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Minutes Book 20, Page 818, April 11, 1944
Proceedings of City of Paducah of tea - )) rd of rot: %I-oioners held in tl:c• Con.•:iasiorrers' ?aducah, r:ontucicy, at 7:30 o'aloc'.t i'.li. on April 11th, 1344, ..,entoc presided and upon call. of the iiol'1 the follo'cintj answered to their ceames; ,. :;loners Johnston,. I leree, C:a finer and f(ayor Seaton (4), Covtmissloner Pulliam "ie:rtcs of the previous neetinr were adopted as read. ta,ner offered the following motion: I move that the petition c Elizabeth :oat, for authority to tap privately owned water C• tetv.cen Poplar Strcot and Birch Avenue and abutting Black 23 in ,-or tte nur•, ose of supplying water to 2.111rout and 2lizaboth ., ....-stirto :x: constructors on rots 7 and 3 in i;lock 23, Lo received and __. t:.c:t the Commissioners of -:!star .7orks be authorized And permitted to grant . ._.._._`i«y :.nd to allow said connection and extension of said pipe lino. 7- !rther move that F.H.i'oat and L'accie 5lizaboth ?oat be authorized to -.o Ive eater ry ee, subject to all t:.e conditions and limitations, and at the ratee now, or hereafter, charged for water service to persons residing outside the City It is understood and agreed that nothinE in this petition, or the granting o] shall be construed as an o'oli,^ation on tt:e past of the ^ity oC r..: r^ C=-.insioners of ':rater :orks to purchase or maintain said privately ar:na;d nipo line, or tiny part thoreof, at this time or hereafteri should the territory n •.,o City Limits. and agreed that the rantin;- of this nut:.orit;r n!:nll ^�.,'.:: - ;crnn`oe or warranty to provide water . i r.nd norther the City a',' ;cah nor its Uo:rat. _.n:.rc of ,. --r•.nount, o: failure or :iervir.r, or frilure -.. ._ .._sole .,:. ��. r:..... _. ., ._..trod that se id water service 1%o ccontlr, at z, r ,.'. isCar..misaa on or '; _:.:pica tonus ni' -tor ... •..;•:,'u .. in to i.!: - ...'.c NO. Proceedings of City of Paducah c::nor o. Corod tho fol 1m: In 0 —PE AWM4 ORM !:;I JAU 0:: TO S'IIE 0? PADJC,117; 7 0i` rC:TVS,A;;(,7 10 Tj H --j: TL", a :Adopt 2.'—t d on ca I ot. the Boll, Yoao, C,,miIijaioners Johnston, .-!,,vco, Ylnt7,nor and 4 !.!nyor -,onton offered the follovilrt: notion: it % i.loarin, to til,, Ecard of Goranissioners that James Clay, a policemen wiplojoc, ij tho Clt�y of Paducah, is received InJurle3 which ser© not the result of his ov"r. noJ711ronce or wror2,-..IoLnj and thot said injuries were muntalnod by an ace :dont nrijinv out of tho course of his employment by the city; and, the avid James Clay required treatment at the Riverside r!ospltril nn(I lin3 thus for incurred hospital exncnzo amountin- to •-505.20; and, REA3, it visa not necesnary to employ another policemen to fill tl.(, said Jnmos Crily's position on the police force dirrin,,: the period of h !a disability and the City ::ana(.;er has paid to hin his roCular salary durin.7 said poriod; .:0'-X VEREFOPE, In ;seeping with the policy adopted by the Loard of Cowdssionori vilth reference to the pa.1ment of hounital and medical exoense incurred by disabled policomen and firemen and the payment to them oi' their Salaries vAdlo so disabled, I move that the City of !'rkducnh Nuniolpal !'capital Corr.lission be requcated to LI")nt tire hocritalizntion of ti -.o said James Clny as a Charity cn.go, pa;;.,: z:L of hin rer.ulnr salary to 71'.ay lat, 1344, or until It lo lo employ allotli,D1• policeman to fill his ,osition, be n7,proved, that the -ow-d o! zi:e ;01.ice and -"IronvnIn Fonsion vund be rc.,,icnto:,, to %-%nt to his ur 11.,mbilit-y, auld pension to to 11.1j, z.:, 1.r. into o; --fith 1,t 'oi- of not tl-., ,f 1110 jnjlzr.';, ji'ld to be an, or the jLL to an 1:not'..or ollLoc:i!in to !'III ;1J., ;j x.. Adopted on c+, -I z)" -.a Iona -�r ri Johnston,Johnnton-,nas ai�:wr vrid .,(?a',on (4). t o