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Minutes Book 20, Page 878, October 17, 1944
Proceedings of ward of Co.:nissioners City of Paducah October 17th, 1944 At a 1,egular iLceldng of the .Hard of Conmisnioncra held in the Gonwissioners, C':amber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P—% on October 17, 1944, :'ayor Seaton presided an,, upon call of the Noll the followin anowered to their names: Con .las loners Johnston, : ierce, 'ulliam, '.;agner and i:ayor -Caton (5) . :Iinutcs d' the previous meetin3a were adopted as read. .i:•e lnsr-/ Cora.,.iss.ioncr ..arner offered motion ,hat the fire plug inspection report of ection resort �. Frank Coryell dated October Gth, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, ;ct 19,14 leas, Comnissionera Johnston, Pierce, :ulliam, ,.agner and IGayor Seaton (5). (&,moll Commissioner ;Jagner offered motion that the payroll for the first half of i i.rs t half j ,'cc 1944 "II October, 1944 be allowed in tho amount of ,10,a23.32, and that the City !reasurer be 44 authorized to pay the sane by checks drawn on the General vund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, .Jagner and Mayor oeaton (5). ell lot to,j' Commissioner iierce offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for L.A.Coner V introductdon at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sate to L. A. Comer I of Lot 16 in ];loci: 12 located at 24th E: ,.dams Streets for the sum of „125.00 cash. Adapted on call of the 3011, 'Zeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ..acner and I.'ayor Seater. (5). Petroleum Commissioner Fierce offered motion that the request of the T.:cCracicen County ^omenios Petition 'Petroleum Ineustaiea Committee requesting a reduction of wholesale and retail license reduction ?j licensee levied upon the ormers and operators of bulk plants, terminal bulk ,plants and service stationo be received and filed, and that the members of the committoe be invited to j' a,pear before the board at the next regular mseting for the purpose of presenting their views as to the amount of ii-ense fees which should be ldvied for the next fiscal year beginning January 1st. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioner: I; Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .-agner and '.ayor soaton (5). Air. ort - Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: VIREREA3, it appearing :.oerd of Directors that the board of Directors of the laducah Airport Corporation who were first appoint) P ad nr=re Judge Frady I'. ,Stewart, Christine Alliston, Adrian H. Terrell, IN tnrel!cel i idwin J: Paxton, Jr., ?ierce E. Lackey and Govriel Rosenthal, the original incor- ^.orators; and, ,.iiRE'A3, T. J. Threlkeld, .ierco P. Lackey and Govriol %ozenthal having nine yres !:,nod ani the remainin;- venters of said corporation having appointed Jones a. ;mit , PR. ,. ,r,er an9 '=eorge Kcttcrjohn, Jr., to serve in their place and stead pursuant to _.he articles of Ir.corrorntion of tt:^ said Paducah Airport Corporation; and, i:a,;or an<: the r.Gmters of the Lcard of Coi,csianioners having boon rCT.03ted 7! a; -:rove t'.c a• --.olntni,•nts of those who ars to serve on said Loard as city 9rr. to ra, I '. efore novo that the aypnlntmrnt of . J. �,reen, George ,,. ,atterjohn, Jr., .en`'. ..:._nr. ... e_l, as men'eers of the -,,,,rd of Directors of the,, Paducah it ,.. e mt:en, ..:Cr:•e'_ to ss '�i`,y n:at.er a e v0provod. xdontod on call of "c ', i, ✓:rs, 1:=aiontira J.hnston, , ierco, zul liars, aim Cr and t.ayor .,eaten (5). ci"•� t ^r. .:.1 ::pE;n,rr .Tohns ton o. ered ::at len c t: •. h•: f'ol lc: Ir:, 1, or t, for the Dr. .ass^ `✓ Ra,^ort:anti-. o; S,,nt 1944 asrrtrrnt, Dr. u. . o:u:. nopted on Tall of trc :.ell, _.. s, "�-r.i:,�icnera Jahns.