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Minutes Book 20, Page 675, March 23, 1943
NO. Proceedings Of —City ofPaducah -I- :L'o I'l 1 110 -.,.card of coin .... 1 ' In ' I - n�, the Cit, Eall, '1:30 o'clock P.11. iy -)n :'nrc!; pro:jjrjp.,l f,,j),j ur,.)n ,,all of tie Roll the qi qnn.orcd I f :-+•Ir licrWI: ',",:iiisnionFrn Do-Unn, Johnnton, P141liam, (rd '.1`nu t an 0 V1 a r a ad I I 1;r,os zi Commir3 i on::r _,i on that L!,: of tl!" ni.or 'CJwlkm for jjI:, Ia, of j cbrncry 1043 be roes I n of the Roll, Ycao, r!oImllis:li3ncrs Dorian, Jolanoton, :Ii . a 0, Con '!on Qv ' tho ",ana,,.er, rlatcI: 1710 r0CrMP.1QlldZ Ull^ SlkLO 01 o lot :- located at 7jlZ;C1 C'!::,: Lo jr is :!cr be recolved .,tri filed; t1int the oI :,.I - of the nn-ld floor,-Ia "nrdnor in the stun. o" Cr).00 crsh for the purchnno of the lot knovin ns #1_701 CIS: ,treat be approved, and that the Cor7poration Counnel be authori7c d to pvopnro for Introduction at the next ra—ilay- moetin.- an ordinance authovlzin;, t!,io execution of .9 (lead to said 6ripirty. on call of the roll, Yonn, Comioaionorr Dorian, Jolmston, .-ullir.m, -!c, Lackey (5). Com.-a3olonar Johnston offered motion tl,ni: .,o oz•l .;V the of Eq,jalizern for t;:;, gear of 10<3 be received, Cile'i z: an the MLvi,o 4,0132-'-_ NO—-- Proceedingsof _Ci(y of Paducah 1.;,07.].,040. HATE) 19,128,125. (Full Rate) (plull Rate) ''19,128,125. 7cal iat. Imo ": "�'r3onal 1-1porty (Opoelbl Roto) :::.reclal Mats) 24G,740. 19,633,''95. BOARD OY E'iJALIZATIMT A.E.Cole, 'hairrinn Chns Vandevq1de C'corr.o Plock, Clark" on call of the Poll, yens, Comqi:3.9 loners -orlan, Johnston, Pulliam, ':.arner our; !.n --or Loc7,ey (5). ro=1r,31oner Pulliam offered notion that the letter of L;r1n Eoyd ihippa, Of the ofird of Eclunntion of the City of Paducah, dated Vnrch 23rd, 1043, In wl�lh 11.1ti9r the nald Lynn Doyd Phipps quotes n Resolution adopted by the 'irl If '1111cn%-n or. 22nd, 1043, be received and filed, and that the Ln tter of ""ni,ch Wird, 1043, to ' -Othor with the tlld�lot of the coard of n1no received and filed and that ench of an Ld 2r- ttors In the o-.dur an ab,ve set out. ':":It!On of PadueaK, zplcity of the pity oac!1 to taxation 19.3 the 1,7 nchooi.-, C77 'ch•31 Proceedingsaf, 111" of commio�iion^rs City of Paducah "' L' 192 — I OF DISTP!r9' TAXATIOI: . . . . . . . . 00 . . . . . . . . . . 'Y;O. 00 . n . . .'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,600.00 Atr 1C T..� xnn . . . . . . . '()00.00 TO Car o 7T 5 .,%L COW, ROL 00 salaries of superintc-: and 3tcno,-rnphnr&; ane, other mircellincoun .:.'ice of 0111perintendent. ::ndi- i,ct-; uonda of officials, profess on-' ',coa, ..'ration and other evenscs of buaine.