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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 717, June 30, 1943717 Proceedings of T,n•,t•d or 0 ,,,,g•,inners City of Paducah Juno ;:0th, 1933 At a Called L:eotinr of the board of Corsniaalonera held .In the Commissioners' hamber at the City hall, Padunnh, 'Kentucky, at 9:00 A.M. Juno 30th, 1043, "ayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Boll the following nnowuvee, to their jnnmos: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, P:agncr aur", tia;/or Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. p/ City agr Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the eoord of Cor-r,lasionors receive and Corp Counsel letters- tlo letter of the City i:innarer dated lune 29th, 1943, in which he ndvicos that It .s his opinion that there are not grounds legally sufficient to justify the board to prefer charges against the ,'ayor upon the accusations contained In a statement filed pi by "r. Elmer L. Grown; also the letter of the Corporation Counael, dated Juno 29th, li 1943, with reference to the law by which the members of the board should be governed when considering; the sufficiency of evidence to support the for:anl filinf,, oi' charges 'I against tho mayor or a member of the board of commissioners. Adopted on call of the ttt� Roll, sees, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, tamer and Payor Lackey (5). Report of I/Commissioner Johnston offered motion that therinanclal Report of the Paducah ater Cc ?'ay 1943 '.Inter C'orka for the month of May, 1943, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Magner and Cayor Lackey (5). Approve Re -Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the board of Commissioners a••prove the port of City M.Cr. Grown- report filed by the City Manager in which he states it is his opinion that the Lackey evidence is not legally sufficient to justify the filing of charges a,sinst the blq,'or upon the accusations made arninst him in the statement filed by Mr, Elmer L. Grown. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Loan, Comm iasionera Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 1•,agner and Mayor Lackey (5). Sell Lot to Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be requested ,r.';:.Ro,^ars tlB to prepare for Introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizin' the acceptant of the bid of 'S.W.Rogers in the sum of ;;20.00 for the purchase of property on ;oorrct treat, being Lots e15 F: 46 in dock 7, 57'x138', and authorizin,7 the execution of a died In consideration of the payment of the purchase price in cash. Adopted on call o the Roll Yens, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Gal;ner and L:ayor Lackey (5). ::ollday July .-`� Commissioner -,agnor orfored motion that Sunday, July 4th, 19.13, bainC a ;rational Gth, 1943 hcli'lay, I nova that all city employees, wtth the exception of the l'olice a::d fire rinnn t.-:ent. personnel, be allowed a holiday on i''onday, July Sth. A 1-pt:ed on call or t .e !:ell ':ens, ^.O=Isaiorors Dorian, Johnston, Pullinn,,ur Lne:coy (8). A•rx. i.- ronrnisaien^r vrr offered motion that the City of I'-alacah ni1proprinte a num. net sic^.ts oxceed1n7 CO.`" ,,:, rut'chaso of Jummer holraets to re worn Ly tiro Anxiltnry i'olieeaon, tl,e r. ..: .3 ,ah nopropriation to 'a charted to t!:a;nnt : ar,d. A opted.n enl? of ten Yeas, Co:,mrlr,sionors i'orinn, Ja ^sten, Pnlltnm, 'au. r r and 64,ayoIse Arpoint Plsy. ^a^orine J ^ra a f.ito !r uy alowlrl; appu'nt eat: r g.oint l;av A rrr :'>anund � Ctar 1ttoo !NycK, Fred Yorrar„ !:ra. ':nprha Langstaff, 1r., I. .-i hand ei:ite .:orate " serve as • eoa[ittae to supervlea the recreatttonal pro; -:an wjijch is :.ein;• ;,; pnsotw'. for the 2:e.^.efit of iuventlen ir. the Lity of Paducah. too$* With }Myer Lackey offered motion that the exer.uted copy a:tl:e lanae ,;rtr rc:•i in., betaean the city of Paducah and the County of x",^rr:c': ani t.o Eh:ited � a9WRss l f', ;43y to ror. or the it.: :aa ). 7Yyar fi ai[ay ex. ay. - . <, :••]';UULto9 to ,ru.,,are .. y seta: to::ce of o� ase of arcperty f•cinn Proceedings of ""d ?f Lririasloncrn City of Paducah Jure 3oth- 1913 _--_-----_.__ ...._..::ck ,;venue 940.13 feet gent of tlth Street, being 100 feet wide x 173 feet doep, authori•tlrr the execution of u deed in consideration of the payment of the purchase rice 1. Pnsh. Adapted on call of the Roll, Yons, Corunis a loners Dorian, Johnston, : �"+•^, ':a;:ner and Payor Lackoy (5). .ayor Lac'roy-offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the veer _.:tor of ?:c"urry & Shoup concerning, the request of the Clnunanor Hosiery Company for _ermission to improve its property fronting on Tornosseo Street between its buildings and-hcnnesseo Street by constructing thereon a concrete apron or driveway, no part thor to,be constructed within five (5) feet of the floodwall; also that the Loard of Com:,iss'_oncrs receive and filo the letter of J. 11. Vool, Lt., Col., Corps of En;�inoors, Yef the United Status Lhi-Sneers Office in which he consents to the aforesaid improvement io be made by the rlaussner Hosiery Company subject to the conditions contained in his letter. A 7 further move that the Claussner Hospdry Company be granted the permission to 'construct said apron or drivewory provided it is not constructed wI thin five (5) feet of 4t',e floodwall structure, and provided further that said company executes and delivers t the United States ",overnment an agreement containing the following provisions:- ) "That the -government shall reserve the right to remove all or any portion of said improvements witliout payment therefor to any Individual, company or association and without being otherwiso Subject to liability f -r damages tl:e:'ofor if, in the opinion of this office, such removal tecomes necoasary or desirable in connection with excavation for sewers, roadways or other purposes." Adopted on all of the Roll, ''leas, Comm. Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 17agner and V.ayor Lackey (5). to Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the Eayor be authorized to appoint 1 a eommittos consistin;- of five persona to supervise the recreational program sponsored tcnefit of colored juveniles, the expenditure of money, sad the employment of supervisor to have nharhe of the activities in connection with said program. ^d �n call of the Holl, Yean, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, �:afner offered the following motion: t move that a Resolution entitled: PITY "{ TO Tli/ i i L']t THE 3UY OF ; (; 31)7. (31 .. .. _ . , ::lT Y, P u CREDIT 01 Th TO PAY 171',, PC '_...... ... .. c:i .r (.all of the l