HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 67, June 20, 1938No ry
Proceedings of —21 of Cor. ri': toi%"-":j City of Poducah Juno .^.0. 195' _ >�
Lt a re,,}tlar nestln!- of the i..card of Comrnlosloners heldin the
;Corr�iratonms' ^.haa.bn• at the City Hall, I'aducah, ::ontucicy, at 3 o'clock P.I••. on tine
'IOth day of June, 1033, 7,nyor 'da hb-irn presided and. upon call o'.the roll the following
nnsrrered to their names: Corrniscioner.; Hank, Pulliam, i;tnbblcfield and Payor
1.1inutes of the, previous meetlnfa were adopted as react.
Con issloncr Hank offered motion t':at tno. diced rra:aod to :.e1 .4on
_. _"o:•
Lot X81, in Eloex ;'5, in Oak Orovo Cemetery, Paducah, Ky., upon proper ,a.ym-n
of .::C.00 to t7.o City Trev.aurcr be a?proved. L,.'ontorl on call of tiro roll: 'teen;
�::ioners [lank, rullisn, .:tub':lefiold and 1.ayor :;ashburn (4).
.-.._- c?•'��,'
Con^,isnioner Pulliam offered notion that the City I�nnn,^or be
b 'onr�
'rt _or•
to present budget for this year not later than '::cdncsday, J -mc 2,2, 1930.
30ted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co,,Assionsrs i[anic, Pulliam. ltubbleficld and I'c, or
Comminsioncr Pulliam offered motion that the City Eana.7er be
to nre:;ent the apportionment ordinande to this --'pard not later than
J•:no rp, 1938. Adopted on call of the roll: "eas; Corniia ioners Lank,
:aubLleflelLl and Mayor '•+•ashburr. (4).
Commis3ioner Pulliam offered motion that the :ity ;'nna^cr bo
- - ordered
onr •
'lity :ir.t'1 ",iircete'
'n pay tl:e remainder of the unpaid jud^r2^nt of the Rorcivcr of the City
:ani: areinst the City of Pa(Iucah even if money hes to be Lorrov:cd to do antic.
onted on call of the roll: 'Ceaa; Co^._niraioners liar9c, Pulliam, 3tub'.1c 5`i-'1'' u:d :•n.yer
1A anhLarn
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Con":Assioner Pulliam offer..^.c', the follov:in- notion: bet ,,—ity r:a.
—on tie
:'aria^er to borro:•i sufficient money early in this year^o red -t t:he
n -^a o: the c t o Paducah. 4'here is nach comnlnint . n,- is ine:n nccnl
_ slog in r, t_n- Its oi;li;-nt:ions, t'_;orefore I ,cove i r :•,
._ ...
- ^'1^.tsly remedy thin condition • nn.; .. ^r;-. :�;- .. �� (:,wi,:nt
11 of 'hc roll. �eas; conc,dir,in!;
.. .. :^n (•I).
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.'ic.�rn afurea
rks be r,, m d n r. y -I _
- .. .. -. . ,.ici' of t': -_.:t :o: co cue