-..-. ilntmtlon. . . . . . . . . . .. :-,.c'udf'mlarlea and expense. of sppervislors, p'rInc'ip*ala, assistant principals, teachers' salaries, educational aup- plies, library and aupplemontary books and other o:nn-i3en of instruction. �%?LRATION OF .3C:!OOL MA7.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .32,500.00 include vincen of janitors and cn,,Incers, Janitor.— supplies, ,77*,rn,'Iturcs for fuel, and virter: li7ht and poxcr. ::.';, -:-2 OF SCHOOL : LAI; T . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,00o.00 nC: T1AJe all expenditures made for repair of bull,. ''n -n, :,c - pairs to service system, uV.ceep of !7rounds, nr.6 and renlnr.om-nt ',,rn.1turc irvl equipri-nt. . ... . . 8,150.00 . . . . . . . . . . CQ as i or A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proceedings of City of Paducah �r, -I!'. 'i .;t,, too 1-� -Inoprla oi fico aL LouisvIlln and u. tho r1,-ht-or-%,:ny tetwoen. the United Jtntc;i 'rty of t.j-, nil Company be i.nnedin tely cloriarl in w -,tor t 3 a^ro2ldontl In !:hat vicinity. Adopted on call Lh? rs i:orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, llagnar and f. ayol' Lackey Cor: "Joffered motion that hollan Scott r:riff1th hnvin tba otir..! a." 'ners a deed of vonvpyrnce executed and delivered -nr i Janca nn,' Fnuline Joann, dated t..arch 15th, 1043, undor the II !j nonvnycd '.a hor nll of tho -ranters right, titlo and int'ircot of' Lot !!a. 39 in Lloc', :;a. 4P in Oak ;rove Covictury, rove t' nnt the cnn'--nnco of said comntery lot to Xhalna Scott :Irlffitli bo P-n,.-oved, and that the City be authorl-,id to rinico nc on tho Conater7 !?c7istor sho,.,Anf7 said eonve:Tanca. A(!opted on call :az, Coinnis.-Ionerr Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 71n3ncr and Vn,,cr Lackey r,orininsloner or offered the foIIol,-!nr- notion: I move that an ordinance FOR THE EMPLO -,71E'IT OF A DEL111 AIR.'1117 'AX ATTORNEY "A'l OT'Dl':,*.. titled: 7 1 F` -ADWA.�, ZENTUCXf, .,37 OT IATL T)E.1 1�!T( Oil A �T T) IM"M 'i A!1D -,! n3.:.e '911 7: T be introduced ir nt I -ar.ti one 1 for public Inspection before -inr rut 7 -0. Mirltrid on -nll of the poll, Yca.-I, CO.—ii sloncra -orinn, 'Ir anr' Lnc':cy (5). "crod ::atlan that the rIt7 letter r.nted InrcU :3rd 1h, 1— I-ot pi,olnrod b:., hin for the year 1943 he received, Proceedings of City ofPaducah 1-11 L:'. ':;43 1 00 -.,7%,,y offorod motion that th .00 00 1343, inclwlln,-, ;z, Qiq, -Itltonont o .00 i-, c, Ivod, 1'11,,d miti aprond ipon I ho r! nut c., 10100.t'-) 24F!0.00 1.100.00 1. IDLD hY 104P 1943 b,Olt 1043 L):! 