HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 686, March 30, 1943Proceedings of
Y, 'it -30 Ole loci, on h,
uic .',oil t ho !'ollo",vin7 In tiielr riamon.
1. n"C' 7"ayor I'lle'-cy
M -u I Ion,
ot In %�j as road.
Z. n 11 C.- ..... . tint City Alcoholip. llovera,-o Adrliniz;-
�ecriostc:: to io,%o lnvc.-,:.'- at'-onq nL all ;)lqces of bilaitio3z villoVe alcoholic
nt,21 nn' LW -c a'PT'0:'-*atC SCtIOn to revolzo the li"noo Of any 1—roon who
z`.nll sell, -ivc away or deliver :;n:. n7coholic bevevuCC3, or procure o�, any
�,coliollc L_ j 'I, ii a,.*:ay or delivered to a minor. on call
r. Cie "c12, --)-,,inn, Johnston, Pulliam, '.,aZner ariC -n.!or Ltickey (5
n "I .0 Pored the followinT motion: william 11. swItzer, Q.P.T.,
of Foreign 7.'.9ro, havin,- requested M,.o moo of the
'Irmiin^.r3l Chanter on the nicht of April 5th, 1043, as a moetin!7 nlacc for the
1,:'n 7 *. -
), r 7qaIer Auxiliary,- I -,ove that said request ua ,-ranted, and that ZmL
_on be rontel ,".ninrlon 1� i:c t!!3 Comnioalonoral Ghnril - on that nicht.
ill of the boll, Cor.-iin:-inn-ro Orion, Johnston, rulliarl, '."armcr and
1"oncr 'n, -mer of"crod motion iha t the ^ontract entered into the
Its R'troka _ooc Division, ion, and the City of
lv:vtn- !.—jeolled i;j P77,1�n.;--nt Of
nn Ptill of tho %loll, Year,
r, :,-.nor and :%,:or Lnc';vy (b).
:-n�%r offered mot.lo!. that the Cit:: t,)r
I.hp Furcks ; fro 1:030 rom:lvmy Y or I .,al., to th^ City of
c n
rlre %nro le recolved and filed. i,fttocl on mall of the
-7 J-Ihnaton, P,illin:n, and 7'ayov Uicicoy (4), "Z,YS,
mill I
Proceedings of -3 "" 1 �% 7, , 1 City of Paducah ":" ". k4f I
I., c thol-ocro: i r. P.' Inch ;)lpo line 3ouLhweut'..,,'rJ1:,,
- ;-t1t1on-!r3 !'nrrlw-,tnn'3 and on to the p-oporty or
T n -L:": �ntanco 1-,00 feet, said line to he a Fl.' Innh ni:,,) line fron th- tskj,
t, be mode on the L. M. &nes f1pa Llne, a of 14,00 feat; anal thonnc
n -n Ine"I -line line tho vonCnln- diotnil'o of sn"d 1-00 poet, ;3 -al'! pin,, linc e
1e!' 'o^ the mwpone if r-ovi,:in- vinter som1lco to rf.,:;L,ionc-�;a on the 1,.,,.-:.
the ?a Lit. loners Vavr'.Il;-.tons and theco residences on the pro,ilnos oi-ined ly
It apppnro that petitioners have mdc a contract with L. M. Jones,
providin- for the eonnoction of said pine line and L. M,. Jones hilvin:* mproved
petitioner:. applicntLon In writing, and the same boinr. a,.proved no to form the
rom"iiaolon of Eater '.orlm, I, therofore, nove that the npplicatlon ". ., 1%,od
and Mcd; nod at the request of applicants be ,.ranted, subject to nll th,
terms and conditions contained there in; and provided that nothing; to the . !,z,
D:, this obli,�ation shall in nnyvilne be construed as or. obligation on hhe part of the
tl city of Paducah now, or ab any tImq hereafter, to purchase, acquire or maintain said
yipe lino, or any port thereof. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yoca, Comnissionevz
-:orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, 111a,-,ner and 1.ayor Lackey (5).
the rnotlon:* I t.ove that an ord-
0"7'E T -I, TW' i,
0:7 o ."'- 01, X�;:TTUC'SY, A!.D NOT ZXZ;Z:)7'-'k" A—
s. ':T TA:' TO 7-jj'.
T. A11DUEC-i 0 0. AD
.rU1rE 3LIlg3 p0q TRE C01
,.;3&;.;4: ;;T3; MiCRIF'ING 'fh J 0, 3AUD
771C.1 TIEY ',:-,'114
1,,,, rO.N?LICIP to ado::�to,'..
P.ftpted an rell or the Fell, 7oas, Coniiiaioncro Dorian, Johnston, Fullinn,
nnd f,'a%or Lackey (5).
nt :'Fiyor Lackey offered the f0llov.in,-. I move that an orilinane 1!!.
"NN 0: ":A':OE
"!1ol-0 Dol -Inn, jnhnator,
follo'.Anl- �.,7 lon:
Proceedings of _City of Paducah -----
. _... c.i c:: ..'1 0:' .... ':all, ..,. ,1:.1t :._nJ inn';pa !d:maCr,n, �.. ._'•:7, j
' _. ..,�r�.,,� -_ ..), .. "o?s::i�r.•,....,.. ;orinn C1).
`n :,.��..... -. ,r•eCJ.r.- n.1,9aurn:d. I