HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 781, January 25, 1944No 781 Proceedings of oared of Co:m-a,aioncn•s City of Paducah Junuary 25th. 1944 _ At a Regular r'oatinr, of the board of Commissioners held In the Commiraionora' Paducah, Ky. Chamber at the City 11all/on January 25th, 1944, at 7:30 o'clock P.F., 31.ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 'Wagner and Payor :;eaton (5). 1.1inutea of the previous meeting were adopted as read: Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the rerort of Riveraide ;1os•Stal r Riverside 1. !t for the month of December 1943, together with the report ending December 310t, 1943, hospital Report 1343 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, i Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Vayor Seaton (5). Dr. Roddick Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the City of Paducah pay ono -half Trip Chicago City pay hal of the expense incurred by the Committee composed of Dr. C.E.Reddick and oLhera on R { a trip to Chicago, Illinois to consult with officials of the Federal 17orics Agency in connection with tl:e conatruction of a neer health center. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ?,a_,ner and Mayor Seaton (5). Reduce licens✓/ Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be requested fee wrostlin etc. to prepare an ordinance amendinE Section 15 of the License Ordinance to provide for payment of a license fee of ,;50.00 Instead of ;}100.00 by persons engaged in 4 business of sponsoring wrestling &- boxing matches, games and entertainment of Gother kinds. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, l y Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Sewer Cleaning), / Commissioner '�agnor offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and Equipment Mrg's letter file the letter of the City Manager in which he recommenda the purchaso of equipment for the cleaning of sewers. Adopted on call of the Roll} Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '."agner and Payor Seaton (5). ;•r_t-'ire-en Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and letter o: d ?._chs file the copy of the letter written by Carl B. Wachs, Executive Zecretary of the I.entucky 74unlcipal League to t%ayno C. Sector, B.ayor, with reference to an Act relating to the number of hours fireman shall be employed in cities of the accord class. 4opted on call of the loll, Yeas, Comni:;sionors Johnston, fierce, Pulliam - Wagr:er an•l Imyor Seaton (5( ids ' Commissioner Pierco offered the foll.owinf motion: I move that a lioaolution y :r.titled: °A ;.. CLUP.OII i4EttU1: T! :: 7;; P: CPM MANAGER TO ADVERTI:;L- 1 -OR LIDS !,'Of,, 711E X7 D OIL ^_0 LL -.LD Lf 'WE CITY OP PADUCMI 171 ALL OF ITS ;r .'::::':,". _',:.1'ICI:3 1'0.7 A PERIOD OF FOUR I:O7;711: nc3P•.fI7i': 11iu.RUAP.Y 15th, 13•.4 `, Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Cor:nirslon-ra JohnaLon, Iiorce, r and rayon Seaton (5). . iener Jo;;r.aton offered the followir,=; 17-0 ton: T.la 7.oard of Egt:allacrs t :e,r.ristal an cxtenzlon of tic.) In order to arrive et t.,o fair onI oqual . .... f pe j;ortJ ... .Ity r..-itlucab for pur.,esaa of taxatlon, and ,I'Otj:,•-t:t ' ... ...,. 't -•til '.1.;' . �'' r NO—..,._�''r Proceedings of Ponva of Gor'.iss lonara City of Podueoh_?tnl`Y 1,ti+. Cc.=isaioncr Johnston offered motion that the "orporation Counsel to authorized to prepare for introduction at the next meetinC an ordinance providing, for tt'n snlc to ':-o. Clara Bockenbaugh of Lot 11, in i.'lock 14 on Lizzle 3trcet for the 31 of '.0.00,tI1C purchase rice to be paid as follows: •;15.00 to be paid in cash Balance in the amount of 125.00 to be paid in two (2) monthly installments of ,•'12.50 each with 0� interest. