HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 704, May 25, 1943No. -04 -- Proceedings of?onrd of CormInnioners city of Paducah May 2501, 1943 At a '.logular Mectinr of the Doard of rommiaaionera held in the Comissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 25th, 1913, at 7;3o o'clock F.'_1., Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll, the following answered to their namos- Commissioncra Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ilagner and itayor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as road. Worm nts/' Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the letter from the Paducah Club y letter '.7omanvs Club protostinr against np6tting on the sidewalk be received and filed. Spittln< on S'Walk Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'dagner i and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor /I Commissioner Dorian offered motion t)ant the letter of fir. H. G. McElweel, write ✓ letter City Manager, calling attention to the delay of the officials of the Tennessee Valley WA' I� Authority in its negotiations for the acquisition of the properties of the Kentucky j Utilities Company be received and filed, and that the Mayor be requested to communicato with these officials urging them to promptly report to the city the i progress they have made. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, j Johnston, Pulliam, lagner and Mayor Lackey (5). - P.Paxtorl Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letters of 11r. H.G. Alley f'cElwea, City flanagor and of IN. P. Paxton with reference to the closing of an alley i j in the rear of lots fronting on Depot Strout be received and filed, and that the y Corporation Counsel be requested to prepare for introduction at the next regular a meeting nn ordinance authorizin;• the closing of the alley in the rear of Lots nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in consideration of the agreement of R. L. Sanderson to dedicate as a public alley a strip of ground 15 feet in width running from Depot Street through the aforesaid Lot No. 16 to the alley between Blow and Little Avenue. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissionars Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam 'farner and Mayor Lackey (5). K.U.Arreoi Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the Board of Commisaionera l men t to rep, "ca ° reco !ro and. file copy of the letter written to the Kentucky Utilities Company by ,rasa flo G. VcElwoe, City 1lnnager, in which letter the Kontucky Utilities company, by through It. V. Greer., its district manager, agrees that after layinr, the gas line � frrr. 3.. street to the Clauonner Hosiery 1:1111 it will replace the curb, pavement and i grass plot and D:,ave the same in as good condition as it was before :;old pipos wero laid. Adopted on gall of the Roll, Y^cs, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Fulham, lKagner and Mayor Lackey (5). f 1 Hoaf.ita'1,J rer^;!••aloner i'ul.linn offered metien that the report of Riverside Acer li t'43. Hospital fcr the month inline Aril 1943, be received. Adopted on ca_l of the ?, 'lora, inaLnera ;•tan, Johnnton, !-.Jllnm, '1n, -;nor and «ayor Lackey (5). "olie*Y ✓ ,r. o nir r r.'rerl mutlon teat 1;etoration Day, Sunday Vay 3Gtt $aQOSaC1AA 04Y 143, .v..., ,, sem: i^,�l .ra t, S ✓. •.:-.et thr" city amployeea l.a n?.lowol a full day zxtz, ,with the exeoption of tl:o police and fire depart - 'toll, `Leon, C,rr�!•aionora l:orinr., Jelm.^.ton, z- villitis, 7&U,,:. :!6,.1or Lae'tny !05 NO - Proceedings of i'osrd of Comm.iontonors City of Paducah May 25th 1943 _ Use the Floodwall Levee `'� Commissioner e:agner offered motion that the copy of the L tter of Gtr. N.G. Approach to Bridge I°c Elwee, City Manager addressed to Mr. Lee Furyear, Distract inglnoer of the Depart- Vandevelde vs Watkins, City defegd Appoint Omitted Tax Attorney Complete IIYA, building i ment of Highways, be received and filed, and that the City of Paducah grant to the I derartmont of Highways the permission to use the flcodwall levee as a temporary crossing on,the detour route to the Paducah-Brookport midge if the United States i Engineers and its contractors do not object to the use of the levee for that . purpose. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam i Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the letters of Mr. H. G. McElwee, City Manager, Lir. Adrian Terrell, I 11 Corporation Counsel and Mr. IV. i. Bryant, Chief of Police with reference to the suit 1 filed by B. M. Vandevolde againat Grover '.7atkins for damages on account of the detention of his automobile, and that the City of Paducah assume the responsibility for the defense of said suit, but not for payment of any damages which may be jl recoaerod against Mr. Watkins. Adopted on call of the Coll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Eackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution ii entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER W) ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE FOR ii AND ON BEHALF OF Tiff' CITY OF PADUCAH, A COIITRACT FOR 'RHE EI.IPLOYMEIT OF AN ATTOPUTEY J FOR RECOVERY OF TAXES UPON OMITTED PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIOING THE TEWS AND COII- DITT-ONS TO FiE COIiTAINED IN SAID CONTRACT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). I/ Mayor Lackey offered the following. motion: I move that an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING A SUIS IIO: EXCEEDING .^„3000.00 FOR INSPALLAT.ION OF PLUMPING AND CONSTRUCTION OF FLOORING FOR THE C OMPLETION Oi, TdE BUILDING 0'.2NED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAII AT 3RD AND OHIO STREETS FOR USE Bf THE NATIONAL YOUTu ADMINISTRAT ION IN THE OPERATION OF AN EDUCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER, AUPHORI'LIN'; THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE MATERIAL AND EM PLOT LABORERS FOR T'l'.E COMPLETION Oe SAID bUILDING; AZID PRESCRIBING THE TERM3 AND CONDITION3 UNDER :la1CH HE SHALL ENTER INTO COIITRACTS TFERI•:F03", be introduced and remain on filo for one week in its completed form in w%Ich it shall be put upon its final pnasago. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor-miesiorers liorian, Johnston, Pulliam, "iagner and Mayor Lackey (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. 1943 A?PROVED -ayor