2X`-"--:iDED DSITI.-M 1800.00 11100.00 1300.00 1300.00 1-100. 00 GOOO'.00 G000. 00 6000. CIO rGOO.00 6000. 00 3000.00 3600.00 3600. 20 r;OQI.Z)0 3 100 . (, 0 --,-,hor1740.O0 1500.00 15f0.00 1500.CG 1500.00 .00 24.00 4C. fM. 01, .00 11,4.00 100.00 14,;..,., P76. 00 160. 12 1190.00 POO. (0 110.19 iO[;.(;O 113.:9 -i-Ionn 0.00 9.50 2.00 0.00 avoling Expen:;c .00 .00 .00 110.00 00 -tor Pontals 49240.00 49000.00 40015.35 4773G.00 47:130 51 11,1 ;vlverti3inr.:.CO .00 24. GG 120.00 15 61716.00 61412.00 61233.33 61276.40 100 61042 02 CIvy FALL cry of', Janitor Fa 860.00 860.00 3C .1. 113 01 Sal of e.,Atr Operator 734.00 860.00 86(i. c15 868.00 '0 �Olk Salary D:tr� Jan & E Opr 150.00 132.t,0 1101.25 .00 02 Rooatr3 to 1 'id 'Toil -Etc 300,00 264.00 418.03 1000.00 205 -.Inc 11atorials F. 311ppliezi 934.00 950.80 978.7G 750.00 960.00 726.00 845.8E 648.00 ter Rentals 96. co 85.20 97.98 78.00 85.69 TOTALS 5084.00 4478. Cf, 4262.96 -}329.00 4491.92 -K)NATIONS --. �or w 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 for Cvl.c 600.00 600.00 GOO. 00 000.00 coo. C)o 600.00 600.00 :00.00 .700.00 000.00 780.00 780.00 ?C.0.02 780.00 760.o0 -t rary 7000.00 5000.00 5000.04 5000.00 5000.04 Lr Is 600.00 624.00 600.49 500.00 '20. f 5 .!cots 1C04.00 20312.00 18614. 0.111, 1 F16.10. 00 1:- 'T. I Luncl; Pro,-rom .00 240.00 240.00 .00 1000n. 0) 04M.00 0591.219 0540.00 vl 500.0000 4409.75 4500.00 r 0 360.00 ZOOO.00 3028.00 00 3000.(111) 3000. (VI .00 00 -1.:,)0.00 WOO., .00 1G430. Ino 10100.t'-) 24F!0.00 1.100.00 1. -n -nsnr Proceedings of "t ' Ci(y of Paducah 5^0.00 .'. ^4 ic•D:,,: 00 i ^o.cJ 510.00 ^ cc JJ3c.13 9157. ('30 877 L.49 21.100.00 2700.00 2700.00 2600.00 28C .00 2000.00 1880.00 11380.(.0 1300.00 10!0).(0 -'- _ • ccc`ieos .OU '130.CO 1939.52 2100.00 2.10 .00 .•ea,1 1830.00 1'700.CC. 1700.00 .00 .00 • - . 8920130 5:0.00 52PO.00 370. "0 42> .33 L•:ute�st;t 18^0.00 1700.00 1700.00 .00 ..' . .. ... 43!:00.00 23713. 00 283'78.0., .6U - .00 10075.80 10772.20_U - '0 '- -_ - :� :- 6•-•t 1J;+1.00 18-0.00 1r^I20.00 -- ;u? 305^1 C0 30.11.+35 '0 800.00 0 G80.c0 ..r. 0 • 1.340. CO 1.'. 1480.00 'I ,.. c t Jailer .00 . 0 .00 11- ..0 1000.00 20^ ,n 2024.79 cc,, CO - otorcycles 1CO0-.00 10C".::; 1939.67 1COO.CO _. -. 1 .CO 1'C..'- 115.00 .00 .^0 - - " ?quip 504.00 540.09 2.^-50.00 _. _ . 72.000 177 .50 UO 3000.00 2C84.79 3000.00 ' :.irnal ,a 1m0.00 1`=50.00 11^8.09 1000.(0 177 ✓3 600•. ( 0 500.00 545.03 400.60 85 i. 20 .. - ....... 19"0.(0 1900.00 1536.99 1300.00 135).03 -once 150."0 50.(0 171.50 50.00 13 MrIl :ty .Jc`1 1If).00 350.00 34;41 1z(7.00 n .20 ,00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 - 204.00 100.