HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 810, April 4, 1944Proceedings of, . * " � .. ­'� !­jSr City of Paducah C..'card of Ccmrausiow,rs in ti-. at 7:f,o o -,locI, on Aorli 'Iz.h, lj<.-: on cnIl o:' the !:311 tii-i fo.11o,.,Jn;� answered to their rullimrn, :nz:ncr and rinyor Boston (5). o- th -a prevlou3 z,."UnZ; mere adopted no rend. 7-'i osionor '"honer offered the followln,,7. motion: 7 ,;OVC ti,_It the rC part title cOaj'Cl Of ECU,'Ilj7q7IG for the year 1922 be received, filed and spread upon the !'are!,, 28, 19,14 :;onboronrd of -.'nualirmtion n1 the City o: '3ndilcall, ;Cy. 14 herd 11,;:. follol-.,In,,; attac.od report of t-,:-. �,t U-- n:,Dc:'u of .one of our lurg-ost manufacturers and Tacrchum, lo'.vol, year on account of j.,eneral war condltlon3, and have 0 over-como titin lo;;s by puttinr a very nominal asses onent on a ,:res for household Zood3, cut via foal that the. surface has only been it Will req a house to house canvas to - J .�r il - �71 and that at; an -)�: this itara. 1:cvo a lona ;f about x.10,000. at! 'teal -state and a good portion a cnr up to property ta'.,en over Ly the City. So *.,jo are. shorlinr a tots �' and acal Estnte fro: 0 '01OXIMataly ";Cj'Goo. to L:, ,:a have dono the ben, "r, La tryln� to hold ti -.G nuae.1.11ment to a hard thin- R' t--, our antiquated mothod of nanons. hPir. - !;a 1,1anL we find the 4'w3c3sor'3 books "'ficlal"t canner ZAa(3 want to call sour sn - crial - steno Troutman and her Assistant Z'rs- 3andor.. t to hold the a !: sc- smont on a fair and aojaj7 Laoj,. 11capoctfully auLnittod' LOARD 01' EltUALIZATION A. E. Cole, Chairman Man Vandevelde :.Pveh M, NO. Proceedingsof of CityefFaducab (1,ocraaso on :foal Froporty Y,';?_1`.A,;E DY LCARD 1 601,675. SU: 7,A-11" Total on Real. Estate 1: Improvements (Pull list,)) •-:I5,WW,020. Personal Property 3, 030. TOM.! on ;!'StUtU, InP- .- Personal Iroperty (lull lzsto) 030. .-:cal Ent.Imp. "- Personal Property (3n ;msec e ::4,595. ;n (Special Sato) _00,675. C:-, 1944 10AND 0, -",1 ALIZATIOIT A. L. Colo, Chairman rha3 ';andevoldo, Sheriff "Wor,70 -locl.:, cicr%', Adopted on call of the 7011, 'fees Conmiasionors Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Ythener and Vayor Seaton (5). Payroll -c,,., Commissioner '%'agner offered motion that the payroll for the last halia of ::arch Last hall' "I ':*,nrch 1944 1944 be n1loviod in the amount of `9,950.69, and that the City Treanurer be authorized to pn;t the vane by checks drawn on the �;cncral ?und. Adopted on call of the Real, Yenop Por. i.:oloners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, and ?mayor Seator, (5). Coi-.TnL.1i:3ionor Pulliam offerod notion that the investi,-.ation and ra.porl; of the Fnf.�:cah ;ntor •,orks with reference to the extension of ,,mater mains on D111.1.3lon 3t­,ct .-err Street t b -c received and filed; and It al :,earin,- from the 1,0,)Ort of tile 2.,h "litor ovl:s that there are not a n,i:i _­ of persona ownin,raw ic;onc a 'i - OnPlthQr atrcct to vaqlilvo the extension of I further move that the lionrd of Comniaqionara daclinc to corr,11- -1'li t:Ia ro- Ticst not forth In the P0"* 10no voferrod to In :,,J.