HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 672, March 9, 1943�.
. .. 1:::-_r,rr ;, .:•ci: NO—
'j 1043
f City of Paducah
Proceedings o -- --- --
:'Qct' -n- of 'i:.c oard of r'Om,tioalonors hold on !larch 9th,
in thr C}hambor at the City !fall, Paducah, Kontuc::y,l
call of the Roll the follow In,,: answered to tti eir names: I
fullium, :aipor and Vayor Lackoy (5).
^.utas •-. the previous noetirgs %zero adopted no react. i
of Som;•tlaainn+.rc j
... ... .._rSnn -(scrod mouton Una the `oe+.•d
•� . --- . ' 1� . ..: !`o.moa,..;0 :a11:.� '',,.tt:o•:. Cy . _. r nC
. _. __ ... Lit- r[,•u:e o. ,.;lay 3:1 rm'-tn- a11 an'ri••^.l.n1
.,:1••:_.... :"i-,,.. ,:1 aall of the. Roll, icon, Cor>::i,;:hionera Dorian
- _...';.�:...• _i::ra o'.o;•n<'. notion tint 1,110 City of taciucah accept the
i-: c:i in I'Il� orun of ..50.00 for property. locatod at Gw3 1311110 Gtre:o t,
n .. nut:orizin^ Lha conveyance of said property be pronaro.J :'or
in�-c.'uctlon ct next c:eetinr. Adoptod on call of the doll, ;oaa, '�om::ioaicnars
.•.n, ; ohn3tnn, :17-ir.m, '7arner• and T.iayor Lackey (5).
• C,;•r,.1^cion^r •�ohnaton o; fered mo':ion that t'i1n .-c ort o: Dr. S.i..FoI-
the month of lobraary 1043 be n�,civod. Adoptod on call
;ionors yorian, Jollnnton, .,illin:ii, -nor ,;nd a,;or Lnc'rcy (5
•,odmst,)n oi:ercd rtotion that the .:onrd o" ^rn'ra.::.ionnrs
_. ,•ri . _.., 1, of 'file ;(•.n•e::a :'ire i:oao Company in •:'tich ':n1,:pnn
• _ % ... :. coanly ::,itch the Lorna o:' its contrsc t j or _ to
P 'rly T:ultiplo ..ovon !'ire :!nae.
r,< __._or:: -urian, Johnston, _:;111%x,., 7a-no.v r. -.I o':c:y (;)
Johnston c,..' -,red the i'ollos:ln - codon: _ ::n•:�:, ...:;i; ....aolut on
A °ont.vt ... 11 of no t:el 1,i .... a .., .. ,Ali n, Johrlotn::,
i .. - .. .. •,n that the :,oard of (:ntt.'a:.ai.>r• rc . rav
Proceedings Of City of Paducah
notion that thq o. :,c(:cLvo nr-d
0" -n ' : . " an
(:,j,, ,j,,,jcajj 1, (::cion rc
al, .11nicipal
a -lqtl Or 1'OT' pnym-,-nt or sa In r in - to ra-_!:ibers of tj to co, iIr:. !,,:I jrlln the
1943, ind that the ?:anagor to requested to Include In his budget the sum of
for oaiarif-s t-, be paid to the chairman and moribora of sold rOm-nittOo for fr. s
attended du'rinC: sold year. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, COw1niU0I0'!:
Zorinn, Johnston, Pulliam, *.agner and 11,ayov Lackey (5).
motion: I neve that an ordinance ow, 1
'x *'oyer Dickey offeredthe f011O'.'4
A:M CO:!V2ZA.:CE 0
117, 118, llU and 1120 1! '.-CM' 7:0. 11, LCCATZED AY
3T11MT5 I;' T:j7 CITY 0:- TMN7,jrj{y, A::', j1.':9'i7C:j1.
tc ' •,n call of the Poll, Yeas, Comninzloner3 Dorton, Johnnton, Pull 1, :i, r
:i,yov Lackey (5).
Crcnissioner Fullia-1 olf1'erod motion that the City i'roanilrer be authorized to
to '.11.Attorney, for '," interstate _ond Compony, chock in the
su:n of ",29.26 in settlement of Its lion for twcr property sold under a
itv!,-iient of the Court in the action of City of J. Fort Abell In the
Foroman branch of said action which proc,.-eded under Amended Fetition No.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co-imissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, W11,-;i0v
• and "ayor Lackey (5).
11—or Lackey offered motion that the City of Paducah nccept the offer of Mr.
'71race Orion to lend a truck to the city for use in the op^vation n, tho Auxiliary
.'ire:)o-artment, tho city a:-,reein[: to maintain the, truc:, in r,cad runnin.f order an:1 to
IIrnturn it to :'r. Cnicn on demand in the same cbnditlon an whon rncoiv,,x1, natiirnI :,anr
and 'nnagar be withovizaO to enter into r. contract
n tear �xccrtod, and that the City N
sold trucl. is to he used. L,, tho city. ti,u,"c to be appraised to
02r:L'rr-.-nc its value at the time of transfer, n1so to 'Ln in3urod and payablo to thti
1� Interoot cony apponr. 1-oth prt
ovIcionn o Lo tneorporatca In the
on (,nll of thn Will, 'Ics-s, r.o=i.nnIon')rn ':orlan, Jolhn,-,nn,
an -1 ;,*ayor Lacicoy (6).
Lac'ey offered notion that 0io City Incl'Arlo
!;'i o:un of -:6SM.17 for pr" -Int, C.[' ni
."rty which thc city ob.
't in the ;roar 1032. Acl', 's
Ful' lom,