(0 213.73 100.00 u .12 int-; ,uchoa 580.00 300.00 47;. 20 200.00 10..59 " ;C'ner 1160.00 1040.00 10'_0.00 930.00 011.70 .00 .00 .00 708.34 703.34 " ..:... 79390.00 750-M.80 74010.10 72,48.34 7333 .03 arae_" 2480.00 2400. CO 1939.92 . rl 2,i0 ). (.0 1890.00 1730.CO 1705.00 G 1:.8).00 340.00 880O.CO 7CJO.OR G 3,D).00 .. ••i ..-rratDrs 4920.00 4530.(.^ .,7.0461>.00 3060.00 1820.00 +.C� ;C: 17_ .00 o. -_•n 41338.00 39520.00 i 1G 3683 .00 .00 .00 130. L-.0 n t 9253.92 9348.00 373 7.2+i nt G36.00 636.00 33 .38 204.00 101.CO n CG .940.00 .00 '5•15.72 0 403.00 0 397.21 . (p 24^.39 1109. 9 .00 1,1 . (%0 21iiO. (, ) 11G."0 1155.1:0 .. . 13^1.72 '0 1101.30 i; 1P54. .. . •,r. 1.103 .18 _ .. i c,.1 Proceedings of. 11 CitycfPaducah r1�,:, Ij-3 I 4, or rty n:' CII 1�1 a 'T F.1 of Rodrian ^1 st7Tiftoman n lien 'n: n men -0-011-Ireano ter 7:;:n%-, lur,h TC -ALS INITMIMTS lwo Principal T. Int on -ondo IC01 7ntcre3t on Eon% Lonna T z 1: Salary ot 1;uEorintendent n 1.-01 7q -es of Lrborevr d GI C1. 00 .CO intcnance of Eq ipment 2 -On r 7i 2140.(:0 Caa-Oil-rreaoe 1"0.00 13n; Tools-Yat,orla- ls-3urplieo 300.00 1::07 1. 1 ^h to -Fiael t er -Tcl onlione 150. CC, 9. t. C371 �. CO 7 71:1:111 ',OUSE ter 1 1240.(0 111;.. 4 . 1;03 !!a Lev!a ln-'17,pl lca- :-'Lc .CO Lj,"htr-�;P.tcr-.-,tc 00.00 10Y7. Popslro 1,iprovcnionto 1400. (`-0 960. 00 3650.'.0 120.no 1 `:I:rotor no. (if) t 1:'00. (0) 2 C5 Q. I Ii .O. 00 5604.00 10.(35.40 764.5. "-..Oa 11512.00 230C.C' .2 C 63.1:0 .'12 70 f'139 7-' 135. Co II.O.Co 132.72 15 () () CI 117 Z 2 48. 00 93.110 19.79 100. COI'll., 1 .411.00 60.0111 20.71 100.01) LB i7 60.00 60.00 50.49 2903.00 23-34. 40 2477.51 .70 ;7015,1 571l8.75 W-1.35 53C91.25 11C 000. CO 4�11�-')-, •11j2 OCI 240.00 -('0.00 172.30 1 CO0. CO ip 181.51 1 '1, �. 21 1.92.23 :�!P.23 23C 575e0.20 � �1. - ��. - � - 1 Z4035.03 -'.t 11 . "! 473-2�. T' Salary ot 1;uEorintendent 1400.00 -..40 1.-01 7q -es of Lrborevr d GI C1. 00 intcnance of Eq ipment 2 -On .6 Caa-Oil-rreaoe 1"0.00 13n; Tools-Yat,orla- ls-3urplieo 300.00 1::07 1. 1 ^h to -Fiael t er -Tcl onlione 150. CC, 9. t. C371 �. CO 7 71:1:111 ',OUSE ter 1 1102 "ainterfanco of -uildl n.- a 4 . 1;03 !!a Lev!a ln-'17,pl lca- :-'Lc 1404 Lj,"htr-�;P.tcr-.-,tc 00.00 10Y7. Popslro 1,iprovcnionto 1400. (`-0 3650.'.0 1 `:I:rotor no. (if) t 1:'00. (0) 2 C5 Q. I Proceedings of Ci(y of Paducah ID43 7M 1042 13.13 r Anticipated Colloctod A11ticIpatod CnIlIctod ii 777-7 -------- 777� I �7000. 00 263195.57 N -,;,5152 .00 -3062.46 .0o -2505 ^,0 67ioo.00 30600.00 57401.el 50000.00 63300 50 7:'::::00 7000. vo 7177.50 75CO.00 77 9,1-Z -0 450.33 330.00 330.00 21 --0.00 �;f�d 73 :^000.00 11159.51 10000.00 14 11) 0 3 Ill. 0;• 350.00 352.50 200.00 243 75 :fears -2'2510.00 577092.2?. 