HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 712, June 15, 1943NO—_— - — 712
Proceedings of a-oatel of Cot+.miasioners City of Paducah h nn 15th 194S
Ata ..togular l:cot.ng of the Eoard of Commissioners hold in tho
ro:cmissionors' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:�10 o'clocl: i.M. on
dune 15th, IN 3, Kayor Protom Dorian presided in the absence of Mayor Lackey, and upon
call of the Roll the follxvinr answered to their names: Commissioners Pulliam,
warner and Mayor Protan Dorian (3), Mayor Lackey and Commissioner Johnston absent.
,`.:inutes of .the prev.ioua.moot.inr, were adopted as road.
Ict tld'✓ commissioner Pulliam offered motion that Mr. i'red E. Smothers,
Safety Blrrfrcer of the Tennessee Valley Authority be ;ranted the permission to use
t!,o Comnisa loners I Chamber on June 14th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 23rd and 25th for giving
a class instructions on first aid work. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa,
Co.–nissioners Pulliam, 3agnor and tlayor Proton Dorian (3).
:art. ✓- Commissioner Pulliam offered motion tl•�at the report of the Strcot
'• pert i
ny 143 Department for the month of i•'ay, 1943, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll
;'cas, Commissioners Pulliam, '.agner and 14ayor Protem Dorian (3).
J.,%131kina Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the bid submitted by J.M.
Deed to
Lot Elkins for the purchase of Lot Ao. 12 in Block No. 2 be received and that the
Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance
authorizing, the execution of a deed to said property. Adopted on call of the Roll
Yoas, Commissioners Pulliam, i7agner and Mayor Protem Dorian (3).
1VO.00 Commiasioner Pulliam offered motion that the Jury having returned
oB V*
,is doveid� a verdict for ?100.70 aCainst Grover 15atkins in the suit instituted against him by
tl.Vandevolde by reason of his detention of the said Z.I,:.Vandevelde`s car upon the
order of the Chief of Police, and it appearing that the said Grover 1,9atkins will
instltuteX a suit against the City of' Paducah -if he is raq:irad to pay said judgment;
I therefore move that the City of Paducah acknowledge its liability
for the payment of said jieg ont and that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue
to the said B. V.. Vandevelde and his attorney, C.H.Loviry, a check for 5;100.00, and
that a check also be issued for payment of the costs of court Incurred in said
action. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coremispionera Pulliam, '.7agnor and
Ilnyor .-rotem urian (3).
:'ar«eY I/Com:.isnioner-sulliam offered notion that the report of the City
7'ouee I
lianarer concerning the cost of ropalrinZ, the market house be received and filed
and Chat the action of the City A:ar,ngor oxpandim; the sum of •„3,364.70 for said
repairs he ar.proved. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pulliam,
?rep,ner and Kayor 'rotem Dorian (�).
r. Corrmiaaioner :'dearer cffored motion that the letter of ::•.,vorond A.
WarreD Huyck lated June 12th, 1543 received, and that the City of ,c;l,cah
%.e amen of t”. 7.5 I'•:r ecr.aluctln-: n youth recreational pro;•rc,: In the
.:ah - ovIeed a li.. amount ie 1,.rv,tad Lf cit icons lntorcai:,. in the
am. Adopted on. -alt of M .. :toll, !oat;, Co:,_mioaionors 1-111 Ilan, --tor and
Mayor =± )t.wn 'irlrn ..
. ,..ner `Trvner offered nt1 r. that t;o Pu.lit s.: ie ittad
r, -41 ?Asblir. Acen"Intanla of _.out.•,v' .. , K,tnt,.c , , ;:aid roport
Son oi' thn ity Pad,..,. 1`x42, and
+.Sn tk:.. ros.iit u. :teir erv:-hatter, c; tree finanolal as:'alrn o: ::r,:i eltyas of
-"at. 12ar, ..-aOOlved and tiled, that da:d wwlit rat'.ort be puUliahail In th
.-at a -aov :. ..,..,_!:e:d the City Manw-r, Vayor, each
roaaurar. Ai t,,a an r.nl2 0:` Fl
NO %13
Proceedings City of Paducah Junc 15th. 1943 _
........�a lu:ion b, Comnisnioner 'l:agnor offered motion that the reaolut:lon of the Illinois
Central Sinop ,.'adoration requeatinr that the Board of Commisalonors make
�j an investir�atlon of the accusations contained In a statement recently presented
to the Board by IIr. Elmer Brown, be received and filed. Adopted enc all of tho
Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pulliam, Via3nor and Mayor Protein Dorian (3).
Nr. Swidler'a Mayor Protom Dorian offered motion that the copy of the letter of Mr.
letter to ':'r.
ratt Rcc h Joseph C. 3widlor, General Counsel for the Tennessee Valley Authority, dated Juno
7th, 1943, and addrensod to Lir. R. M. Matt, President of the Kentucky Utilities
Company, be received and filed. Adopted on c all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Pulliam, Wainer and Mayor Protein Dorian (3).
Police & Fire., ` Mayor Protein Dorian offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive
dont members v
days off ( and file a copy of the letter of Mr. H. G. McElwee, City 'Manager, addreaaed to the
Chief of tho Fire Department and the Chief or Police in which he advinos that he has
granted to each member of the police and fire department the permlaslon to be
absent from duty with pay two days per month beginning July 1st, 1943. Adopted on
Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Protein Dorian (3).
Mayor Protem Dorian offered motion that the bids of Phillips Petroleum
Corporation, Standard Oil Company and the Shell oil Company for the furnisinlnz of
gasoline and oil to the City of Paducah for a period of four (4) months beginning
June 15th, 1945, be received and filed, and that the Corporation ^ounsel prepare
for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of the
bid of the Phillips Petroleum Corporation and the execution of a contract containing
the terms set forth in the resolution under which the bids wore requested.
Adopted on call of the Zoll, 'leas, Commissioners Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Faro tem
Dorian (3).
Mayor Protein Dorian offered motion that the letter of the City Yannoor
concerning the cost of repainting the market house be received and filed.
Adopted on gall of the Roll, Yoaa, Cormninzloncrs Pulliam, 7:agner and N.a or Protom
Dorian (3).
On motion the meotiniv adjourned.
Gas , Oil
Knr'ecet House
,;ILI c: e r.c