HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 669, February 24, 1943wbb:^.1ur;r ti4th, 10.13 �.oard of Comm: a _+,r.++,•:+ Proceedings of City of Paducah — At a ';ef„lnr Adjourned noting of the Coard of C.nmralasionc:rs hnL,1 ^n �:,ebruary r' -4th, 1043, at 2;00 o'clock P. il. in the Commisolonor'n Chnmbor at thn .I 1711 y !:all, i'aducah, 1:ontucicy, i'ayor LacL•ey prooided and upon call of tho Roll 1110 :olio:ane arswored to their nnmeo: Comniciaioncrs Dorian, Johnaton, bu111np, +;•r.^r 9 r_ad, I: nyor Lackey (L). ,ayor Lackey offered the following motion: 111.1MEAS, the City of Faducah hna in3tI4utcd in the EcCrackon Circuit t City riperty wrlth Court a suit for the ourpoao of teating the validity of nasonsmenta levied Ly the r!nunty � Com.•aonrrealth of Kentucky and the County of ^crt.acicen ngninat ronl estate purcf,aaed by the City at oalos hold by the ?,'aster Coamisaioner for satisfaction o-, taxes owing the city; and, ','!liE3LAS, the 9oclrd of Suporvinora of Vcrracken County, Kentucky, has requested the City of Paducah to list for taxation purposes all real estate nov: owned by the city, trait by reason of the pendency of the aforesaid action In thr, fccrac'cen Circuit Court, time city does not desire to talce any action by w:itich it mi.^ht waive its richt to claim said property is not subject to taxation, but the Citi of :'aducah is desirous to accommodate the Coard of Supervisors by furniuhin3 to it a description of property o:•Jned and.thereby enable said Lourd of supervisors to note a on its records the transfers of ownership from the names of the former owners of the 'I City of Faducah; I therefore move that the City of Paducah refuse to list for taxation purposes at this time any of the property owned by it, but the City Aaaeasor IS hereby authorized to submit to the Board of Supervisors for its inforr::ation and for no other purpose a statement describing the property now ovmod by the City, ouch state:aent to also include the names of the former owners and the sale price whleiw have been fixed by the 2:onrd of Commissioners. I further move that a certified copy of this notion be filed with the Foard of 3upervlsors, and that said Loard be advised that the filinr. of the statement by the City Aaaeanor in not to be considered as the listlnq of nuid ?rorarty for state and county taxation purronea for tthe ,ycnr 1043. Adopted ons all of the 1c3J 1, 'eaa, ^.nv:asaion^ra Dorian, Johnston, llullinm, ',,'nt-r.,)r and i.a•vor Lackey (t,;. or Lnc.ey offored notion that 5... Ha-rr ,,. ?:cGivcu 'a a�,rolntcd .�aaeor for thirty (30) clays offoctive ;-ebr•.inry ..Cr:!, 1:1•;3, aald n• rio:i `.� c::•! P!• n^achy, .'arch 2.1th, 1943 at nid-ni lit, and that oatc! 'furry vchyme 6 { a' rax t ra;j of thn City t.:anagev, ;,300.(.0 r,c_ wont!:, na ti.o arfect_ve <tr,to ?? t':o •,x: lrntlon date of the appointment, i. S!: r;ntoa 1.ne1 ralco. Conealsalon,,rs Johnaton, i:uli[,;:, 1agnnr ;,u• •.w, ..r;r «nr1 proaent tut no+ voting. urnr . alir,m m farad motion t.hewt tha 'e +lent of t e oar; sI IZe.s .r.rna !ar. '--,dry n4ti, 11.143 t;e received aryl filed, ar.d that the :purrs o1' Its rc ueal: for an extcrr:lan of tir. , :r• csr, •letlan of its work e< asaesnl:, real q•iwrptod on .,._ ol u!r, ;oil, 'swan, , Froceedingjof--��"-! :)' rc,%niorlon—ul Cily of Paducah cbrunrN o notion that the City of Paducah a ecopt the of for Lot No. �, in Clod:Clod:No. 4 in or the purchase nf -',zb—i 1% ion to tl.la (,It y of 1 adu a ch. and that nn ord I nanOo tho fxccutIon of a -'eed to said property be prepared for Introelietton f,t the next Re( -,lar "ecting. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeta, C&Lmis a loners 7orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, %7ngner and tlayor Lackey (5). !,layor Lackey offered motion that Harry G. 1.'cElwoe, who war appointed Actln,,City Yano�er under a motion previously adopted at this meeting, be appointed as pity 7'.anaFor of the City of Paducah and to have all of the powers and perforn all the duties provided, under Section 89,560, et seq of the Kentucky Revised 'Statutes of 194-1, at a salari of .','300.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Con-aIso loners Johnston, Pulliam, 17aCnor and Mayor Lackey (4), Corni:;3ionor Dorian present but not voting. on ;-aycr Lac%ey offered notion that the City MansCor be requested to h;qvo thp 7ar'.- ',=,n,21ntendent talce do -in and retain in his custody all of the flava on display on Jefferson Street, end that said flags be displayed hereafter by order of the _onrd of Cn.-nissioners on holidays and other appropriate occasions. Adopted 1 0 call of the Roll, 'fees, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 1.1arnor and Mayor Lackey (5). on motion the meetinr, adjourned. 1943 APPROVEDttayo ADOPT:D