� 1,-' ,m Cot;:Izvlon,rn Iaton, Pierce, �­: iv n:­ losioner MoVol. 0 rotion Umt the illuniv!1,il Mno month of v; 1.i•14 Lo rlco Ivod Adopted ou cc,:,l of the .;, 1;T.:Iinaioncra Johnston, Pierce, and tutor acaton (L). _::aloner,fierce offered :iotlon that TA dir'IcLoi to ..:,j at the next mactin:-, an oj-d.'j. . r: t in -loc., C on llicdcr^aan jl an�', the Lalanco at the ,- the 11 t"'a ,?oil, Vona, t t the ro C136 44 'arch S.. co, on on'' ill'.am, wv! jaat::. `%var Set.. ,Iffosrad nntlon that Proceedings of City of Paducah T' it `'' !' • ' —�. �_ .___ ... .. ,; rh o_fo.•cd :-:o 1, ion c;1ottor oi' the Git,r i.:anarer, the , v!: � .nc: _ �.� ''r':nuos for Una your 1D44 L.• r,c •..•:o<, ... ..u �.. ^.u!.:, , nt r., :c•arin,- to heli �or, oa id Cot 1 in tizc Cos¢tiosloners' Chamber at t.:a City Hall; anti I r -.a•:e t1:rt c.. nn,�or be authorized to publish in at leant ono issuo of t'c ..,Prat a no.icc of the Public Hearin,- to be hold upon the budrot sutmittad U hir . on call of the ::oll, Maas, Commissioners Johnston, iiarca, Pu111am, i:n;per and "April 4, 1944 "nyor ;tayno C. Seaton anbors of the Dosrd of Jo.-zaisa tonors .City of Fuduenh Re: Budret for 1944 Pursuant to t'no ;rrovia:ions of .",action 30,640 of the Kentucky Statutes, :'.oric!on, I !:ave prepared and haro:'rith suLtlit to you a dotailod atntaaent con- . of the City of Paducah, this statci ant containing the fallowing UICet of es:nenae for the year 1942 :.mount of ;ixponaes for the ,renr194?. 'ndgat of F.:;penses for the year 1043 .?mount o; ^xocnsea for the year 1943 Propose,'; Ludr-ct for the year 1944 %It'_cirstod revenue for the year 1942 6 Amount collected in the year 1942 0 Antici•,Pta- revenue for t^c year 10•:3 l.co,-nt collected. in the year 1943 Antic patc3 Ravenuo for the year 1044 In to the current departmental oxpannos.i have Included 1n y et file :;,;n,o'^':�^,,CO for tta r'urchase of oquipnent and the ma:cln.- of reunir� eur•c!�:.'::; -.ed reFair items boing itemized as follov's; _.ern :'ax act up by 6urrour!:s and Add -ea aoi,!.rap!z Systol,ls. of mechanical methods will expe4lte and aunure accuracy ... .::1 Cax records. tax a ls, thus eliminate exporse o d .trs halp for ma:cLrdr, s mar _... rr•. 'ci for cr,c:: emd d..: of real catnte to NO Proceedings of `sr•i ,r =aucra City of Paducah .. t; .. .. .:i.l 1,0 . ..�.-:1,'.] 1.:toa V. L..-. ..:.1 .el' ';oaeral Clty land ... . . . . . . . . . . :]chool 2oard . . . . . . . .101100 and ilrencnfo t^nn!c_ funs: on voted rioard " t on voted :.ends Junior Colle,,�0 i•^i h to state for your inr3rmatlon that if any oxpondituron not •I � + _,r.o added, it .,;17.1 be noconsavy to incrcase ':hi: rntu of taxcc o::as; also, lE the ;.oard of 3lucation should u tax reg.: either :o necessary to reduce Dome of the ex,:cnsc itormcc.r- �-.�L•or raise the rate of taxation for lcneral clty pw on ea. After r;lvinf, much of my tine and careful consideration to every itom :p.,nse, 1 have concluded that the amounts bud,;eted for the purposes stated ai'oulcl -educed if rovernmontal affairs are to be conducted efficiently durin,, tills .