HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 719, July 6, 1943NO 7I`r Proceedings of�onrd of Coav:isaioncrs City of Paducah July 6th, 1943 At a RcEmlar 1'oet:ln,^ o: the Board of Com;iaslonors hold :In the ComapaL:,:-:ro' Chamber at the City hall, iraducah, Kentucky, ,it 7:30 o'clock P.I:i. on July Eth, 1943, 1:1tyor Lac:,oy Provided and upon call of the Roll the follocrint, answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, t7a;ner and Ltayor Lackey (5}. f`Inu:on of the previous meetings wore adopted as read. :'Ire Dept Cotz:issioner Johnaton offered motion that the following reports for the Cenotory Dr. Baas month of Juno, .1943 be received: F'iro Department, Oak ;rove Cenotery, Dr. . ,rta Ior Juno 1343; City ihysician (white). Adopted on call of the Roll, `Ions, Commlasioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ..a.ner and Mayor Lackey (5). Disabled 17nr Comrnisaionor Pullinm offered motion that the Disabled tsar Va turana be Voberans �Ll_� use Commissiot!-granted permission to use the Commissioners' Chamber on the ni,;ht of Friday, July era Chamber 1 July 9th, 1945 9th, 1943. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conmissioners Dorian, Johnston, n' W Pulliam, .2agner and 6:ayor Lackey (5). t• Fayroll last 9 Commisaionor Y/agner offered motion tint the payroll for the last btalf of half of June 1943 June, 1943 be allowod in the anount of ;10,4863.09, and that the City Troauuror be authorized to pay the same by checlts drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Cornissloners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'la,,ner and Mayor Lackey (5). Cell lots to kkk Commissioner Dorian offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance W. .:.Rogers fjl Irvinv P. entitled: 'WN OIIDIHA:ICE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF LOTS 45 .°,:56 IPI $LOCH 7 ADDITION "J" Brirht OR JERSEY CITY' ADDITION TO THE CITY OF Pi,DUCAIf, K iIT'UCKY, TO 17. 17. ROGEHS; ALSO THE :TALE M IRVI IG P. BRIGHT 01' PROPERTY ON KEUTUCKY AM ' BET.7EEN 28Ti? Ai�J 2911d NSTREETS; ANM AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AILD CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE DEEDS Or COYVELAi:CE 'YO SAID PROFERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, wajner and 1:ayor Lackoy (5). '•rr confer I,ayor Lackey offered motion that the City Manager be requested to commiiricato with TVA aipreisal of" •lith official. of the Teunesaee Valley Authority, or if nocossary to person„lly confer 7.0 system with them at their o"ficoa in Knoxville, Tennosseo, and obtain their apprr.inal of the electric utility ayntom of-,the hentucky lit.ilit'1o. Company within the corporate limits of the City of Padncnh, to,ether wil:h their opLulon ns to the sum of mono; r,hich would be a fair, rensonablo nod advantageous price Por tho city to pay the Kontuc;.y Utilltic Com;;any for ito system and that the City L:anagor ma%o his report to the Leard as soon no .: : a,:cl: inI'r.:•r�r.$ cr. ,; been ob,Lrtainod. that if the price. which said of_icdal.a oz' the Teunoaaco is twi,rovod, that tlro Cit,* L'anat-or 6o authorized to t.n offer or the City of ,od•:cah to pay the amount no roe zor :ea i'.. tn,) I.urcimao of his company's systcn ou jeet tca the procialcns of the at-.'.,. ,.Irir:.:� a vr,r,�; r}.:: ,.,;�lo, and .I£ not nccept.,�: _'.t.i,in tan onyx tF.:ruaft..:r! thAt _ ,, is ted far Ci:o ac:, as the ... ., , ....,.,.,. lhlse and pu...._. ._ .. •t:r:n ., � et seq., of the Ken'tacky Revs^o. ...:,t'r•I_:. , +olt,+il :.... .. ,) Cosaaiaalonera Dorian, John; - 1a007,ieu F 01 iQayor Lackey o:!'ered tine I `crtra,ct with a Pet. vi, 790M3 kW Y JM 16t0h, 1944, A';:;XIAM 12 .rAw, be ldQpba$.: Ad ept,�'1. .. .. .,. , <•,..,-i� r'.,,..., ,. ran. i Proceedingsof -ard of Cpnmisoioners City of Paducah July Oth, 10,13 .,v ;!a or Lackey offered the following motion: V at a meetinr of the Poard of Commiasionora on .lune 30th, 19.13, a .motion was passed ,-ranting to the Olaussner Hosiery Company permission to construct a driveviay or apron on its property fronting on Tennessee street between their buildinf .,:Id 're.+resaee Street, such permission boing crantod upon the condition that the ^laussner dTosiery Company execute and deliver an A(;rcoviont containing the following ovlaions: "'^m t the Government shall reserve the right "to remove all or any portion of said improvements without payment therefor to any individual, company or association and without being otherwise subject to liability for damages therefor if, in the opinion of this office, such removal becomes necessary or desirable in connection with excavation for sowors, roadways or other purposes." said Agreement containing the aforesaid provisions has been executed; I therefore move that the original copy of the Agrcoment of the Claussner P.osiery Company dated Jure 2nd, 1943 be received and filed, and that a copy of said d Agreement be mailed to the U.S.Engincers office at Louisville, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Magner and ,..ayor Lackey (5). r :.ter Co. J b Payor Lackey offered motion that the report of the Paducah .later Works „t re^arc9ng the petition of property owners of Lincoln Heights Sub-Divialon be received Med. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, ui lien, '.atner and t..ayor Lackey (5). on motion the meeting adjourned. iJ 1943 Arl'ZOVED