HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 823, April 18, 1944NO. l32 Ptoceedings of Load of Co: �niaa lororo Clly of Paducah April l3t-1l, 19-14 'n motion the a:eetlnl; adjourned. fk:OYTED �; `1 144 Ar'1'ROVED At a ';e„ular Moetlrg of the uoard of Conuaissloncrs hold in the Comreiaalonero+ p Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1•:. nn April 16, 1.944, I:ayor Seaton presided and upon call of tlio (loll the followinC nnswored to Choir names: Com:•+iasioners Johnston, F'lorce and l:ayor Seaton, (3), Commiaaionora aarnor and Pulliam bein;; absent. (2). Idinutea of the previous meetings yore adopted as road. Payroll for 'i [I ._ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the payroll for the first half of First half I' Aor11 1944 Anril, 1944 ce allowod in the amount of 19,703.31, and that tha City Treasurer Le authorized to nay the same by chocks dravm on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conmiaaionors Johnston, Pierce and Glayor Seaton (3). 'I street lizAt Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners approve the 3:cycrs St e Kort Lane action of the City dianager in installing a street liCht nt the corner of L:oycrs Street and Kort Lane, which liCht has boon installed upon the request of Louis Igort, ormor of the !,,art Towing Company. Adopted on call o: the Roll, Yons, Commis alone ra Johnston, Pierce and Payor Seaton (3). Charity Mayor Seaton offered motion that the letter of the City i:nnager with reference Patients Riverside to the new arrangements he has made for the admittance of charity patients to the Hoa ,Ital Riverside llos-,ital be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, d Commissioners Johnston, Pierce and Vayor Seaton (3). i Apportionmeit- Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance ontltled: Ordinance 1944 "Al. O1�DII:ASCE FIXING TiM AITORTIONMENT OF VE PUBLIC FUUD3 0:' ME CITY OF i-ADDCAII, C 1ITUCXY, FOR THE YEAR 1044 AND A!TROPRIATING ]YE PUBLIC `,EV2:TUE A:iD INCOME OF THE CITY TO SUCH PURPOSES", be introduced and remain on f Ile for Ono weok for public inspection in the completed form in ::hich it shall be put upon Its final paoaaUo, and if adopted to be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisalonera Johnston, Pierce and ILayor Seaton (o). Tax Levy Mayor Soaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinaneo entitled: Ordinance 1944 "AN O'1DINA:;CE i'I.CINC THE L-MI::S A:M IIAME3 OF TAdAT.011 0:1 A;.L 11",2PERT'i IR :fiE CITY Oi' PAD:;CAH, KENTUMC, SUBJECT '10 TAXATi011 :'0'.i MURIC.PAL fURi'OSES Ai:D FOR SCFOOL FW,ODES 7,1z YEAR 13,:4, i.:.il 'E:E RATE 0 LOLL 'V;,;'J1'!'t: 'itiE YURi O.;E3 Ov JAID TAXC:3 T:.3REUlIDER DE..:NaD", Lo ad�ptod. Adopted on call of the Roll, YGas, Commissioners Johnston, Nierco ::nd 143or Seaton (3). 'n motion the a:eetlnl; adjourned. fk:OYTED �; `1 144 Ar'1'ROVED