HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 734, August 24, 1943Proceedings of ' " ' , ' !',­ -i. —, 7 ­,%, City cfftducoh of the , onr-1 of Cotzilfilonorn lol,+ .in iiw) con-inloalon-Dr, n;_ ­r]:::, at 7:30 otrloc:, .:!. or. 1.tz; lint 2 1 P,i , I of t'.-.• '!ill the f,,)llo-;.,1ng anz;wovr; t ',n tl, lr r:- _nor and Jlnyor La ckoy (5). i: etin-_,. warc ado!,tdd aa read. .'.-.n offered motion that the letter of the iiaducah aster �otiltlono nuiLmitted by certain roni(Ionts of the City of 1adi,.cah o received and filed, and that the ;ccbcah !,',later ;Iorlza be roquo.sted 7,mitiction Ponrrl an n.rlplicntlon for perrilvaUon to Purnharc tl,c V 7 rIn-t.-,.,ctlon of a new 0 Inch main on Pc-,thnI sLroet 2000 feet Y'. -,7t-' on call of thq Loll, Yovs, Corniicaionrrz Dorinn, Johnatn, 1,:!:cy (5) .nston offc.­cd notion that the ','financial ^eport of the the ­onth of July, 3, 1 end cl ..R ter -:oi u; - 194,5 oc received . f 1.1 c . Adopted or. ,al1 o: t�q Roll, Yoa--, ronxiisclonerc Dorian, Johnnton, Pulliam, ia­ or and ::a:;or V Coriznlrsloncr .-aCner offered motion that the Corporation Cownsol prepare fox- aroduction at the ncxt moctin_- an ordinance authorizing the 3alc o- the following • property: Lot 40 in ;'lock 6 at 12th I Clay to Ctllmorc llodgo for '11WO.00, 1-00.00 to n -i-- , balance W. the roto of 720.00 per month with C,f into-rost. n lor'c I on Allen itrect to James '21,zitfield for ^25.00 rash. —non -tr. of to Lonzo Lovory for the niun of ;'VO.00. :„50.00 1043, ..1E').'C nnh to be -aid on ;entember 15th, 1043, - ron'i wit!-. interest. ":dented on call of ton, P,jllini!, ...a;nor !il (5). ",n11crI111- "lol Loll. "tn'tI c, on i IrOil for:.; n -011, Yonu, rxullii• n, n ^,ounnol Lc 1 to oa!t I :, t : . 'lie NO. 765 Proceedings of City of Paducah ilrI City vlo, .lie Iter n flintflint.i IQ 1 il 'OUd COrP8nJ fO" th" -r nt:; 1� ',a Illinuir COntr of the nuiznnoo cause^ 810:M', dirt and avld conin- aijops, `c tocclvod and filed. Adopted on call Of the '1011, Yat, Coir,.i.salonorn Dorian, Johnston, Fullinn, lar7nor and "Ayor L'xc!:OY (rj)- 7 mo t .,nll lot to Lnckoy �:ayor offorc.0 the f011o.':InE, I I IC,, P. Tds .,tout "I:E jAU 'M l-.,- O�.!':!. I -A, Z ZZET 1 I I Tllli CSPk FAD C LZI' :' LaLcI;'L"� adopted. Adapted on call of the Roll, :.,ac, Cojcji:;:-Ionzirz urian, J): ;i-7: n, Pal1itim, ..'aC:ner anti Eayov Lacicny (5). '2'_ CC CO for/ : I'ayor Lackey oi'orcd the followinC motion: I :novo thAit at, ro aSrs to c upper -PZ A11PROPRIATION (,'F '1N,3 301'. 01" ejjtj�lo(j; A.Z CIRDINA C S :)OLLAPS OR TIE PURC!:j,3E OF PARTS I"Cli i,. 3EAGRAVE l'UIMPER, AND ATUIUMUL:11': TI!E CITY LIAIW;ER OUT 0-,' 11: E ..ILL: S011 3UCH FARTS A3 '.'A" J-3 110,1I.-IRLD 01P A''OU:'.T Lo introduced and remain on file of least one weel.", for 'rublic inapectlon in the col:­ nietat' Porn In *which It shall to nut upon its final paz3a:e. Adopted on call or tj;o ,,all, Less, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, "InCtior and l,'U.,or Lackey (5). i:ayor Lac]-.cy offered notion that the oninion of the Covporatlon counsel J.n rir7ht of ".r. I 1nor L. —.ov.ln to inspect the rocol�',].-. � -Lal11In_- to UIO ." ronccrnin�-, tho police departnant be received anal filo(j. Adopted on call of U� itol 1, Yous, onmirsioner3 •ovian, Jolitinton, ullian, and i"ayor lackey (5). Payor Lnelay offered notion. that It appea.1111' !dvIOO'q contained in ':he rornorc'_'rn rounneltz letter of Angiiat 23rd that I-V. .1i; 1, L..'town has the rl :I, tar'. to in: il,"Ic records In the VIntirico office portaintn'-. to the collcetton of to the racthod of mnkin- such r,;. -!_,i ii. it reannnable rostriationO G.1 -,,owed; novotho acid F1w.'r h. �v.wm tin"i Ma n.I.-Iortatoo I, ' d I �j: i vanino any and I I- Gorda In tho flnv,nco (Tito, ', rt%-, i", (10 tiot materlt'lly 1111431.1'Or, Or o vi L I ! I n!- to ori --.) w- rr.IJ ;'.wl •.',cauurar may impoca nu t^ Ume, ti., iv:ib.,V o." j upon at n r t .Ohmitnn, A.