HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 794, February 23, 1944Proceedingi of Cjqv of Paducah
At a -ccular of the ward Of Commissioners held in the Comnlas loners I
n-jcr at, the City irall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on j,obruary 25, 1941,
-;rattln presided and upon call of the Boll the following nnswored to their namos:
Johnston, vlorce, Pulliam and VCon-ilsaioner WaUayor Seaton (4). nor
:.:Inutos of the previous meetings were adopted as road.
rorvilssioner Pierce offered motion that the report of the 1,1,o Department for
4 the month of January, 1944, be received. Adopted on call of the 'toll, Yeas,
'or—.iriloners Johnston, piarco, Pulliam and V.ayor 3enton (4).
CoiTilns'ancr 'levee offered notion that the payroll for the first half of
?cbrunl,7, 1944, be allowed in the anount of ,10,156.34, and that the City iroanurer
--o authorized to pay the same by checks draym on the General c'und. i,dopted on call
of the Poll, ','ess, roannissloners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and Mayor Seaton (4).
pd Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the raqud3t of the ';card of
extenzion of
tire 7qualizorz for an extension of time be received nnd filed, and that the Board be
h liven to and including the 313t day of '.,:arch, 1944. within which time to complete its
work of equalizing tax as3essmentu for the year 1944. Adopted on call of the Poll,
'loss, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, i,ulliam and kayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the report of Riverside Hospital
for the month of January 1944, also report for the four (4) nonth's period ending -
January 31st, 1944,r be received and filed. Adopted on call of the !toll, Yeas,
johnoton, ;'IIrce, pullian, and 1.1ayor J-jaton (4).
r!ona:isoioncr Johnston offered motion that tho letter of C-f1.'Ir-1111ta"P, r ho 1"In","
-ninted to raise funds for the eitabllGhtnont of a colored Ujo bo
�a ttile letto, a referred r.to the city l..angcr, tnd that tl.o
to -,Ive his consideration to the natter of Including In
--p ertz-- it;Mn -c i.. i nintalnin . n ',Jzn CluL for Colored 3orvlze
-;oll, Yc.9:3, Johnston, _force, Pulliam
Ll.nt she Gorporatton rounsol Le retiiientod to
our ::tate Tiopl-oacntnt-jo, of 1n1 e. tion In
.7. i; -.,hIch no penalty :rill to It-7ran d ^ni :rolporty
an dulinructlL. the tzixaa lovl—i r %1,,1v
'tons, Cou—.Iusi.onorn J,hnuton,
Proceedings of __ Cify of Paducah "" 4
q Connisaioner Johnston o_iored motion that the Cit,; I'anagor be requested to
:'rofran include in his budget for the year 1944 an appropriation of ;7000.00 to carry- on
the recreational prooran for juveniles durinf; said year. Adopted on cgll of t:he
oll, Yons, Commissioners J,hnaton, Pierce, Pulliam and ISayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner Johnston offered notion that the sum of :;1uC.00 iA:onr.ted to
c_ v':.i _ynuaa for services rendered by him in the sale o1' the 01.d Airport property for
...:�.h the City of Paducah received, ty advcrtioing for tide, tiro stun of ;;400.0' acre
the amount ort:;inally offered, and that the amount appropriated be char ed
to the Contin.-ont Fund. Adooted on call of tlio Roll, 'Lean, Commisaioners Johnot:on,
Vierco, Pulliam and Mayor Seaton (4).
r L",ayor Seaton offered motion that Lrs. 3c1ru1L'z I'ti;-,,,n t.o appointed to a:::^; , as
,:rl s menbor of' the Comnittco to oupervise the recreational pro,ran sponaored for the
benefit of juveniles .in the City of Paducah, and said CommItt•:e, Ray. 7mi-ron A. Huyc'r.
:.Ts. .corse Langstaff, Jr., H. L. &mit:h, Iforace Rudolph, Josoph R. ;,alker nod.I'ra.
�+ 3c'.;ult Ril•rs to nerve fora period of tete (S) fears from January 13t, 1944.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoan, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam and !'ayor
Seaton (4).
On motion the meetin^ adjourned. -
T. v----��
1944 A.-PRO'.'c:D � 'rL•t.'iClk
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