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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 790, February 15, 19441 io^Proceedings ' Cir ofPaducah .'obruar^ lath 19•_'� ;:t a iao;culnr l.leotin7 of the Board of Commissioners hold 1n the Coraniaaionerl, C':ar:bor at Vic City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on February 15th, 13;4, :'nyor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the folloviinn, answered to their namos: Cor•:iasionora Johnston, Pierce, Fulliam, `l:aZnar and Ilnyor :Ioaton (5). 71nutes of the previous meetings :vo:•e adopted as read. ; ✓ Commissions Gagner offored motion that Washingtor_rs iiirthday, Pebrbary 22n , 1£44, ho_nr a legal holiday, I move that the City Employees be alloweda full clay holiday vilth the exception of the police and fire departmont personnel. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Iierco, Pulliam, :'iagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Fierce offered motion that the report of the !fire Department lo4l cover.ln. the Fire Hazard Inspections made during the month of January 1944, be received. Adopted on call of the Boll, Yons, Commissioners 'Johnston, Pierce, Pulliar�, _ rand Mayor Seaton {5), Postpone �/ ( Commissioner Johnston offered motion that 71ashinZtonrs Birthday, February ^?.nd, heir; n legal holiday, I move that the ;regular I:ceting of the 5oar(I of Comm- issioners be postponed until ;."ednosday, lrobruary 23rd, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Adopted on toll of the Roll, Yeas, Comninsioners Johnston, :fierce, Pulliam, and :'ayor Seaton (5). _.o j bayor Seaton offered motion that the original contract which the City of :r ct .,.•:Utah entered into on January 12th, 1944 with the Eureka Fire Bose Division of the 'nitcd 'Matas Rubber Company, for the purchase of 2500 feet of fire hose, be received i. nod filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors Johnston, Pierce, j Ftilliam, iai nar and i.kyor Seaton (5). Mayor Seaton offered the folloviing motion: I move that an ordinance ,..c_tl•vi; "A:: 0-;�I::A'ICE AUTi[O1?IZ17;G T1i3 CI1Y L'AI;AGER TO 1:3TER Ii TO A;:D EXECUTE A WE 'UliCKAZE Or GASOLINE AND OIL i l,0Li 711E PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CORFORATIOli, 0_. I.OL'R (4) aONTES FROM i'EGRUA;:f 15ti;, 1914, X:D FRR.SCRIr.1UG TG T3RIZ 7:1-D71 SAA,,. :L'R rRA3E :;:1,111.1, BE' !LADE", be introduced and remain on q;loted form. at I s,nt, one vicck for public insl-oct:lon before bclnL rut ssr.r;, an' 1` ,`;ed to be in full force and effect fzrori and after t r..,. '.!oil, Yen:, Coruiizolonors Johnston, Flercc, n (G}. following motion: I move that an ordlr,%nco SAI. '? C. SLEDD Oi' LO12 i .., . .. ... .. ... ,. .,::1 ,:i:TiiORIZti: ..:ii ._.i0a A:�L• OJT! � bo ndopte 1. ,..optcr? or. call atnar and i'aror t NO - Proceedings of card or Uo iina tonere City of Paducah ,,nurnnr;; 15th, 11)44 Dr. C. _. -)0:10110 for fire years Ton ;iced for Four Years Luthar F. Carson for Yhron Years Sam Dalby for T::o Years H. S. Hells for one Loar The teras of office of the aforesaid members to date from Auguat 11th, 1943. jAdopted on call of the roll, Ycao, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .;Urrner, i� and 1'.ayor Seaton (5). 7,trer 0f Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the communication of the City ?;unaor ;oq:lire^f;' In which he states his opinion as to the action }which the Loard of Corunissioners should take in the matter of acquiring the electric system of the Kontucky Utilities Ro7ea1 Eus Franchiso v I ^,everancc .-a,yea Company be received and filed, and that the question be held over for diacuua.lon at the next regular meeting. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yons, Cotmainnionora Johnston, Iioree, Pullinm, .mgner and L:ayor Seaton (5). Co:.riisnloner Johnston offered the followinS motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIIIAI:CE REPEALII:G AN ORDII:AUCE E11TITLED: rA:i ORDIIdA:ICE DIRECTING Ti:i: CITY MANAGEM OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEITUCIfY TO SELL A FRA11CIIISE AUTHOP,I'LCi;G I-UP.Ci;ASER TO LIAII:TAII! AILD QFEIiATE 140'fOR if.G3E::GEIt fiUGSES OVER AND UPON THE TR_ :.!':•.:..UPJ h..r :'UREIC l7AIS I:: Td CITY OF PAD'JCAII AIM 1.'IXT1:G '111B TIPS AeiO CO'IDITIONS _ill I31: OF SAID CRA::T' WHICH WAS ADOPTED li'I THE BOARD 0 r,O:TlI53IO1:ER5 C:: _L UAR:{ lot, 1944", be adopted. List on call of the Roll, Yoas, Comrilasionors Johnston and Wagner (2), Says, Comninsionors ?ierco, Pulliam and I..ayor Soaton (3). Mayor Seaton offered motion that the Statement of R.i.:'intt, President of tl.e Kentucky Utilities.Company, in.which he states that said Company will aSree "that in the event the City of Paducah should at some later date elect to acquire the oloetri Iant ayaton of the company in Paducah, no claims will be made for severance on'aecount of the operation of the bus system"; and also in :which ho atatcn tint `:r. the event that there should be nn award of novernugo d,,mn,,es In conricmnaLio sal of the property to any extent on ar.eount of the oc:norship of the bus franchise in Iadncah, the irontucky Utilitinn Company vill relm-urao the City Ir. tt:e furl mmnunt of such damngoa which rmy laevo Leon awarded on this nccour.t", Le rocoived :-,led. adopted on call of the Roll, 'ices, Corrissionnbs Johnston, r .. .. _.. , .. 'nir and I:ayor Seaton (5). '�.:ored motion V:at the ;'Dart? of Commissioners dc:c'_lr..; to .mnnt ..,. ....... :_11[•fe that the City Asseaac _�. c�..... !'rrna '.he thht part of th, pr..., r ata ... !,u c0nvcyod to his --:+ifs. ,,. ., li:c: -.l, 'Lacs • .. ... .... rra, . , ._ ., ....sae (:;). rJ ,