "otor Bus Francaise, I caused notice of the aale of said
franchise and the terms thereof as providod therein to bo published
in five (5) se:,orate consecutive issues on five (5) separate clays
in the Sun -Democrat, the official nowrapaper of the City of Paducah,
and said sale notice appeared in both issues of said newspaper on
:ovember 1st, November 2nd, November 3rd, November 5th and
November 6th, 1944 and in the morning edition of November 7t -h, 1944.
"I offered said franchise for sale at public auction, at 12:00
o'clock Noon, Tuesday, PJovember 7th, 1944, in the office of the City
i'anager in the City Hall at Paducah, Kentucky. The Kentucky
Utilities Company, the Lexington }railway System, Inc., and 11. H.
"ar;ruder havin^ complied with the provisions of Article II qualifying
them to bid at said sale, I offered said sale to them to the highest
and best bic'der, and the Lexington Railway System, Inc., offering to
pay the sum of ,7000.00 for said franchise, and said aur beinC the
hiLhest bid which was submitted, I struelc off said franchise to said
i company for the price of a7C00.00 subject to your approval of its
i bid, and the said Lexington Railway ;ystem, Inc., was requested to
file with the board of commissioners within five (5) days after the
sale of said franchise its written acceptance thereof in the form
acceptable to the board- and at the same time, to tender to the
I� City of Paducah a certified cheek for the 'cull amount of the purchase
price as provided under Article V of said ordinance.
"I wish to further report that the Kentucky Utilities Company
and J. H. T-ia:-ruder also submitted competitive bids at said sale,
the "cntucXy Utilities Company offerin; to pay .p1700.00 and W. H.
:.--agruder offering to pay ;,6700.00, All three of the bidders sub -
In writing thair evidence of qual.ification as such bidders,
d and I herewith submit the staterients of said bidders respecting
their ability to carry out and eompl • with the torma nrid roq.ircrients
.f said or�'inence for t!:e consideration of the Board of Coraiisaioners,
;rd = submit to the members of the Board of Commisaioners the question
ns to x'r:ether they will accept the bid of the Lexington Railway
to , Ing., w'ri^t• erns tic hi^:_est hid, or will accept one of the
nt: er tads, nr will rn+cct all bids.
"Dntcd thin the '16f, day of I7evember, 1944.
i:'.c li'lwo o j
a City .1anager.„ 11
offered motion tl.at the report of the :.ire •,t,. _ant
pa. 1
lv,;ted on call of the ?toll, fcas,
.,..,i: Lr,o lot "Or of CIt"t. ]•Ped J. I
fllod and tiiat the Cityl
a: h:roval o:' tt:e
_.. ... ! .i:', merle , ..rl 1_
nI rorty forrze-rI
J4)u t 7004) not
I orl:l are f
'I A
Proceedings of -L20 I'll of Commissioners City of Paducah Novembor 8th, 1J•.4
'.:a terms in
Cor.:missioner Pierce offered the following motion: C. h. Jones and his wlfo,
:race Jones, as the ownors of Lot l:o. 3 in block Igo. 11, Johnsons l.'aplowood Terrace
Addition located outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, toFothor with
=art Penix, L. ii. ^homlin, Lucy I;. Penix, Maric Thomlin, H. ;. Allcock, J. M.. Thomas,
Cora Thomaa, 17. S. 'Jeatherington, 11. 1J. Holley, Levi Thnnor and Louie Schmidt, Jr.,
filed thoir petition roqueotin., authority for petitioners, C. H.Jonos and Grace Jones
to tap a privately owned water line located on Elmr+ood Avenue opposite petitioners
residence so as to furnish water to the property of the petitioners, C.H.Joneo and
Grace Jones.
