HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 799, March 6, 1944NO J Proceedings of '..00r•d of Corm Usionors City of Paducah '`arch t-',th, 1944 J.t r Called 110etint; of the board of Co.•atiaoloners held in tire Commisaiero:rs' "'.innber nt V. e City Rall, i-aducah, Kentuc•.cy, at 2:00 o'clock P.L:. on ?.larch u, 1:)•.4, nyor Seat n prea_ded and upon call of the Roll the follorrin,• answered to their names: Ca=aioaloner3 Johnston, -torte, :'ulliam, ";arnor and V& or Sonton (5). 1.;-etin* was called for the purposo of roceivin;� nud fllin;- i'etitlon "o. 2. proteatinf; againat the sale of Motor ::ga Pranchinc, ru:G to transact any other .I araireac that may come properly before the meeting. ..:c^arc '• !'lle 1 Commissioner Johnston offered motion that tine petition request -'n;- the I:ayor and Eonrd of Commissioners of Paducah, Kentucky, to pass an ordinance r•opealing an ordinnnec entitled: "MOOR bUS F13W RISE ORDIUANCE NO. 2. Al, ORDII:ANCE DIRECTING THE riT C MANWIL11 li 01,' MB CITY 0_ PADUCAH, KEa'PUCKC, TO SELL A FRANCHISE r:J4i?01i1Z;IiG PURCIIASEi: TO AND OPcRATE L;OTOR PA::SENGER FUSES OVER 1011) !'M: 'iiia 9CI;dc:'i:;, Avii::J$.: AiiD ::D'_TW:) 3 Or TU ?UDLIC ':':ALS IN DUE CITY OF ?ADUCAIi, AND FIXING '.:,;'; 'Ltiiili5 A::L C,11 EXERCIJE OF SAID GRANT", which was adopted by the L•oard of Commissioners, Pobruary let 1944, be received and filed. Lost on call of the Roll, hays, Commissioners u Pierce, Pulliam and 1.'.ayor Seaton, (3), Yeas, Coramissioners Johnston r. '•'iaEner (2). .Ser action on d Mayor Seaton offered motion that the petition and proposed Ordinance be filed ltion to ach 14th, 1944 and re-reforred to Corporatiob Counsel, ",ith the request that he advise this Doard gj not L^ ter than Tuesday, march 14th, 1944, e:;:ether in his opinion t'.e proposed 1 Ordinance is properly draein and also advise tare Board shat effect the flllna of said potltion has upon fubthor proceedlr.Cs under Rotor nua F.rancl.ise Ordinance ;Co. 2, onacted February 1, 1944. Adopted on call of the i-:oll, Yens, Commissianors • Pierce, Pulliam and ::a;or Seaton (3), days, Comnlss'.:.ncra Johnaton F f:a,,ner (?). ntracP '.lith So.r_rianionor .:a per offered motion that the Au.rcenont entered into between ft:e ..._.. Pot. Co JCity o' i'aducoh and the :hillipa ietroloum Corporation for the furnishing of ". ❑::ollno and oil to the '•ity for the four (4) :months b031nnin,,^, retruar•y 15th, received and f.lod. Adapted on cnll of the Roll, Yeas, Cor :misslonera Jolu:atot:, ".. t:lla.•r., .armor and ':ayo:- .";oat'on (5), .., :',I� ^ccuasaioner '.n�^,per• offorod motion that, the payroll Cor ti+c Inst 11fl of 1344, :,e c.' la:+ed in the amount of ,,:Jo0?2.':+3, and that the Citf Tretizaror arae by chocks drawn on *,he 'aper:.: .'•nd. Adnptcl on cal,! :•tl::: lonc,vv Johnnt -n, Barret, iullinc, •,:;'r and ,'u,:or• .....:_ .. (f - o: fared notion t1:at ..._ ;Ssslor,e: r• ccl... and .. ..... hlLert Wall, of al.; - .... .. a . it ,:,f'•r ..,,;:va :Arcot to .. ., . i - . ........ .. .. .W... .•. :{0:'th of .;or_. 1 .. '•t .. '..'t.• ,. ... ,. ... ", ` i I I i Proceedings of City ofPaducah !21213 1,)ncr :lcrco o- fcred T.otlon that the following reports for the month to received - white) ; n 0',Ity Physician. ­,:L i,.­vo It! ctery Adopted On call Of the Goll, Ycas) Commissioners Johnston, !;icrco, Tlulllarn, '-;apner ';,-or scaton (5) F,: -Or -fored tho :?card of Commissioners receive and file Fenton 0. motion that V eert.ifled copy of the le3olution adopted by the board of Directors oir the 1".entuck, 11itien Company In vrhich R. M. '..att, the 1 resident Of said Company, was authorized ,o oxacute an ACroement (1) to vinive any and all claims for severance damages III conneettor. ,;Ith the 1winership of the bits franchise In the City of Paducah, in event tl,C c-ty electo to acquire the electric plant and system no, owned by the Company in tile City a!' Paducah; and (2) to rall"Lurse the City In full for any severance dcmagoi; whict --_t ;o awarded the Company on ar.count of ownership of the bus franchise and includod I ^oncicmnatlon or appraisal of the electric properties now owned by it in the City ,alucah, as set out in a,recment of ?ebruary 12, 1944. Adopted on call of the Fall, yeas, Commissioners Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, 1.arncr and gayer Laelkey (5). Coruniss loner Johnston offered the foliowlu!.- m6tion: Under date of uf'.u.9t 10, aI 't 1043, a petition by Clarence Lonr*, at al. for all extension 01 city water main along L.-)thal Itrcet from Bridge Ztroot for the purpose of aupplyin,viater to resident On portion of '.',ct.!!ol -Jtrtet was filed and the Corviiss loners of '.-nter 'or1ca re - to na%o an invostiat.Lon to doternine whethev the City Of Pad, i,!alt war ObIll_atoI car -,rico s.,,I to pay tiro six Inch main reier-oCl to in the hotition. of Aia,,7un2t 4, 1943, the report iy letter from the Cor.:i.Ui3:onelsof necessity of filing with t1'e ;ar !=votluntlon so,; rd the necoanary materla'l for laving the six In h Lr,n. hire sttnhl:O:l to :, rLtten v000rt f,, -on tho Coiz-Usaionors of n ti -0: Lho .:ur 1110d=t lo!. , i i. !,f -plication of the to puvc!::.:',; J,! 1:';;! 1 �qtor'_nl :,n,l !,o lay e it.. L !,!0*;,) T,i*.it s"!(, re ort of Wi,) tho !'c Z4 r:!o t an