HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 802, March 14, 1944NO..
Proceedingi of 2^' ` City qfPaducah
A "cotLn,; of t lie Loard of Cov!,ii2olonara held in the GoreAzo Loners,
ah, Xontizcky, ut 7:Z0 a I clock P. on 1 -arch 19th, 11344,
,,,,nn call of tho Zoll tl':! follovilng a,wqcrotl to LI't, 11, na t,103
"n., ; 1: vcc, la(-,ner and Payor -baton (5).
Of 1,110 r 'evio,".- 11 'ot1n:- wil-a ndopted no read.
') i.e�Uroctar
a' f.�vod nation that the Corporation rouni, II
ro !.`c nc:;t rittln:3 an ordinance outhorizinf, the rolo to
rollayo:' '6 -,c;. 12 ':no, 11 as Clay otroot for the sun of e275.002
'-:',.,-0 to be, paid in c,n6 the balance in with 3,1' Interest. Adopted on
I r-11 oft:- .;,)Il. *fees, Com-Azoionorn Johnston, 111crec, Pullian, Ingner and -a;:or
r�- -Aslonor Johnston offorod oLion that the report of T.:r.
concernin,-- Lac accident InvolvinL the car of 0. i'l. Barker, be received and filed.
Ani, -,;ed or, ca',1 of the Roll, Yeas, Cor�,iitisioncru Johnston, Pierce, ;ulllam, "'.730nor
'"Ryor Seaton (6).
atys CorLniasioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of Koppers Company dated
1944, be received and f-;lod, and that -aid company be permitted to close al
to its t:arine :cyn Plant excoptin,,,*. the main Cate at lot and -nahin,-ton ytvaet
said Company also obtains the consent of the United 'States En:7inoors.
on ca'.'l of the 'loll, Yeas, Commissionora Johnston, Pierce, :ulllarl, ',a•:nor
Comninaloner Pulliam offered notion that the board of Commissioners receive
nnd filo the original of the af-reemcnt c:,tored into between the dCenturky Utilities
snci the City of Tadunah in which the company, In consideration of the
the . Cit;; Of Paclucnh to Bell a now motor bun franchise, aZracu to zinronda
linc-v which its Luascz arc now boln," ip9wted and to release, relinquill!
cz to the city under the frane hia o nov; held, the 1 11. fa I ", uro there
the Oxn1ration oV n 1::ivl-wl a!' ten (Win fro;-. the Into of the
Ly the iticc000ful U-:Owv an provid-3,1 under ;octlon 16
;ntifir which nald now franolilac Ui to Le Bold. Adnptod
John. -ton, tierce, uncl :,ever
'-,21owin7 i:ouo '-Ir, Q,,cilnonoo
Proceedings of o'7City of Paducah I'll"04 14th, 1064
.;.,,.LD :70JPIYA; .11OVID11M !,Orl JAOZI]ARD-
0.' :.11DD!�-iECTING Tdi,' CITY TO ADU
UP, 00 6AID LO'ND:;; i,:.:) HZOI;I:DI:,T(,' FOR ME Av; LIrATION Or THF,
Or' 6AI -0 TI!E PUIZFOSE SET FOWIM HERRIN", be adopted. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yens, Conunlailonera Johnston, Piorce, Pulliam, WtaLmor and Payor �oaLon (5
Appolnt1',ayor Jcat:,n made the following appointments.
Library Ed The terns of office of the members of the Loard of Trustoeo of the Public
Library will expire on .:arch 15th, 1044, 1 therefore reappoint :.7rn. Vera Lockwood
?.'r. A. R. '4e.,Fora, Mrs. Felon Rieke, H. L. 'iallerstoin and :.r. 11 -red G. Nauman
to serve for s further porlod of four years from said date. Adopted on call of the
'leas, Pierce, I.iayor
Roll, , Commissioners Johnston, I Pulliam, '.,','arner and ;;oacon
Conii,issiow— Johnston offered motion thnt the petition signed by Lucille TuLbs
on of
et al, in which the �onrd of Commissioners in requested to extend the '.Tcchanic3Lur:;
Zus ,Iorvice from mast Baptist Church, Clariolits ?I Powell Streets to Locust Drive, be
?—coived and filed,' and: that said petition .;o referred to tiro Kentucky Utilities
ronpany for report on to whether such additional :,u3 service can be provided under
the present rules and regulationu of the Office of Defense Transportation.
it Adnptod on call of the Roll, 'tens, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, or
and Mayyr Seaton (5).
On motion the meatirij- adjouined.
U:Ity Ndcrlc