HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 708, June 8, 1943No__. yroceadings of =221r1 c" Corsnlas Seners Clry of Paducah June 8th, 1943 At a Regular llceting of .the Board of Commissioners hold in the CormUsnioners' Chamber at the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'c;ock P.M. on June ^th, 1943, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll the following ! answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ':9agner and "ayor Lncicey (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. BI Commisaioner Johnston offered motion that Mra. ?A.B.Ruylor having • C-neteride ✓ ry presented to the Board of Commissioners n deed of conveyance executed and delivered to .ot �r by firs. C.tl.ileal and J.R.:Ieal, dated !.'ay 18th, 1943, under the terms of v xich thorol is conveyed to her all of the grantors rights, title and interest to part of Lot No. I 531, Section 36, in Oak Grove Cembtery, Paducah, Kentucky. I move that the conveyance of said cemetery lot to Mrs. M. B. Taylor be approved, and that the City Clerk be I . authorized to make proper notation on the Cemetery Register showing said conveyance. is Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pu111am, 'Wagner and Payor Lackey (5). ra. �.'.D. Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that deed granted to Mrs. Pl.D. Brown Cemetery�' Brown for Lot No. 30 in Section 1, in the Mausoleum Addition in Oak Crave Cemeter, Lot Paducah, Kentucky, upon proper payment of ;160.00 to the City Treasurer, be approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Dorian, Jlhnston, Pulliam, xagner and Vayor Lackey (5). Dark Re= V Connisoioner Pulliam offered motion that the City Manager be granted the permission to use as a dark room for the development of photographs the room on the third floor of the City Rall now used as an office for the members of the Board of Commissioners. Adonted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'Magner and Mayor Lackey (5) _zon"ra A/ Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that exonerations Dios. 8928 to 87 ax bill ! inclusive, be received and filed; and that the amount of 1,963.38 be exonerated on the t g tax bills as sho^.n on said exonerations: fi Earred by Judgment or Statute of Limitations ;;607.30 Dnceasen . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Double Assessment 49.24 i;nknowr.-son-Resident, Cannot locate 141.15 Property Lost or Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.01 Cut of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 A.r,e Limit . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Error :n Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.48 :;old for 'faxes 94.40 i Klaceilaneous 3.00 Total . . . . . . . . .. 9"03.3£2 ".•33e have been rheeced, r,nd are d•.e to be exonerated according to my :cnowledgo and ! :i led Boas B. Washout, City ;x•ens:tror ! y Ad"PLed on call of the flail, Zen.•,, o:u 2-a_i:;rera *;ortan, Johnston, Pulllan, ,aor j C^raaisoioner :a^ner at:erea :.nti+:r. '.!:nt 0:o ronort of Dr. C!. J. :ass, I ._. J the vont. of !'07, '.943, t.o rr•,ef . . 11•ul. A, to h:r:,;i -,a call o" i r •a1 s'Gr.• � e,n t h ,c -u 1 lam, Yeyh er cunt Yryor Tac c>y -{:}). i rrmn.s 1r^: o- E >r+ 1•; ,t tt e Pu ; ..,:h1 fo±• tho Lust bald 7, ;hat th•> r.r ue aamd ty ei:e;ks •..ra rr. •.eval . .. A 1. 1:... _ u?tFia »'?faxtr.7, .. .. ._. , •'I'7ner• --------------- 709 Proceedings of "-lard of Commissioners Cify of Paducah Jure 8th, 19.13 � _ ' Spitting on Comminsioner Dorian offered the following motion: I novo that an ordinance sidewalk, ota, � entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROiTT_S:S'fIilG 3FTi"f'P.TG Oil EXPECTORATING 1:1 Alfl FU's�IC BUILL'IlHG, D:'ORWAY, OR SIDEWALK OF THE CITY OP PADUCAII, KEIITUCKY, P:;OHIBITI!IG 3PITTITJG OR THR0:7.IITC CIGARETTES, CIGARS, PAPER, TRASH OR ANY OBJECT OUT OF A:IY '.7! il)0;"J OF A'; O1-'FIC3 Ohl STORE. BUILDING; AND IMPOSING PEITALTIE3 FOR THE VIOLATION OF MIS ORDINPr;CZ", be adopted. 1 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 15agner and I.'