HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 835, May 31, 1944NO.
Proceedings City of Paducah
tlin Lonrcl al .,-Jd in V�-i
('Ij-'Ilbar Fit the city !;all, .10(luemli, 1:cntlicky, al. 10:(X) o'cloc*.
.;oatozi proridod and u on emil of the Nollp. tlia follw.*.in,, answered to their
=100: Cor;.A.9sioners Pi,,rcc, Ilullipm, lq^nor and rLyor zoaton (4), 0ozxAss:IotI':r
Johnston tein- absent.
"inuten of the previous ri"tinr were adopted as mad.
Floodwall V" :.Layor Deaton oiTcrod notion that the --.oard of romminaloner.- racivo and
file the latter of Col. Doyle 1-.0 mor of the Unii.ed ;tatoo -'ri;-,inoers oi,'Ice, in v:Ach
he advisor that the floodwall Pitrip stations cannot now be clonatr"c',ad wtt:4—t Wic
u-. ,evil of tj,.c •-11, oiuotion Poard. Adopted on call of the:'all, Ycas,
17 commi3oionovo ricrac, rulliam, *7arner nn -I T:aror Seaton (4).
Joll :oto Co=-FIcnIoncrA/--4eE offorod notion that the Corporation (7ounaal Ve
1: -i'octod to P;-oparo or introduction at tho noxt mcotin;.- an ordInanco authori,-,:.
the sale of the follo,aIn, Property:
Lot 11, Bloc}: 25, Jouthwest corner of 10th %-. --aohington .;trout to?trot Church al' the
Nazarene for the sun of 300.00, '100.00 to to paid in cash and the balance in J0
data with 6- , , interest.
102x165 foot at the Norbl-.east corner of 22nd E- Vozwoc :Arcetn to Dennis j. Hunan for
the sum of c,450.00 cash.
on call of the Roll, 'fear, Cojimiusioners fierce, Pulliam, !'.aC.nor Gild Mayor
Zenton (4).
t) ^.oiarqisslonn- o—'evc,,i ti.o fo'li. In,-, motion: I ;!ovo tLn' rm
ordir-ince „,:�..:lpd: 'A.. D:':..,...rL ,,, ...:a.. ....LE TO E1,11A D. P.kiiDi,LZ J.' Z—'_ -U
-0:. D 0171
:'todl. Adopted 01'. call of the 1-.011, 7'enq' ro:'�U:IsionrL, .lord!,-
30aton (4).
o 11, -ulllam olTorod motion that 'j!Ly co ...._';prised
!;o -Naolilie F- 11 la ...:ch ^tit ,IFa ,s
;;- of le, i'lto
a n! %' cur Lt.; In - fwl
L A,-npted on cm). of the
•-i ton
Proceedings of _city of Paducah__L�LL
I- o! i G'"d riot 1 r, Q.1-1.10
of Lot -;o. 1 f)r,. (opp in the
.on In ':,ovo m Lucky, upon propor paymont of
!hc I_It-: be aJoptotl. ;Aopted on onll of tho i!oll, Y,.an,
. _., oz.-! .,oaton (4).
'"n'i.'L-:,'.cn .,no off--od nollon Liiat the Corporation Counnol be
V ::I-'roductllon at L! -.o nest vt_-ob.Ln,,i an ordinance clip, ink tiro
'dnv 1'.Ce t. -z; of tlie "oard of Co:mnianionevo to r)'idaY 01' each vlack
it 7,170 F... A,'Ao,)torl on call of the Roll, Yous, Cor.TU331onory !Iiarco, 1-1illirm,
-r -rd "ayor Scaton
Cn motlo.-. the ncotin,; adjourned.