HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 804, March 21, 1944NO—�—_ —
Proceedings of ' °erd of Co:ami,wloners City of Paducah ?3arch 21st, 19114
fit a ReGular Ma oting of the Board of Cormiasionora hold In the
Coaaissloneral Chanber at the City Hall, Paducah, P.ontucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
21st, 19.14, 1`ayor :,eaton prosidcd and upon call a, the 1` :oil Lho follo:ving
_ .._. ., to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '.7agner and
Zuat�n i5).
Idinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
iarem_nt :4 Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the letter of Julian A.
Airport Young, United States Engineers office, in which he requests permission to cut a hole
C• ft x o ft., in the concrete pavement for the purpose of making a pavement evaluation
test on tho new airport property, be received and filed, and that the board approve the
action of the City ;tanager granting to him the permlasion to make thotoat upon the
condition that the areas affected will be restored and placed in as good condition as
" Lefore said test was made. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .;agner and,:nyor Seaton (5).
;;roil i' ^r Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the payroll for the first
half of Iarch, 1944, be allowed in the amount of ;10,055.04, and that the City
{ Treasurer be authorized to pay the same by checks dracrn on the General Fund.
Adopted on call of the !toll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, riorce, Pulliam, Wagner
and ?tayor Seaton (5) .
'ivors!de Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the report of Riverside
eteport V Hospital for the month of FeLruary 1944, also the Analysis which covers the first five
'r`eb 1544
Analysts :ninths of the presdnt fiscal year be received and filed. Adopted on call of the
5 nonths w
Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and 6'.ayor Seaton (5).
lrr'.crt. Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the report of the mire
Lepartrent for the month of February 1944, be received and filed. Adopted on call of
...e ixoll, 'leas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :7agnor and Nayor Seaton (5).
Com.:,issioner Pierce offered motion that the hoard of Commissioners
=aoive and file the letl,or of the Board of Trustees of tho .Police and �Iromen'a
r:na:cn Wund, in which an!d board reovesta the levy of a ta:c at tl:e rate of 5y on the
hunirod dollors of toxalle property for the tenofit of the pi:nsion fund •i,u•inCan 104.1.
the i.o;l, :ess, Com-ia:,ioncra Johnston, 1`101 -co, Pulliam, aaunor
( a. .iasionar Johnston oi'fered motion that tl;o Corporat<on
o. i.n::r• :::et' on at the next nr:eting an o: dinnnca n , .1. , •i-.'rr
1. n ;:3 t , in Lloch 24 at the Northwest cc :•
:..00 cash. Adopted on cal! w sell.
::nor and ?Sajor
t iat the Corporation
U cash
... .. .. .. .: .... .. ... ..t:
,,. _..,i ....,.... .....ura;�y. ...... ..: •..e ... ....., L:: e.i:.i.v ., , :) c+: -. ,.... ::'.�... ..,:�.
Proceedings of Board of C0m-1asi0ne1m3 City of Paducah !.arch 21, 1014
'.�ili:REA3, a vacancy or. said I:oard o: Trustees Navin Leen created upon Lho
{ dcath of ih•s. L. Richardson, :.i'a. 'Vora Lockwood was alpolntod .in hor placr, on*h stea
on April 4th, 1942, her term of o:fice to cxrire on :.:arch 14th, 1944; and,
RiERBAS, upon the resignation of lira. Rclen Rieke on Clay 4th, 1943, the
Hoard of Commissioners appointed Lara. Lula Recd ling to aorvo as a member of said 'boar
in her place and stead; and,
',.H.REAS, on ?.`arch 14th, 1944 and upon the expiration of the terms of offico
of the mcnbora of said board, it was Intended by the Mayor to re -appoint- all of the
1 persons now serving but through mistake and oversight ?Srs. Vora Lockwood, A. R. Lleyeru
C'.rs. Helen Rieke, Herbert 'Ml.lerstoin and h'red G.11euman ware appointed, their terms of
office to expire C;arch 14th, 1946; and,
',:HEREAS, Section 173,110 of the Kan tacky Revised Statutou prol:ides that the
Board of Trusteeo of the public library shall be composed of the Mayor and five ,rombor
appointed by Cie mayor, three of them for terns. of one, two and three years respective
and two members for four years each, and upon the oxpiration of the terms of those
first appointed, the now members shall be appointed for a term of four years; and,
17HER;::.3, all appointmenta heretofore made have been for four years, the
teras of all expiring at the some time.