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Less, Commiosioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, .:aener and b:ayor Beaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City L.anagor be requested to no . aim coot if ✓ obtain information as to the exact cost which the City of Paducah would be requirod tp ._^c`rical n or pay for the services of a reliable electrical oneincer to view and appraise the ! properties of the Kentucky Utilities Company within the City and submit to the hoard P of Commissioners his opinion as to the fair and reasonable value of the electric utilities system as determined by him according to the provisions of Section 7 of the franchise under whi,h said company is now operating. Adopted on call of the Roll `,'eac, rorsissioncra Johnst.n, 1-iorce, Pulliam, -.a(;nor and i:iayor Seaton (5). :'ayor �oaton offered the following motion: I hereby appoint Rev. A. Warren .. _.. d,iycic, i'rn. ::eorg,e Langstadd, Jr., IL L. Smith, Horace Rudolph and Joseph R. :'ialker to nerve as a Committee to supervise the recreational program which is to be sponsored for the benefit of Juveniles in the City of Paducal:, said committee to serve for a period of two (2) years from January 1, 1944. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commi:nioners Johnston, liorce, Pulliam, l7aCner and A'ayor Seaton (5). Yayor Seaton offered the following motions ;.olve bile -1 I move that the ,:oard of Commission receive and file the bid of George Arty ` A. Packer in the sum of :;`1200.00 and the bid of Dexter Howell in the sum of 03400.00 (old) 9! for the purchase of the Old Airport property located on the Coleman Road. M Adopt ed on ca'I of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 4agner srd rayor :;eaton (5). Co.=issioner 71arnor offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution l n 3: :.J?IOh: AU !':'C :' :I : ; - ^ CST" ;.'.iNAGEH TO ADVERTIZs FOR BIDS I'Oii n1P. . .. , ........�., AND PP. i:.^,CiiIGSSC ',,..: 11A::1100 It,' i :JCR 'ao adoptod. Arlopted on call of the Roll I r Pulliam, ;7agnar and tLuyor Joaton (5). Irn rr o f .! e h o following motion: I move i it :,'oolutien Ri3_L, :. a *.. ...Gil:.., MELTON, STATE ......... ... :`rk'rIVE3 I.ii0L9 Idr,Ct:r.C._.. Ak I k'tv. Tr., TVA u..... _ 1. Pili UNT C1TIEs riib;. CORPETZlt 3 r : ^." 'Ic i 0i7:z: ATc A POR?dUA i 0it ;:I:!'. i;' ..._, r:E ailcpLe:i. A.I.np ed on nor.,; .. r:..:•t'rf, ntul :'hlynop r P:?Iron and 10713r ,3nat r. ton offered the Pu. •.. :. .. .,, : t: r.hat an ordinance entltle'l ME _u 0.-, ..i...... .;1 ..., ..'ii ? ,L•I'.iU.CO :"_ ... NO. 783 Proceedings of :-oard of rorr,iaaioncrn City of Paducah January 25th. 194* Bur Franchine ✓ ..ayor Seaton offered the following motion: I novo that an ordinance entitled: Request reduction "J,( Stun Housing i Rent aa !1 V N 's "Ali ORDINA'7CE DIRIXTING .THE CITY MANAGER OP THE MW 0? PADUCAH, KZITUCKY, TO SELL A bftANCHISE AUTHORIZING THE PURCRASER TO MAINTAIN AND OPERA'B-' 140TOR 11A03H1;GER LUSSES OVER AND UPON THE S'1'REE1'S, AVERUES .1:.D PUBLIC :'LAYS I7 THE C ITY OF PADUCAH, AND FIXING TIE TERNS AND C014DITIOIJS O.' THE EXERCISE OF SAID GRANT", be introduced and remain on file at least one (1) creek for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam and Mayor Seaton (3), Nays, Commissioners Johnaton and !%gnor (£). Payor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the petition of the Construction and General Laborers Local Union Pio. 1214, and that the City of Paducah Municipal 11ouaing Authority be requested to revise it:: schedule of runts as our gosted in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ;:'agner and D'ayor Seaton (5). On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 'A"J,1.-'- 1944 APPROVED G ty clerk