-. :t is also my opinion that the rate of taxation ahoul:-7 not be incroaaec!, and i S k:o2u t: -.o board will adopt ordi.nw.ces based upon my uwlrf ov na.i upon tho lento rf tux,,tlon above sot forth. Very truly yours, 11. 7. 77C71vice City ".upa_icr c _o. 1045 a uc cI`f7 i A;_R ...ITCC=+..T..:^ CJi.Ls^TE 10.14 fEAR 255.1:2.91 25131C.£7 - �, 5000.00 .nG ' :0000.00 570G0.00 l 7'00. C0 7200.6". �. .. ..� 32.00 ;0.00 100.)0.- 460.00 1.. I. 24(700. t NO... Proceedings of City of Paducah_ 6. '0 -- ..... .., i44.Co .^,(.4.00 1 0,084.00 .... f.Co 900. C0 loco .': C " ^0 03.00z, 20 :.- ".1711.iii.1084. o0 ......,..... ,.1C.,. DO .... • r:'' YI-cn-.! 1800.00 11-100.00 1.5CO. '0. 0 1800.00 for Chll�iren-C 6::0.00 600.00 ��:0.00 1300.00 . ... •.t:b 3CO.::o 300.00 .CO GCo.00 1200.00 7:,0.00 ", 0.00 7,30.00 ... .'rmr7 7000. GO 70Go.00 .1.'70.00 5000.04 Goo. 00 C:OB. •?0 .00 1004.00 _.. 12.00 18:114.00 ro,-r>;m .CO .00 -CO 2.10.00 :. - 12000.00 11004.(10 1C ... ,. O �:.�.�._.: 0591.'8 . .... 6,000.00 4500.00 . , ....:.� ": 6400.75 00 67£11.00 .00 :56G.00 C ;O.Co - _ 3000.00.C� _.........:� .... l0oG.2o 1000.00 1060.00 J 2505.23 .00 .UO UQ 3A7105. ^3 39029.00 33.114.''7 CO-i,5UJ. .1,: i,*. CD ' .. .. 3120.00 - 0'% .^n 6•.00 3000.00 `0 ,1 1:00.00 'r 6£tO.00 J .00 .0 :100.0`1'0 - - 150.00 :;5 12C.t^0 . .. _ 4000.00 i7 :0"0.:";: c.. v 2 1. 10 NO, Proceedings of t ^:, i,>nnrr. City of Paducah_ Lx i l 11, ti,14 ^70t,.0O . _ _ rc•au .0: 1 A). CC 1700.(; • _ to 1 1320.00 1bPG. OG 1'100.00, 1.700.00 -=n A. -.. .(.:� 43f.00.G0 30011.'10 2�'/]3.00 0•/•,,G•^ .00 11075 1)i Cent .e t_r.:• en '! t 1540.00 lU40. 1940.00 OC 1Fi20 OD 00 ] 4.1:. 000.00 2A b1. GC 3050.00 f>60.00 010.00 E80.UO 10� .co 1540.00 15.10.00 1520.00 1- - - - 3i:Co.00 .1000.00 0333.93 2000.00 'JG_.. ' - •-, '.orc,rrlea 1500.00 1000.00 2621.10 1000.00 :7 1300.00 1500.00 .00 42.0.00 1Ci0.00 115.00 .?•Jipment 300.010 504.00 277.17 500.00 540.09 . ••, ..._c . 84.00 72.00 .00 320.001;7.L0 3000.00 3000.00 2693. UO 3350.00 2.3f74.'79 - - - 1 ..ystam 350.00 1 CC.00 10.0u ;.1'ft.80 720.00 f O.00 03 500.00 L':S. UJ 1200.::0 1,1.;0.00 `.... . J;i 1900.00 15:';0.:10 240.00 150.00 41 50.00 171.,`.,0 100.00 120.00 - 350.00 :,4.41 .CO 240.00 .00 204.00 00 ._13 .00 100.00 1.00 21:..73 580.00 480.00 J.: .12 300.00?76.20 1:50.00 113"0.00 11E0.0U 10.10.00 1040.00 i 824^62.00 79Q9O.00 77459.37 75928.80 74010.10 2520.00 2480.00 2480,00 2400.00 1959.92 1920.00 1880.00 1880.00 17.'0.00 1705.00 -•- 9600.00 94CC.00 9386.37 8000.00 7890.02 -.trdOperetors 5040.00 4 U o0 4757.38 4560.00 4497.35 it 2100.00 zn 20ZO.00 1820.Co 1820.00 men 45360.00 41 ..%0 28553.60 39520.'. 31175.12 .. .. it men .00 131.7. 52 7&'d-1.18 . 4068.00 ? �.;� ...22 J3•:::.: �. 07:C. 17 . - - 1584.00 - •m System 240.nO .•� 20.� ... 3nnnlica •_) ,, 372 , 11 u c _ 7 J ' ,.. .. 7703�. 0.0 770.51..... 750,:5.'-'4 _ .,... ... ,. • :. III I . I I Proceedings of—' —CityofPaducab vi "n z .�3 ol 7 .0 'o. or.) I F, C C, I -f C, C2 0 NO. Proceedings of. City ofPaducah co.�,••;In- mot; or. -.:cove thmt c Z, ovd:lv� %'.) .r.::1i:.:. rW70 'A. 0 ij, — . !;: :, I , L; 15LOC" 9 f , K 7 L L i(.: `'HE 1,:A fOR A.17 C'Ur! ;l;!, T.l z 1,0 ado.nted. Adopted on ?r,?,l Of the Poll, 'icas, J011114tol" Plor'n, il,llllnm, and. 'Zrjor ;"at"n Cn motion th, noctin, adjourned.