NOW, THEREFORE, for the purpose of ascending the order of appointment on
Harch 14th, 1944, I hereby re -appoint A. R. idoyers, Ctrs. Vera Lockwood, lierber't
F:allerstein, !Ars. Lula Reed King and :rod Q. Neur:atn as members of the Hoard of
Trustees of the public Library, and in compliance with the provluiona of the atatute,
their appointments shall be trented an an original arpointmont so chat the terms of
office will expire as follows:
A. R. Moyers, Term expire on :.;arch 15, 1045
i:.rs. Vera Lockwood, 'Form ox;:irc Navch 15, 1946
Herbort Wallerstoin, Term expire ::arch 15, 19.17
Lira. Lula IL•:ed King, Tern expire :;arch 15, 1949
prod G. Noonan, Tormr oxpiro ;;arch 15, 10,16
17aVne C. Seaton, Hayor
Commiasloner Pulliam offorod notion that the :card of Commisslonora approve
t::o action of tho Layor ar.poIntinL an m-riLors of the Loar of 'Frustoca of tho puLlic
A. R rs whoao term of orflce will e it arch 15 1945 j
r cC mood whose term of o ficc J. -,ro 1 -arch 15, 1.,
ilcrstein whose term of o':rico Ire parch 15, 1047
-�3 Bing whoso term of oi', ice :'ch 15, 19.1
.n whose term of office will cx-.�r�.: 194,3
L v Roll, icaa, COmmiaalenera dui:n-stop, Piorco, Fulham, .. ,_:.or ural f
z�j,hnaton offered motion that Ll,u lo -ter of (,h1ef
.. ..., r ,•p:,sL1nI; nrttclal aaelstF,.co For r:,i lro .
?ciLcrs find voteranai claims
to :-eco lved anis pore r •_.
com ituatonera del :rat.::, f 5or o,
•- s
Proceedingicf, n", -aor-.nlsa.lonors City of Paducah :4arch 21, 1944
.:"1'0 c1d ✓ !'ayo- -oaton offored the following notion: I move that an ordinance ontiLl
0: CZMTAIN I'ZOP,,RTY ON '1115 OLD '-!AYF.ZLD ROAD i,R01.1 DIVI3101i Z'f
ON 11A.RCH 20th, 1944", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll
Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 1,7agnor and Weyor Seaton (5).
Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the report of the City Manarer
concerninr, the condition of the .1oxton's house at the entrance of Oak Grove Cemetery
.,e received and riled, that the City Y.anarer arrange for the renting of a suitable
house for the 3xton in the vicinity of the cemetery, and that the house at the
cemetery be demolished either by the city or by Its sale to a contractor who shall
Lc o: 11cated to move all raatoriaI3 from the lot, or by what other a--ranGement '...'hich
IR City'
.!nnaCcr nay arprovc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Johnston , Pierce, Pulliam, ..,arner and !ajar Seaton (5).
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the request of Lurketa Chapel
:hat the City of Paducah remit or exempt said chapel from liability for payment of the
niance due on the public Improvement assessments against their property be referred
1. the City >fanarer for the purpose of finding out whether any arrangement could be
--,;do whereby said church might be relieved from the payment of said assessments.
an call of the Roll, 'leas, Conmisaloners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .1agner
:.'--yor Seaton (5).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
_1914 APPROVED Al I--