HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 684, March 25, 1943,._,._11:•1alo:;+ra i•'arch 25th, 10.13 ' :.:etch ?+:th, 1343 Proceedings of ' ""i "' City of Paducah " At a -nil ..:.�tl::r n±' tha 1Loard of rommlaatonorn hold in the Coranlnnlannrrr .r.'.•o>• n: tLv .,_ ..'.1, .'.uc:)h, „cn tucFcy, at 4:30 o'clock P.:'. on :;arch 25th, 1943, r,•;d aeon sell of the Roll the follorr'_m: ann•,•tored to their nnmoa: -. •.lits*.an, Pulltnm, carne.. and 1'a;;or Lackey (5). ..,..._•-.^tc<l the mcotln van cnliod for the pirroao of authorizing ._ Snr.a ^• to c:�a•.1`:e an A,-rcom-nt .-o:-ardin,* taxer on prolinrLy at 0th Pc Turnott rayor lac':ey offered motion that the Coard of Commisnlonors Navin^ herctofor .ted an rdinnnco authorizinr, the conveyance of a lot at 9th F: 3urnott 3trcot ^ s to _ .. :rcl,ht Lines, Inc., in consideration o: the an;mrenL of the rut., of 1000; w-pnarin;; that the Siete of Kentucky and the County of Verraoicen aro ;t+:emptinr. to require pay^:cnt of state and county taxer upon all property owned b, the ,Ity, trn-r•'.? Fho aforonaid lot which the city has a,reed to soil to the 111yes Froir! , and that there is now pending to the 1.:cCracken Circuit Court a suit to the validity of .levies of state and county taxes a_-alnnt city owned property; and. It further ampearin:- that the "ayes F'rel3ht Lines, Inc., Is umwillin.� to epi v deed to said nronerty unless provision is rondo by the City of Paducah for fra:.—ent of state anC county tares, if such taxes and adjudged by the Court to d ln•-�11;• ch:o ant. ep'_loctible; I there^c•re move tint the City 1.-anage:' be authorized to execato and deliver G U t� til^ ]!ayes Sinos, Inc., an 4,-roem^nt provldin,,7 that the .city of :aducuh ....r.'1 ns3ume and any and all state and county taxes lawfull;, levied against rt; to r•_ inrludinc t'!+e assosament due for the year 1942, said asueunments • .. .- anz; -.rty as emitted for the fears 1933, 1930, 1940, 1041 and 19.4. la r. ,ged b; the Court that property mmod ty the city is ani:•jcct to otato and o... Adopted on call o'f the Roll, Year, Corrm,isaioners :orlan, Johnston, . ._ • ., a^ • ;nor Lnc�••,.,^ (5}. A! TRCIVED 4r— ".. .. ... �. -• .,. t`. ..., , + i::cnh, .or;T,arl:y, t:G•ii'.'To+_1cc. ...Y . - ... ... c.(: ! :1t:1 or tl)o 1:011 .. ".11 . . .. ... .. .. . , , .I�,t;nuira:, .+.:lima, ., .. ... .. , :•r i