35000.00 10'31 02 rrsoa .00 0 .(:0 Co T.- ;0 3e0590/00 363:86.71 349306.4- 371113 01 70,000.00 25nCO.O( 1^-10.00 750.00 1130.00 300.00 3,95.15 "^0.00 0.00 2.)OO.CO 2GO3. 0,13 00.00 CIO 1[1100.(-o 1293.115 1 "0.(10 I,i 011040.00 105850. 00 10"G0.40 16:-;1, 1 1033d 10000.00 14000.00 2G2CB.23 1305150 '.,.-rnph 00.00 50.00 CIG. 1-3 50. Sal, 72; .00 530.00 1125. cc -.1"I ..its 1800.03 1800.(0 IMS. .,:ions 5000.00 480.00 500.06 480.00 43.' O 48.00 tions 360. CO 204. M, i., 3 ons 240-0 cc 1, '.5r 1,n0 11110fi.00 47140W. W� 71,fZ. -IG 1 i. Loh ol' and :-.t owLd II'MU"m I- Vr. :-I M nt. llo Kul '11t to n 7:1 rq! ItIl'y irm,, . lz.toly '-1" 17: 9 NO. Proceedings of, City ofPaducah P3, 151-'; Lacicny 0!'fow cd r1o". Ion tient the rorr,orn t, Ion Counsel o wtion at the next rorilnr mocttll,. L011 "Pon :i-lishnacntz of T'nyor "ard Iraverloy, the .lajor of the pity u. n:;o —nth occurred a re-;., a_ -O. 6doptod on coil of tho holis Yona, Commianlonorn -ir'an, Johnston, Pulliam, 1.hCner and rnyor Lno!,oy (5). In... :ioaloner ",ilium offeredmotion that exoneration:: 'ba. 1:777-0 —J,''I nn,, ;.-,led; and that the amount of ;,2sbFjb-(t,8 be ezoneratal Qtl thu tax L111;; 7 n :7,, 1, , :onoi,at Ions: cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.00 Z:IWM, Lion -1; * cc'. Idcnt, Ci� not locate . . . . . . 1106.35 Er,,-ty Lont o;• :,old 50.32 f"111 of f.w:'Ino3F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.07 J-I :,in, t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 --�Dr In Anseaocrit . . . . . . . 2i. 33 "el", for . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : --,, J 3J. 1 G :aocolloncoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37I 03 Total . . . . . . ..,2, 5G2. GO xoneration cancelled ,,i:J1 7.00 liTotal . . . . . . . Tfose have neon chocked, and are due to be exonerated accordiln7 to my knowledCo and belief. Seas 13. City -.Teasurer Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiucioncra Dorian, Johnaton, Pulliam, .:r -nor and 1%yor Lackey (5), '/ Il lot j*D Lnc%ey of-'ered motion that the Corporation nounsol ba reque3Le(I to prepare Lnilio ll :^.d ,nd -' for ntroluctlon at the next regular m<etln., an ordinance authorizin- t:.o sola to nr I Lollie 7!ollind of T.nt lo. Z In.lack :.o. 7 on ttnns Avenue mdor r. contract li 'or -.:c-nont or .,! .'-..(-jO for said property, the sum oT' to be rrld in o,:' i-:. . erica n 1. t1lo -tile ,f .,to!lt 11, cath '' n --leo nr. por annum unt-I is 'n rl 1 In the paynent L :n,. —n any ni;z)untn 1,y Liv, the .:ell, f no, !V (5) xi tills t at -ils h,