HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 724, July 27, 1943No.—_.—_.— Proceedings of °' a.:,z`i°n'>rr, —City of Paducah ;:r a :ie^ular P.eoting of the roard of Conenisaionera hold In the Commlaalonersf at ':':c City 1; 11, Caducah, 1:cntucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.N. on July 27th, IU�3, "1 •er Lacltoy greaided and upon call of the doll the fol.lwuin!^ answered to their nenon: r:i^,aioners Corian, Johnston, Pulliam, ,agnor and Wayor Lackey (5). ninu-os of the previous meeting were adopted as read: ✓ . Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be requested „rceare for introduction at the next regular meeting an ordinance authorizing; the rel. t^ :'rs. R. H. Alsbrooks of Lot P,o. 3 In i+lock "E" on Reidorman Street for the aum ._ "75.C, cash. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conmiasionern Dorian, Johnston �zllion, '::a-ner and 1.:ayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Johnston offered notion that dead granted to J. :hrl Ilam and r•iLTq V ^r Lot '.:o. 29 in L•loc}: o. 1 in the 1:ausoleum Addition in Oak Grove Cometery, Paducah,I ,.. mucky, upon proper payment o: :100.00 to the City Trenourer be approved. Adopted on call of the +loll, 'teas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pu liam, '..agner and "agar Ilac'roy i5). Cormiasioner Johnston orfored motion that the contract entered into between t` -:e Phillips Petroleum Corporation and the City of Paducah for the furnishing of its -iooline and oil reeulrements for the four (4) months, beglnnin�; Juh%,15th, 1943, <, received and filed. Adopted on call of the +toll, leas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 71arnor and 1:ayor Lackey (5). Se.. 7o`s ror"iasioner Pulliam offered notion that the Corporation Counsel be aathor•izo tc ^Co ..r-ro for Introduction at the next regular moo tin^ an ordinance authorizing the as o o_ Lots ::on. 9, 14, t: 11 in ,lock 110. 6 to A. R. Davis for the sum of .„100.00, :,25.00 to .e rnid in ennh and the L•alance in monthly inat-allments of •;10.00. Adopted on call of the Poll, :iran, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, .":agnor and Payor i^n^r Pulliam offered notion t hat the Report of the .ltroet Departwont a recoi•:od. Adopted on call o tt:o :col 1, ':ons, - _ ... .-. •-....naten, t,.' ! lam, "o; -nor and 7nyor• Iairkey (5). o-••", r o*;' r -J •action td:at t.ho City of :'aducai: appropriate tk:c ;r,.i,a3o r. In the pre; -ram of Ahe annual Ls Lor '.:ay Picnic _.. --•:,_ Labor -5.:::, end that the amount so a;pronrlated be clu:rf-ed i,ioptc.i ._ _ .:1 of the Roll, leas, Comalc:nionern .-,or'an, a;•ngr a .d °'aycr :,ac'rey (5). t� lar fo .r,er off red tho following lotion: I novo that an o dI unce i .. ... .�...,, n' . ....,•. .:ul.r .. .:C: ',G,':Ct'�...- nT 321 .. i.. 3, T_'5 Proceedings of Board of Conmicaloners City of Paducah LIZ 22th, 1993 1 City lorh 0 notations on the Cen:etory RoClator showlnC said conveyance. Adapted on call of the fifiol'_, funs, Com:xisslminra -orinn, Johns+ton, Pulliam, -•agnor and :;n;ror Lac'.[oy (:;). -.-n _.._....t ✓ *:a,•or Lac:cay offered motion that tho petition ai,,ned by clnsr L. }:'rov;n, Attarno:r for persons residinC on :,rown3treet, bo received and fi].ad, anri tionb the City 'anaCer be rocucated to nrranfo for the pntrolliti>: of that str-:ot by suit'lelcnt number of Policemen to prevent the violation of the ordinance under which it is unlawful for any person to drive an aut'omobilo on a ;,ravel atraot at a -r^.ator rate of speed than lu nilea per hour. :'urt'or, tlwt the City ::anaCer be roquaatod j to contact the ;tate :iihway Department either locally or in Frankfort to aacortain whether or not some relief from dust can be obtained in view of the fact that trucl;a 1 and other care are usin7 said brown Street no a bypass from Routo 30 to 210t Street and Route 45 South. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycaa, Commissioners Dorian, " Johnston, Pulliam, 77agner and lcayor Lackey (5). rp Extend Loadinj Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Chief of Police be raqueated Zo:o 3 5th St to extend the loading zona 30 fent %orth of the loading zone as now oatsblishod on the '•Jest side of South 5th 3troet at the corner of 5th & Broadway. Adopted yon call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners vorlan, Johnston, Pulliam, +5agner and it v Mayor Lackey (3). Report of E-�' Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the letter of the Mayor, Pierce Cayor-Trip to f. norville Larkey, reporting to the Board of Commissionors the results of the conference .d th officials of t,e Tennessee Valley Authority concerninC the purchase of the electric utility syston of the Kontuelcy Utilities Company, be received and filed. Adopted on Illi Call of the hall, Wean, Commissionern "orlan, Johnat-on, Pulliam,'',aCnor and !'ayor Lackey (5). On motion the meetin:- adjourned. L) r� ADCP7ED AP17;OY!3D _1943 (� gayer City lorh 0 NO-- Proceedings of ---- .'na„d )T-Itrn 1op:: •.�•-��t `i1d 1:1.13 - r•z City of Paducah