It appearing that the remaining signers of acid petition are the owners of two (2
privately ov,ned water lines fully described in said petition and each and all have
agr^ed that the request of C. H. and Grace Jones be granted, I, therefore, more that
said petition be received and filed, and that C.H.Jonea and Grace Jones be permitted
p the privately owned water lino ata point on Elmwood :,venue opposite Lot leo. 3,,
in Klock No. 11, for the purpose of supplying; water service to the residence of said
The privilege of tapping; said privately owned water line is -ranted under the
conditions that neither the pity, or its Commissioners of ,rater .forks, shall be
obli.-ated to furnish water at any pressure, or continuous, and subject to all the
i conditions, limitations and restrictions now in fords, or hereafter adopted affecting
consumers of water rosidin3 outside tLe city limits of Paducah. Adopted on call of
the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, ^agner and n'ayor Seaton (4).
Com-mittee on Payor _;eaton made the following; appointment:
Cruelty to
Animals I hereby appoint Sam J. Craig, Gladys Pleasant, George N. 3tarrott, Charles
3awlings, Dams G1aekDord and i:tatilda Wills to servo as members of a Committee to
orHanize in the City of Faducah a ;ociety for the Prevention bf Cruelty to Animals.
Nayne C. Jeaton
I:11a yor
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, ••agnor and ?:ayor
Seaton (4).
t.— ent bid Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that a ,ieaolution
y f onti^sed: .,.;SOLUTION ACCEPTI:1G THE L'ID 0? 7li.i LZ: rJIGTCII RAIL'.�AY SY:UW., _Tj€a.,
'C'1;AND (.7000.00) DOLLAR) .••�? :U;;�:IAJE 0 ,
G'0'Oi, EU:;
y ...i.. .:C. n, .,:a H '.:d .:ULD :i7 TlII CI77 ::::::i:;alt iC AUCTIO;; AT 12:00 01CLC!'
.;'. -,-:._>:t 7th, 1344", be adopted. Adoptdd on call of t!':e Boll, Yoas,
COM"icslon^rs Joanoton, Pierce, Pulliam, ,+aFner and L:ayor Seaton (5).
"-n` cne folloviln- isotion: I r;ovo tl;at an ordinance entitled:
Adopted on call o:' the ,:ell,
i iorce, :•:711:,7,, "u -nor qnd "aynr .,e(,Lon (;;).
flow .mt at. orr_'in, i
-,lir. c• ,:r,lii, •]:•
7 1 ...,CCIt
..:c ', ::...,....:, zv1,-)pted qt: call of tl.e
..aaton (5).
Proceedingsof :onrd of o.:assionera City of Paducah ::ovember 8th, 1944
'ublicity on
lectric v'
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Sun -Democrat Publishing Comping
be requested to vivo sufficient publicity to the appraisal ronort filed by Alvord,
Burdick r, Howson in order that the people of the city may fully understand the content
of sold resort, and, if nocessary, that the entire report be published in the newspupol.
Adopted on call of the aoll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, •m nor
a,ld b:a:,or Jcaton (5).
D'neto 200 '✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducah donate the
.ar 7un,
sum of .;GOO.00 to the ?.:cCrac;:en County ;ar rund, and that the City Treasurer be authorized
to charge said donation to any 1944 Budget account wherein she may find sufficient
unused funds. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce,
Pulliam, •:agner and ;'ayor Seaton (5).
J.T.':;aters L:ayor -eaton offered notion that the Board of Commissioners recommend
'ir ing to the Chief of the Fire Depart• ent that he give Mr. J. i;. haters a further period of
10 days from this date within which to change the wiring on his premises and bring
electrical eouinment up to standard, and in the event an inspection should disclose th t
the wiring has not been properly installed or the wort: done in compliance with the
electric code After the expiration of said 10 day period, ti at the Loard of Cormnisslon rs
a^prove any action taken by the 'thief of the ?ire =epartmont to eliminate, by force
if necessary, the condition which exists on the premises by reason of the failure of
the said J. atcro to install the wiring and the electrical equipment in compliance
n with the electric code. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston,
r Pierce, Pulliam.., '.ucner and Layer Seaton (5).
ppPoPoP On notion the meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED "CN 0—�,f a(.� 1944