HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 721, July 13, 1943U
NO. 1 1
Proceedings of''as,.'d of Co:m"l:wIonei's City of Paducah July 13th, 1943
At a lioMilnr Vocttnr of the oard of Commisalonora hold .In the Commis alow: rs'
rha•nbor at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, ,at 7:30 olblock P.:9. on July lath, 194J,
I ..ayor Lackey presided and lipon call a," -the Roll the following anawered to thoir
names: Commiaaionera Dorlar., Johnston, Pulliam, �Inlmor and lta,;or Lackey (5).
l:inutes oi' the previous meeting, were adopted as read.
":xcludo properly Commiasionor Dorian offered motion that the City OnCineor be requested to ma',,
from City Limig3
a survey of the Lincoln Rei^hts Addition and Llincral :-fells Addition to the City of
Paducah for the purpose of obtaining a correct and accurate description to exclude
from the corporate limits of the City of Paducnh a certain area identified as
"rerinninr at a point in the m•oaont city limits line 1GO foot cast of the
cast property line of Bloom Avenue, said point bein',; the intersection of the
present city limit line and the south side boundary line of the Taylor b:ocquot
Addition; thence along the line between the Taylor !':coquet Addition and tilneral
77ells Addition to the Hast right-of-way line of the I.C. R.R. Company; thenco
south along the east right-of-way line of the I.G.R.R.Co.,to a point where tho
south line of 30th Street, if extended. would intorsoct said east rirht-of-way
line of the I.C.R.R.Co.; thence went and with the south line of 30th Street to
the east boundary line of the Utterback-L-ell Addition of record In Flat Book
'At, page 230, 7.1.cCracken County Court Clerk's Office; thence south with the
east boundary line of said addition to the present city limit line, or the
north richt-of-`•ray line of the P & I Railroad Company; thence in an eaatwardly
direction with the present city limit line to the point of beginning."
I further move that after said survey has been made that an ordinance providing
for the exclusion of the above described area from the corporate limits Le prepared
for introduction at a re,;vlar nootin^. of this board. Adopted on call of the Roll,
j Coss, Com:ai::aionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 3.gcner and i[ayor Lackey (5).
Oil :;trects ifCommissioner Dorian offored motion that the City T.:anarer be requested to have
A-.croved by
Inserted in the jun-Democrat a notice that all persons vishln; to have streets oiled
by the City at their expense furnish him within five (5) days after $he publication
of said notice ti -e following information:
(1) :Fame of street and proportion to be oiled; and,
(2):tames of property owners on such street xsho arc to pay the oilln;
c r.har;•acle to them.
..... ._rt the City lnna,,or, aftor receivinr wwh informntl.on, rnm%e ni,plicatiotx to the
:o i.tor. :u•;1 for Vie purhoae of o .talninv, n aufficisnt quantity of oil for the
_+:-' _:,eta. Adoptdd on call of the Roll., 7oaa, Comnlsolonora Dorian,
:1'.ia , :'Iarrm• and Payor Lockey (u).
n'r �crinn offered met ton that the pot lt"on alrncd by l.:ary E. 'fount-,
a is t a atroet li;"ht ba installer! at tat 1 L E
rifled, and that the City '!', c of t
tc. ..., 1 }rive a Ii. -ht insta7110d -t ;l a>
ad en n1111 of the ;toll, Yen v•..
.....1 .'a;;or T.nekey (S),
_-otitior. a! rn,-OJr
., elther oil or close ...
.. .... � .. ... ..... .. ..:.. .. . u, ratirna 7: n:i. iti#SG lG;i
..17 to er_...r"tu1 the
Proceedings of -L-2
r• +::31onn+•s City of Paducah July .13th, 1943
- T•1,1- ,nt or Statutes of Linitatlon . . . . . •;110.01
. 57.70
^ldent, ra,not Locate 245.35
. -. or Sold . . . . . . . . . . 00.0.4
in, .3essnent 95.20
, d for 'axes 051.91
_r.collaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00.:0
Total ;J( 07.17
_ La•ro boon chocked, and are due to be exonerated according to my knorinodro and
olid. it -nod: Bess B. .�rsham, City Treasurer
,.doptcd on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliar., 's. -net•
and ':ayor Lac::ey (5).
"ayor Lackey offered motion that the City 1.:ana0er be directed to collect
all ponaltios and interest required by statute to be collected upon all unpaid bills
for public improvements constructed by the Dity of Paducah in conjunction with the
.,rk Peojects Administration. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas, c0naiisa1011er3
-a^inn, Johnston, Pulliam, ap.ner and ?.:ayor Lackey (5).
i .ayor Lackey offered motion that the City Treasurer bg authorized to lasuo
a check in the amount of .9.00 to the United States Treasury Disbursing, Office for
raynent of that part of tl;e over -issuances of foot: stamps which aro chartable to the
City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian,
Johnston, Pulliam, Y.agnor and ➢:ayor Lackey (5).
On motion the nretinc adjourned.
iLayor ,