.ayor Lackey (5). Sell property Commissioner Dorian offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance to Horace Hart p/ & Assembly of ! entitled: ."ATI ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF PROPERTY AT gIO18 SOUTH STII STREET God Church IN PADUCAH,KEIITUCKY, TO HORACE HART; ALSO THE SALE OF PROPERTY AT IBIS SOUTHEAST CORIJER OF GTH AND CLAY STREETS TO THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH; AILD AUTIIORI'ZING THE MAYOR AND " CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE DEEDS OF CONVEYAIICE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, P;aanor and Mayor Lackey (5). Report of Lloyd Eery - Street ILayor Lackey offered motion that the statement and report prepared by Lloyd Faving i Every concerning the status of all street pavin+� work done by the City of Paducah in conjunction with the ,ork Projects Administration and his statement showing the amount j of the unpaid assessments against the property benefitted by said improvements be N received, filed and spread upon the minutes. "Paducah, Kentucky, June 8, 19.13 "To the Mayor, Board of Corcaissioners and City 14anager, City of Paducah Paducah, Kentucky "Attached herewith you will find a statement of all street paving done by the City of Paducah in conjunction with the 17ork Projects Administration, and a statement of unpaid street assessments. "Beginning in the year of 1938 under a blanket project agreement with the Work Projects Administration, street wort: was identified by #5825. Un 1940 a now project was approved and street work was carried under i1G507. Then in 1942 anoth- er project was approved and carried on under #7077, to the completion of the work In 1943. "Under an Act of the General Assembly of the 3t'ate of Kentucky, property ow-n- ers who owned property fronting, on streets to be paved were oaaossed the estimated part of cost they were to pay, after deducting the part the '..J.P.A, would pay. ','his asaossmen'; was for the part in front of their proporty only and not for any part of city street intersections. "'fou will note on the attached statement the total square yards of' concrete placed •rao 267, 154 and of this amount 1,135,426 square yards was the property owners -art and 31,738 square yards was for intersections and the cLty'a Fart, "`Ithc property owners paid in to the City '"rers,n'or .`,87,471.32 out of the a.-nunt of _f33,510 40 naaesscd, and this lenvas o balance ZG,045.08 to bo col- 1,:,!tod. '.he money collocted from the assessments is 1,170 71'0113uror in a se,.arate occiunt iron the regular city funds and ter ;aa fron this no- r_�':n; is ;'4;1,,73.71,. Order th.e column of City Credit the followini ox+,lanatlon of each: .item la of fr_rc,7. r^l-"Ant :..1:"333.18 ..s a goneral fend account under ussoriotinno and donations. ah:9n, ... ... Panda were email r.[_ ;-aa for true: -s, OL, was pur- r.haee^. tlmc, ov.,nt ou tuts pt•actico wnn continued. - -I .mlerul fund to true , tractor and r t ,r rn., wap ,r, .oat in x,. ,, on th,eae ,.';r:ont used Sri ;.or.,nr would .hvr: No——A— Proceedingsof i Foard of City of Paducah Jung ' The final cost to the sponsor of this paving In the stun of '1,11,073.71 and ,:143,082.2:, which equals ;;324,155.95 or a cost of ..51.2133219 per agwaro yard for concrete placed. Under city cost, $104,830.03 pays- for all intersections, school 'proncrty ani city -owned lots. Thia amount ,rill be increased later duo to tax sales, litiratlon, otc. ?lnnl balances of property owmers funds Undera3sesamonts duo ($36,045.06 and cash balance (;=6,396.61), you will n te, should all the '36,045.08 be collected plus the cash balance, this would not offset tho red balance of the property owners part. The question may be asked, why vias the property owners part under estimate .a6:?,13i.13. This can be justified by assumption but not by a tabulation of figures. Under the law by which these streets were built, it was necessary for the City Enginaer to arrive at a cost to the property owner that would be fixed, knowing there would not be a chance to collect any more than the assessed amount. Also he know that it he over estimated these, a refund would have to be made, this being a cash in ad- vance assessment. Knowin,- these things he had to decide on a way to effect this sit- uation, so let