-,n, ,ierco, ;u'lii,::, `.z:,_.er and !ayor .:eat.,.. (5). I NO. 879 Proceedingsofboard of Gommi::aioncrs City of Paducah October 17tk;, 19,4 :^eceive Lids ✓ Commic-sioner ';,agner offered the following motion: I move that a audit Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIOLI AU['HORILING THE CIT'l MAI:AGER TO RECEIVE zllia OF UALI.,va) PU13LIC 1VZ'OL'N'TANT3 FOR TILE PREPARATION OF xAUDIT OF ALL ACCOUNT.; OR HE CITY 08 PitDU^AH, KNUTUCKY, IN 1.112 YAR L944, AND PRESCRIBING THE I.:A.11_1iR IN WHICH SAID LIDS 311A'_. L• LF. :iECEIVED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, ry Commissioners Johnston, Fierce, Pulliam, iagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Fix date f'or_il/ Mayor ;eaton offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution sale of Bus i Franchise entitled: "A RESOLUTION FLILTU 'Pir' jW013 0: .;ALE Oi' ;110TOR BUS I'RANCHISE", Lo adopted. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .agner and Mayor Seaton (5). Change time of Llayor Seaton offered the followinC motion: I move that an ordinance P.egular Meetings entitled: "Ail ORDINAKCE AVENDING SECT -1011 13 OF AN ORDINAL= MITITLED: '-'l ORDINA'rJCE i QRESCRILING RULES FOR THE BOARD OF COm iS3IOITERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K IITUCiCY, I FIXING THE TIRE r071 HOLDING REGULAR MEETINGS Ov SAID bOAP.D AiID REP2ALING ALL RUL3S AND O'iDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREVII'HI, CF.ICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE LOARD OF CO:Ih;I SIONERS OIl 9HE 5TH SAY OF JANUaRY 1920, A„TJ AMENDED ON JUNE 6TH, 1944", be adopted. { Adopted on call of the +loll, 'leas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '.:agner and 5'ayor Seaton (5). Lease Airport (/ Mayor Seaton offered the following notion: 1 move ^.hat an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEASING BY THE CIrY OF PADUCAH, IN CO1:JU:ICTION WITH 'IIE COU1iTY Cr' 11CCRACK01, 'STATE OF TCE7-'7UCKY, OF THE PADUCAH-L.CCRAG,EE' COUII^'C AIRPORT PROPERTY TO THE PADUCAH AIRPORT CORPORATION, AND AUTHORIUi,'G 'CITE MAZOR n:.D CITY CLLR' '0 EXECUTE, FOR A,1D Oil LMALFOL, THE CI`L'Y 0? PADUCAH, A LEASE CONTAININ 7ILE TERAS, COI1.riI'!'IOWS AICD COVI NANTS PROVIDED HERE11,"', be adopted. Adopted on call of the ',oll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Puililiam, Warner and layer Seaton (5). Fetition for Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the request of ?:ra. C.: -,..Richards n Bus on Jefferso Street and others that the city run a bus out Jefferson street be received and filed, and the the City 6,anager advise the petitioners that the request cannot Le q granted i'cr the reason that the city does not have the statutory authority to maintain a bus line. I! A3opted on call of the Holl,Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .,agner I� ^ontinue r.e(-o- , ( and aayor aeaton (5). tia`.ons for h alt Monter b'acor ;eaton offered motion that .the Cit-Y::anagcr be authorized to con- �r-:.Pr ty tinue his nerotintions for the purchase of the remainder of the block on ei:;leh the ub11a health center is to be located provided the :fiscal Court of Y_cOracken County i n. proves thn p:a'chaso of the remainder of said property, one-half of the purchuso ^rice `o Le r.^i•' U.- the City ane'. the other bald by tae county, and that the City ,nager f i=©' 1 }: t'ro • oard e cit a report ahwuInC. the exact amount which the { •i and county •.oulr. fir, required to era^,nd for said propertg. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Casa, ^ore^.i sins^.rs Johnston, li.crce, Pulliam, "agner and `.;ayor .Caton I, (5). Cn motion the meetin.^ acl,journed. F A./i;t"r. _ C}' q �{i.�.vjch 7 F