us assume the rental of city equipment was the means he used, as it is for the benefit of all city tax -payors. A street job is like other jobs in one sense but one of this type, where no profit is involved, is hard to figuro, knowing there will be additional items of axeense such ns bad curbs and gutters in sone blocks; side- �wnllr, da'.' or bad sections to be replaced; storm drains to be changed and in some cases ^ewers to be put in. Things along this line too numerous to mention come up in the povinr of thirty different streets. Then too, the change in the price of mnto- rials would have its effect. Takinr such things into consideration, the city is bound to suffer a loss. Y.'a will have to admit rood nanagcmcnt has been shown in this work, when we all lmow that the city was hard up for funds in 1939 and has had none since to be uned for this purpose. It is unfortunate that more property ownars did not peti- tion for these streets in 1940. The City is entitled to recover cash for its expenditures and as there is i one place to do this it seems logical for an order to be made placinr the Hard Surface Account balance and any moneys collected from deiinouent assessments, into the goner - al. funds. 3;r. Houser, Acting City Engineer, has planned to have all of the joints an cracks in the net streets sealed before winter, thus adding longer life to them. Other work is necessary on the streets and as a good percentage of the cash paid out by the City came from the °309° Account, the cash balance and accounts receivable could be earmarked for this work under this account. It may be of interest to compare the cost of street paving laid under cont ir. 1929, by the Southern loada Company, with the cost of paving just completed: In 19^0 property owners paid ^5.61 per fnott foot on a street paved 39 feet in width; in 1943 they paid -'",2.15 per front foot for the same width street. This shows a saving of s.,S, per fro -it foot, or ;173.00 on a fifty foot lot. Respectfully submitted, L. C. Emery, Promotional Engineer" STATE:?:ENT W. P. A. COIiCRE"rE STREETS- May, 1943 Tte3.. ::q. Yf.s. "caving assessed to property ov:norn '' " for City intersections Grand Total •... .-nt & 'L�:riunbracce Sp+sial "rnrd .3urface cit. Act. 5a 13,3x9.18 - I33, 250.90 ry cont par S.Y. iia tY1 Ci ':in Sfil 4� n11,nee 235,426 31,738 207,104 3.Y. "181,073.71 __.t,_ 324,1,5.95 285, r;•}7.53 ^3,S1G.0 147.52 :X3, 50ti , 4,190.Q, Li�4, i;a0. C3 °'Gill Am!!u+$!E'.'8 fv7PF:'... ... ...........................�'jr.•Ci� by t NO. 711 Proceedings of Board of Commiastonora City of Paducah Juno 8th, 1943 UNPAID STREET ASSESJ;.Ei1Td Amount due from property owncra .................................:;30,652.52 Wito;'o penalty added ................................. 2,009.54 Total ................................. 32,1192.16 Leas property sold for taxes - or up for sale, (approx. Amt.) 12,414.31 Total ................................. 20,307.85 In the past the city has not boon collectins tiro penalty of 6% or the in- terost of 6;.., due to the decision of the Board, in office at the time of the be- glnnin, of this work. This visa by verbal asreemrnt and up to the present time no penalty or interest has been collected except in the cases cohere tax sales have been made. Out of the above amount of $20,307.85, it is estimated that 110,000 to W15,000 can be collected if individual attention is given these accounts. On this same ledger vrith the above accounts and in addition to the »32,722.16, the city's part for school property, otc., in the amount of $4,810.18, is itemized". I Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :'Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Letter of✓ Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Adrian R. Terrell, Corporation. 1,r.Terrell "JPA Streets Counsel, rrith reference to the legality of remittinC the penalty and interest- on bills R ceived a ^. filed for street paving constructed by the City of Paducah in conjunction with the Cork 9 yI Projects Administration be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and L.ayar Lackey (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 943 C ty lorlt APPROVED itay r